Children's Books in Dumpsters: Washington's Madness Continues

Started by Teresa, February 19, 2009, 02:08:32 AM

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More insanity, or another way to control information?
HR 4040 - Children's books now illegal to sell. Seriously.

Thanks to Congress all children's books made prior to 1985 are now illegal to sell. Unless you have them tested to PROVE they are leadfree
(600 ppm for the first year, 300 ppm as of August2009, and 100 ppm thereafter.)
The fine starts at $100,000 WITH prison time.

This includes garage sales & yard sales.

Children's Books in Dumpsters: Washington's Madness Continues
by Gary North

The kiddie police have begun to march across America, threatening thrift stores, as I warned.

On February 10, workers in America's thrift stores tossed out every children's book that was printed prior to 1985.
That is the law.

A parent is not allowed to go into a thrift store and buy a book printed before 1985. Those books are now gone.

On the dumpsters filled with children's books, read this.

Congress has spoken. Well, not quite. The bureaucrats who use Congress as their hand puppet, agency by agency, have spoken. The bureaucrats spend their careers identifying threats to the people. They get paid to do this, and they are paid well. They invent a presumed threat and then terrorize Congress into passing a 500-page bill that no Congressman has read. Then the bureaucrats add more regulations in the name of this 500-page law.

This has gone on since 1913, and it will continue to go on until the system finally breaks down. This is the logic of the system.

Here is the new reality, one week old. If you can still find any pre-1985 books, it is because the thrift store's managers don't know they are breaking the law and could be fined or sent to prison if they persist.

Congress passed the enabling legislation law last year: The Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act of 2008. It has 239 sections. I don't expect you to read it – after all, no Congressman or Senator did – but click the link and skim it: "Most parents are irresponsible and must not be trusted."

Every Federal law looks like this one. This was true when I was a Capitol Hill staffer for Ron Paul in 1976, and it will be true for as long as the Federal government is solvent by means of (1) our tax money, (2) Treasury debt investors' money, and (3) Federal Reserve fiat money.

The bureaucrats are now enforcing the letter of the 2008 law. Congressmen will feign ignorance. "Gee, how were we to know?"

Too late. The books are in landfill.

But why? "Stop dangerous lead paint!" Right. The lead paint in pre-1985 kids' books in minuscule traces. There is no known example of any child being injured by lead paint from a book. No matter. The law's the law.

This seems insane, but it is the relentless logic of the State: "Nothing is permitted unless authorized by the State."

The Federal government has authorized abortion on demand. But, once a parent allows a child to be born, that parent is not be allowed to buy the child a pre-1985 book. Such books are too dangerous for children.

This is the logic of Washington. This logic is relentless. It will be extended by law into every nook and cranny of our lives until it is stopped.

This will stop it: (1) the destruction of the dollar, (2) the bankruptcy of the Federal government, and (3) a decision by millions of Americans to say, "I will not obey this law." Law by law, people say, one by one, "I will not obey. Arrest me. I will hire a lawyer. Maybe I will simply defend myself in a court of law. I will resist." Gandhi did it. It worked. People will organize, law by law, to clog the courts, jam the legal system, and vote out of office every politician who does not repeal a specific law. Nothing else can stop this madness.

Americans have surrendered their liberties to Washington, one by one. The process is relentless. No insanity is too great for the bureaucrats. Yet the public is oblivious.

It stems from a simple assumption: "My neighbors are irresponsible. They must not be allowed to make voluntary exchanges, no matter how harmless." This belief leads to a principle of law: Nothing is allowed unless authorized by the State.

Some of your friends may think you are extreme for not trusting Congress and the bureaucrats. Forward this report to them. They may not yet perceive the nature of Beltway madness.

It is going to get much worse. We can be certain of this. Bureaucrats respect only one thing: budget cuts. That's a long way away. But the destruction of the dollar may not be.

