Professor Takes Heat for Calling Cops on Student Who Discussed Guns in Class

Started by Teresa, March 04, 2009, 10:55:18 PM

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The lunacy never ends..
This is another 'zero tolerance intelligence' decision.  At one time in our history you actually had to have a brain to be a university teacher, sadly that is no longer the case.  It is all politics and personal opinion agenda.

Wednesday, March 04, 2009
By Maxim Lott

A professor in Connecticut reported one of her students to the police after he gave a class presentation on why students and teachers should be allowed to carry concealed weapons on campus. Now, free speech activists say the professor's actions are what really need to be investigated.

Last October, John Wahlberg and two classmates at Central Connecticut State University gave an oral presentation for a communications class taught by Professor Paula Anderson. The assignment was to discuss a "relevant issue in the media," and the students presented their view that the death toll in the April 2007 Virginia Tech shooting massacre would have been lower if professors and students had been carrying guns.

That night, police called Wahlberg, a 23-year-old senior, and asked him to come to the station. When he arrived, they they read off a list of firearms that were registered in his name and asked where he kept them. Guns are strictly prohibited on the CCSU campus and residence halls, but Wahlberg says he lives 20 miles off-campus and keeps his gun collection locked up in a safe. No further action was taken by police or administrators.

"I don't think that Professor Anderson was justified in calling the CCSU police over a clearly non-threatening matter," Wahlberg told The Recorder, the CCSU student newspaper that first reported the story. "Although the topic of discussion may have made a few individuals uncomfortable, there was no need to label me as a threat."

Wahlberg declined to comment further to, saying he did not want more media attention.

According to The Recorder, Anderson cited safety as her reason for calling the police.

"It is also my responsibility as a teacher to protect the well-being of our students, and the campus community at all times," she told The Recorder. "As such, when deemed necessary because of any perceived risks, I seek guidance and consultation from the Chair of my Department, the Dean and any relevant University officials."

Anderson did not respond to calls from Campus police forwarded requests to university spokesman Mark McLaughlin, who declined to comment, citing Wahlberg's privacy.

Robert Shibley, vice president of the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE), said Anderson's actions appeared to be out of line.

"If all he did was discuss reasons for allowing guns on campus, it seems a bit much to call the police and grill him about it," Shibley said. "If you go after students for just discussing an idea, that goes against everything a university is supposed to stand for."

Shibley said FIRE has seen many more cases of hair-trigger responses by administrators over anything gun-related since the Virginia Tech shooting.

In 2007, Shibley noted, a student at Hamline University in Minnesota was suspended after writing a letter to an administrator arguing that carrying concealed weapons on campus may help prevent tragedies like the one at Virginia Tech. The student was allowed to return only after undergoing a psychological evaluation, he said.

Shibley also cited an incident at Colorado College last year in which campus administrators denounced a flyer as "threatening and demeaning content" because it mentioned guns. He said the students who produced the flyer were found guilty of violating the school's violence policy, which was added to their school records.

"It is, of course, important that administrators identify real threats to students," Shibley said. "But they need to use logic to discern whether a threat is real."

But Jerold Duquette, an associate professor of political science at CCSU who sits on the Faculty Senate Committee on Academic Freedom, say the Wahlberg case is not so clear-cut.

"This is a situation where both sides can come up with a reasonable explanation," Duquette said.

"[Wahlberg] certainly has a reason to complain, since he didn't do anything directly threatening. But I wouldn't say the administration has a reason to sanction or punish the professor or the police.... I don't know if I would have done anything differently in the situation."

Katie Kasprzak, a spokeswoman for the group Students for Concealed Carry on Campus, suggested that the professor called the police because she disagreed with Wahlberg's political views.

"Critics of Students for Concealed Carry on Campus argue that colleges and universities are dedicated to the free flow of ideas," she said. "Yet when a student gives a class presentation on a relevant issue in the media, it is acceptable to label the student as a threat? The only threat posed was a threat to the professor's personal beliefs."

Duquette said there was no evidence to support that.

"I think a lot of people see this as a liberal professor going after a student because he likes guns. I don't know if that's the case," Duquette said, adding that more would need to be known about the incident.

I'm really glad I get to help pay the salaries of candyass liberals such as Miss..Ms or Mrs Anderson.  ::) >:(
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


This type of thing really doesn't suprise me considering that most colleges are very liberal in their thinking.  I had to sit through a semster of sociology taught by a woman who took every chance to remind us that she was indian (oh, wait, excuse me, native american) and that the evil white man was to blame for all this countrys problems and "inequalities".  She actually brought in 4 inmates to talk to us about not breaking the law.  It ended up being nothing but a "feel sorry for the poor criminal who broke the law because society made them do it" session.  About half way into it I finally stood up to leave, the Prof. got mad and asked me where I was going?  I kindly informed her that I didn't need a bunch of sorry a$$ed convicts telling me not to break the law, after all, I was a criminal justice major.

I cringe every time I ask my oldest son, a 5th grader, a history question.  I can remeber having history class and homework in this very subject when I was his age.  Nowadays, they have social studies.  WHAT A CROCK!!!  It truly is a sad state of affairs when public schools won't even teach American history the way it happened.  They water it down and add a twist.  Take the slavery issue for example.  Yes it was bad.  Yes some were treated terribily.  But why teach it in a way that suggests every white farmer in the south had slaves.  Fact is most were to poor to own shoes, let alone slaves.  And why would a person who did own slaves pay hundereds of dollars for something and then treat it like crap. Then there is the indian issue, yes, the government entered into treaties, yes they broke them, BUT SO DID THE INDIANS!!!  I could go on and on, I really get steamed. 

Just yesterday my daughter brought home a weekly reader about global warming, even though it has been proven false.

What scares the hell out of me is how this country is changing.  The communist manifesto states that in order for the party to take control it has to have the minds and additudes of the children, forget the adults.  The left is doing this very thing.

It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


Oh, boy, don't get me started on lincoln, 

The only president to use federal troops to invade his own country.
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


Yeah, well Lincoln was the first Republican President too.
Lincoln is the foundation of the Republican party and he changed
the U.S. forever when General R E Lee surrendered at Appomattox.

Grover Cleveland was the last "real" Democrat President.


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