Kanas Suspends Income Tax Refunds

Started by Mom70x7, February 16, 2009, 03:17:53 PM

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Kansas suspends income tax refunds, may miss payroll as GOP leaders block borrowing



You are frickin' kidding me!!   >:(
Wish we could just decide to do that with people we owe money to.
I guess we can, but WE face consequences of that kind of decision, unlike the thieving crooked corrupt slime ball of a government.
Mad? Not just yes.. but hell yes..   

Another article on it.

The Kansas budget crisis has taken on a starker tenor as agencies reportedly are considering suspending income tax refunds to manage budgetary shortfalls.


(Read the comments at the end of the article.. you know.........I think people are just about getting their belly full......)

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

Dee Gee

Even worse is the fact that they can't make payroll, what are the state employees's supposed to do without their pay. They won't even be able to shop for food and medicines.
Learn from the mistakes of others You can't live long enough to make them all yourself


Quote from: Dee Gee on February 16, 2009, 06:28:15 PM
Even worse is the fact that they can't make payroll, what are the state employees's supposed to do without their pay. They won't even be able to shop for food and medicines.
Send a letter to the Governor and tell her to get off her ass and sign the budget that the legislatures have prepared.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.

jerry wagner

Quote from: srkruzich on February 16, 2009, 08:17:29 PM
Quote from: Dee Gee on February 16, 2009, 06:28:15 PM
Even worse is the fact that they can't make payroll, what are the state employees's supposed to do without their pay. They won't even be able to shop for food and medicines.
Send a letter to the Governor and tell her to get off her ass and sign the budget that the legislatures have prepared.

Ummmmm...... it is her prerogative not to sign it.  Should the legislature possess a sufficient majority to overturn the perspective veto, so be it, otherwise create a better compromise.


Quote from: jerry wagner on February 16, 2009, 08:58:48 PM
Quote from: srkruzich on February 16, 2009, 08:17:29 PM
Quote from: Dee Gee on February 16, 2009, 06:28:15 PM
Even worse is the fact that they can't make payroll, what are the state employees's supposed to do without their pay. They won't even be able to shop for food and medicines.
Send a letter to the Governor and tell her to get off her ass and sign the budget that the legislatures have prepared.

Ummmmm...... it is her prerogative not to sign it.  Should the legislature possess a sufficient majority to overturn the perspective veto, so be it, otherwise create a better compromise.
Well then its my perogative as well as everyone elses to give her as much hell as we can until she does.  Life can become miserable for her you know. 
GOing to be hard to run the programs she won't cut the budget on when her employees tell her to kiss off when they don't have a paycheck
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


got a email from knox,


Thanks for the email. I agree with you 100%. This is the governor's doing. When we
in the legislature make her obey the law, she pulls this game. We need leadership in
the governor's office. We can only hope that Obama sweeps her away from Kansas.


Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


  Was interested in this because the company Joe works for is headquartered in Kansas so we pay Kansas income tax. So I read the whole thing and been listening to the news about it.

The last paragraph....."GOP leaders are hoping to pressure Sebelius into signing a bill making $326 million in adjustments to the budget for the fiscal year that ends June 30. Almost half of the adjustments are spending cuts.

Legislators approved that bill last week, but it has not reached the governor's desk. Sebelius hasn't said whether she will sign it."

Can't sign it if it hasn't got to her yet.
Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him through temporary periods of joy.
William Butler Yeats


Quote from: srkruzich on February 16, 2009, 09:09:28 PM
got a email from knox,


Thanks for the email. I agree with you 100%. This is the governor's doing. When we
in the legislature make her obey the law, she pulls this game. We need leadership in
the governor's office. We can only hope that Obama sweeps her away from Kansas.


Hopefully she will go to Washington to serve on the great one's cabinet and not as a senate candidate.


You know........It's not about the taxes....it's about the spending. >:(
We have a governor that supports illegals and the Chamber or Commerce owns most of the Rino Republicans, we will be a 3rd world state before long with all the illegals having jobs and Kansan will be out of work.
Pelosi,  Reid and the Obama White House were absolutely certain about one thing for the House/Senate negotiating committee on the Stimulus Bill:
There was to be no special restriction to keep illegal aliens from getting new jobs created by the bill at a cost of $250,000 to $500,000 each.

I had someone e-mail me this article.. and added this comment...
"I wonder how long before other states begin to go broke.  I am a state employee in Colorado, we have already given up a cost of living increase this year, any performance bonuses or incentive awards, are now facing forced furloughs, and in the position that I am in will most likely loose my housing allowance, which will be a hit of $500/month.  I commute in a van pool 180 miles a day and that pool will also most likely go a way which means my expense to commute.  That will entail a much reduced net income.
But the gas fields are shutting down, and no other real jobs here on Western Slope....and now we have a government which is endebting our grand kids....just great.
Are things starting to look like a depression yet?"

Way back in the mid 70's I had a teacher that pointed out the only difference between a recession and a depression was the spelling.  His claim was that the choice of words was the financial sector's influence just like the Chamber of Commerce trying to influence bad weather forecasts prior to big weekends.

I wonder if those of us who are self-employed and due a refund, if we could just use the IOU against their 2009 tax payments?

HA! 3 guesses and the first 2 don't count!  >:( >:(
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

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