Mailbox trouble

Started by Mom70x7, February 08, 2009, 03:23:00 PM

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That's what Jim and I heard last night as he was getting ready to collect the Sunday papers for distribution. We both went outside to see what caused the noise - saw nothing except a pair of taillights a little over a block away, heading south on Chestnut.

A few minutes later found the source of the sound - someone had put an explosive in the mailbox across the street from our house. Definitely blew it up.

At this point, no idea who; no idea why.

I don't like it, though.


WOW.  I've heard of stuff like that happening in bigger cities but not anywhere in Elk the police have any leads on it?


We were all having a birthday party for Kjell and Liz Marchant under Marks carport and playing cards last night.  It definitely was loud. Like to scared the heck out of me. I had just stepped out the back door from getting the grandkids settled down with blankets, milk and bedtime stories. Stepped out to go back to playing cards and it went off. I couldn't really tell where it came from though. Everyone else was inside the garage with the music on too, so they didn't hear it like I did. But it was loud, that's for sure.  :o
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


That sounds like a serious offense when a mailbox is involved. 


To mess with a mailbox is a federal do it with a bomb raises it to the level of terrorism involving explosives, according to a friend of mine who works in a law enforcement office...Would anyone (Janet???) know the proper legal designation on this? 


Janet would know but she won't be on the forum until some time tomorrow at the earliest.

Meanwhile, it is a federal offense and if you have any or know any kids of the age that might be involved in something like this, it might be a good idea to warn them as to the consequences.  Being kids won't make it any easier on them and being kids, they probably don't realize that it is a federal offense and not just a practical joke.


Wonder if it's the same "kids" that came tearing by our house at midnight last night in a truck with a muffler that rattled our windows (and we live off the road a ways!).  It was enough to bring my hubby straight up out of bed with shotgun in hand.  And we complain about our roads being so bad?  It's any wonder when people go "mudding" like that after a rain!

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