Oklahoma City PD Admits Mistake in Pulling Over Man With Anti-Obama Sign

Started by Teresa, February 21, 2009, 02:55:29 PM

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Oklahoma City PD Admits Mistake in Pulling Over Man With Anti-Obama Sign
According to The Oklahoman newspaper, an Oklahoma City police officer pulled over a man last week because he had in his car a sign that said, "Abort Obama, not the unborn." 

Thursday, February 19, 2009

The Oklahoma City Police Department admits one of its officers made a mistake in pulling over a man last week for carrying an anti-President Obama sign in his car.

According to The Oklahoman newspaper, an officer pulled over Chip Harrison last week because he had in his car a sign that said, "Abort Obama, not the unborn."

The officer confiscated the sign and handed Harrison a slip telling him he was under investigation, even though Harrison argued that the sign only meant he wanted Obama removed from office.

The officer thought Harrison was threatening to kill the president, according to the article. But the department later explained that the officer misinterpreted the sign.

That didn't stop Harrison from getting a visit from the Secret Service. They interviewed him at his house and determined he was not a threat to the president, according to the report.

There are several issues here that require addressing:
(Answers in parentheses are provided by a retired cop of 23 years based on his experiences.)

1.) OKC officials never identified the race of the offending officer(s). Is this a racial thing by a black cop(s)? A little racial profiling based on political sentiment?
(I would bet on it, but it could be a white officer trying to impress a partner black officer with his own political zealotry.)

2.) Why was the Secret Service notified by the OKC when this man was clearly threatening no one? Was it so no one in the hierarchy would look as if they were anti-Obama? Are they that scared of being labeled as racists for not doing so?
(The answer is yes, but their feet should be held to the fire regardless.)

3.) What is the pertinence of what groups this guy belongs to when he clearly was only practicing his Constitutional right to express his opinion on political issues? Is the Secret Service declaring war on persons based on whether or not they are politically correct?
(The SS answers to no one.)

4.) Whatever happened to the requirement of probable cause having to be established before a traffic stop can be initiated? Did this cop(s) violate policy as well as law? Will he(they) be disciplined? If not, will that be because of his/their races? (Absolutely. The Secret Service is sacrosanct in this matter. they are not required to follow doctrine of law. However, in spite of the fact that the arresting officer(s) and their supervisor(s) still wanted to screw with this guy because he was not an Obama supporter, there was clearly no reason to bring in the federal authorities. Their actions were clearly designed to punish him for his political leanings.)

5.) Does everyone need to display an Obama sticker on their car in order to be treated fairly and/or be allowed to exhibit any type of protest?
(We might be wise to remove all other stickers before the Obamaites now in power come after US.)

6). Would the outcome have been different if the officers had been white, the sign been anti-republican, and the driver black?
(Absolutely. They would have been excoriated and suspended pending further disciplinary action against them, probably resulting in eventual termination.)

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


While I would like to think that this is going to be an isolated experience, I am sure that you will see more of this. 


Okay, don't anyone get all riled up and mad at me for this one. I'm just having fun. But seriously—once he's taxed away your paycheck, savings, and inheritance to fund big government bailouts, what else can you think?
This whole thing was One Big A-- Mistake, America.

These bumper stickers are great...even if you're afraid to put some of them on your car!

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

Dee Gee

Learn from the mistakes of others You can't live long enough to make them all yourself

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