H.R. 4040 from 2008 The law itself.
Effective as of Feb. 10, 2009.
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


QuoteThis will stop it: (1) the destruction of the dollar, (2) the bankruptcy of the Federal government, and (3) a decision by millions of Americans to say, "I will not obey this law." Law by law, people say, one by one, "I will not obey. Arrest me. I will hire a lawyer. Maybe I will simply defend myself in a court of law. I will resist." Gandhi did it. It worked. People will organize, law by law, to clog the courts, jam the legal system, and vote out of office every politician who does not repeal a specific law. Nothing else can stop this madness.

Pretty simple if all the stupid people who have been raised to take NO personal responsibility for ANYthing in their lives can be taught that the opposite of that is ACTUALLY true it might work.

Face it this is a country of sheep. They may baaaaaaaaaa a little louder if somthin doesn't seem right to em but they still walk right into the traps laid for em and stand there while the wolves have dinner.

Is there anybody who has the courage to stand up left in this country? I don't know.....I don't even know if I do till it comes down to doin it and then I sure as hell HOPE I do. Nobody knows till they DO it whether or not they CAN do it.
Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him through temporary periods of joy.
William Butler Yeats


The Fed's have a lot of power over folks nowdays.  Just look at the money and authority they are pouring into education.
It's their agenda that's being maintained, promoted and taught. 

Don't forget the huge amount of Federal "money" that's been made available to companies and people for years and now we have the "stimulus" and with even more money becoming available.  Yes, there's many Fed checks issued and that's how people will act and vote.  We are influenced by the Fed's - aren't we?


  You know I was educated in a public school but I learned at home to explore other avenues and extend my learning to other viewpoints and dig for the "truth". I learned there are always two sides to EVERY story and the popular one ain't always the true one. My kids are public school educated but they also were taught by me to ask questions and look for the answers.
  I guess maybe the Feds influence me and mine but not quite in the way they intended, we were influenced to look elswhere for our answers.
Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him through temporary periods of joy.
William Butler Yeats


Someone had better go and guard the Declaration of Independence, the Bill of Rights, the Constitution, the Mayflower Compact, and all the other documents used for forging and founding this Great Nation.  You do realize that they were printed before 1985 as well, and there are many that would love to see them go by the wayside.

Read Ray Bradbury's book, "Fahrenheit 451"...

....451 degrees, the temperature at which paper self ignites!  (spontaneous combustion)

"The novel presents a future American society in which the masses are hedonistic, and critical thought through reading is outlawed.  The central character, Guy Montag, is employed as a "fireman" (which, in this future, means "book burner"). The number "451" refers to the temperature (in Fahrenheit) at which the books burn when the "firemen" burn them "for the good of humanity".  Written in the early years of the Cold War, the novel is a critique of what Bradbury saw as an increasingly dysfunctional American society."

(((( The Nazis destroyed books too.))))

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


  Not to start another argument but so have fundamental christians, the ku klux klan,  world war 2 era protestors, right here in the good ol US of A.
  Humans of all sorts have always tried to control what is available to inform of dissenting views to their own.

  Remember the record bonfires of the 70's LOL.

  They've also condemned toys made before a certain date because of lead contamination. They can't be sold in second hand stores or garage sales etc. either.

  This ban is basically just another example of people gettin over excited and throwin the baby out with the bath-water which is what people do now because they have no mind of their own and only listen to the current "popular" story. I'm pretty sure I was exposed to higher levels of lead than kids nowadays when I was growing up and I seem to be able to compose a coherant sentence and don't just set around slobberin.
Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him through temporary periods of joy.
William Butler Yeats


Well, I slobber sometimes but probably not because of lead poisoning. This is probably because my mom would have popped us for chewing on anything other than food. That included nails, thumbs, pencils, paperclips, and any other thing that kids put in their mouths. We would never have dreamt of messing up a book by chewing on it, and if you were too young to know that, then you did not have unsupervised access. Same goes for furniture and woodwork and clothing.  :P :P


My Mother would "pop" us or worse for damaging anything.  We didn't have enough to be careless with anything.  I taught my kids to take care of things.  But my grandchildren weren't taught the same values.  Makes me wonder where I went wrong.  But, guess what, my great grandchildren are more careful than their parents were.  Makes me wonder even more.

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