More on Lincoln

Started by redcliffsw, February 18, 2009, 12:11:47 PM

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Lately, there's been a lot of publicity about Abe Lincoln and most of it is one-sided.
Yet, there's another side that the Lincoln cultists and most educators never tell. 
Dr. Thomas DiLorenzo has written two good books entitled "The Real Lincoln" and "Lincoln Unmasked". 
Here's a good video of an interview with Dr. Thomas DiLorenzo about Abe Lincoln.



Chuck Baldwin writes a good one entitled Abraham Lincoln's America

America just celebrated Presidents Day this past Monday. What first began as an observance for President George Washington has (since the 1980s) morphed into the generic "Presidents Day," which is a politically correct celebration of mediocrity that forces our nation's greatest President to be lumped together with incompetents such as Ulysses S. Grant, Woodrow Wilson, and Jimmy Carter.

On the occasion of Presidents Day, a USA Today/Gallup poll asked the American people to select the greatest President. The top five Presidents, according to the Gallup poll, are (in order): Ronald Reagan, John Kennedy, Abraham Lincoln, Franklin Roosevelt, and George Washington.

Can you believe it? George Washington was rated fifth. Fifth. With a vote total of only 9 percent, no less...............

Read rest of the story here:

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