O's Congressional Moment

Started by Catwoman, February 24, 2009, 08:43:08 PM

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I am watching O's Congressional address with great interest.  It is interesting that the small section holding the Republicans is the loudest section...I've never heard silence scream louder than it has tonight.  Whoops...the Repub's are finally standing...Guess the news about monies being given out for student loans, car loans and small business loans must be good news...They're even clapping.  Hmmm.  Gods...Now he's putting down CEOs for using private jets and taking expensive vacations...I'll be REALLY impressed when he, Big Bad Joe ('cause you don't mess with Joe, right?), the big pile of Pelosi and the rest of those fat cats take pay cuts and have to stomach an equal share of the common American's pain-filled pie.  I just hope O can deliver on all of the fancy talking he's doing tonight.  Uh oh...Now he's made the statement that he's put forth the funding to make sure teachers don't get cut...That's a pile of bullhooie.  I don't know of a district around here who isn't looking at VERY deep cuts coming...they're predicting as much as 4.5%, possibly more, for the next year.  Wait a minute...now he's said that this legislation is free of earmarks?  Who is he kidding now?  OH NO...Now he's talking about ending payments to big farm corporations.  WHOOPS...Now he's talking about tax cuts to 95% of working people...and the checks are on the way....Where's MINE? 


   I'm jumpin off the fence...........there was a lot of intelligence and foresight in his speech. Common sense did make an appearance. It was an inspiring speech. I'm not naive enought to believe much of it will make it thru the process but it would be absolutely cool if for ONCE Congress would do what's BEST for all of America instead of what's best for them.
   I know most of you are Obama haters and I've been an Obama sceptic myself, I have changed my opinion.
   Let the beatin commence.............................
Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him through temporary periods of joy.
William Butler Yeats


No beating will come from me, Pam...And, for the record, I don't hate him...I just don't trust him.  Anyone who has taken a high school speech or forensics course (or been a member of Madrigals) can deliver a stirring rendition of "We Shall Overcome".  I'll believe the rendition I've heard tonight when I actually see this great nation getting up off of it's collective knees (we might have taken a knock in this recession but we're not down for the count just yet) and utilizing our greatest tool...Our democracy...To get us back on the right track.  I would love to believe that this stimulus package is just the ticket...I don't, though.  I'm apprehensive regarding the level of debt that this is going to put on our children's backs.  I know a jumpstart is necessary...But was the monies put aside to study pig and cow odors and manure REALLY necessary?  Talk about earmarks!


  Oh I agree with you for the most part Catwoman but I think he has a good vision basically. Most of the things he said amounted to common sense.
  Our greatest tool tho isn't our government, it is you, me and every other American no matter what their ethnicity is. We can make these things happen with or without the support of our government. Our government can't do ANYthing tho without IT'S greatest tool, the American people.
   No president or congress, except the first one, has ever been responsible for any great thing, and THEY got the idea from the Iraquois Confederacy.
  The American PEOPLE are what made this country and our government what it was and can be again.  We HAVE to change, the same ol program ain't gonna cut it anymore, it's just delaying the inevitable.
We have to get back to our roots, start taking care of our own, start being responsible for our own destinies, stop living on credit, and stop blaming.
That's the 3 things I got from the speech......personal responsibility, financial responsibility and parental responsibility.
The secret to the government not doing what they want is to do what you need for yourself, your family and your neighbors without them.
Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him through temporary periods of joy.
William Butler Yeats


vision smigion.......
He is as corrupt and crooked as they come.
You can like him all you want.......... That is none of my business.

I can't stand nor do I trust the socialistic lying slime ball.

((And with that cheery note.. I will smile and politely bow out of this thread..  ;D))
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


  Lol, Like he has a monopoly on bein corrupt and crooked in our government :P I think that is a job requirement!

   I'm impressed with the message...not necesarily the messenger. I can work the message with or with out the government.

  Don't bow out on my account! LOL I've been havin my own opinions for years whether or NOT anybody likes em. Think that's why I'm so popular with the in-crowd :P
Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him through temporary periods of joy.
William Butler Yeats


Wow, CW.... Good reporting!   8)  I wished I read your play by play of the O's speech tonight instead of wasting my time watching him on C-Span.  BTW, no mention of the PORK in the stimulus bill.   :o  I wonder why???  :P
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


WHy is it that Government has to save us economically?   
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


They don't, theoretically speaking...But, realistically speaking, we're going to be in a world of hurt if we don't get a shot of penicillan soon to stem the tide of all this flesh-eating bacteria that our current system is experiencing.  Pam is right...we need changes at the most basic level.  Short of someone invading us and taking us over, though, I don't expect to see the kind of change occur that is really needed.  We've got way too many people at the governmental level who are entrenched, "business as usual" types.  Too bad we can't just make a clean sweep and put Pam, Frank, Teresa and Warph into office.  Man, we'd be rocking then!  :o  lol


Quote from: Catwoman on February 25, 2009, 07:28:34 PM
They don't, theoretically speaking...But, realistically speaking, we're going to be in a world of hurt if we don't get a shot of penicillan soon to stem the tide of all this flesh-eating bacteria that our current system is experiencing.  Pam is right...we need changes at the most basic level.  Short of someone invading us and taking us over, though, I don't expect to see the kind of change occur that is really needed.  We've got way too many people at the governmental level who are entrenched, "business as usual" types.  Too bad we can't just make a clean sweep and put Pam, Frank, Teresa and Warph into office.  Man, we'd be rocking then!  :o  lol

Well quite frankly they have had enough doses of pennicillan.  to start with they took 750 billion and told us that we the people would be paid back by these companies they doled it out to.  How they intend on paying back that money i have no idea since we never got a Bona fide Contract stating the terms of the agreement, the length of time for the "loan", nor the rate of interest our money would make.  In other words we got screwed. 
Then they tell us, oh that isn't enough, we need 850 billion more dollars cause its all going to fall apart.  AGAIN they take the money out of our pockets, and don't even kiss us first before they screw us, and then dole it out.  I heard again today, that the messiah can't save us with 1.6 trillion dollars they have stolen, so now they need another 500 billion out of our pockets.

I say hell no. Enough is enough.  IF they can't do what they need to do with 1.6 trillion then nothing is going to save it.  Let it die.  I have absolutely no sympathy for the banks.  They screwed us and screwed themselves.  NOw their begging for money so they can do it again to us.  Let those who will survive survive and those who will fail fail. 

Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.

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