Lee Bailey

Started by W. Gray, February 09, 2009, 10:20:04 AM

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Ole Granny

I knew Bill would know.  Lee always set up a display in his window which everyone enjoyed viewing.  Some were new photos and some were old.  A small thing but do miss it.
"Perhaps they are not the stars in the sky.
But rather openings where our loved ones,
Shine down to let us know they are happy."
Eskimo Legend


The Shaeffer House museum here in Moline has one room with items from Lees' old studio, and a display of some of his photos. Very interesting; I see new things each time that I am there. I am a museum afficianado, and enjoy most museums. It was an inexpensive family activity that my parents took advantage of when we were growing up.

W. Gray

I will keep that in mind the next time I go through it.

Last time, I was so engrossed on finding something else that I may have just glossed over it.
"If one of the many corrupt...county-seat contests must be taken by way of illustration, the choice of Howard County, Kansas, is ideal." Dr. Everett Dick, The Sod-House Frontier, 1854-1890.
"One of the most expensive county-seat wars in terms of time and money lost..." Dr. Homer E Socolofsky, KSU

Roma Jean Turner

Lee took all of my pictures through grade school.  Even thought my mother and I left Moline when i was three, she brought me back every year to have Lee take my picture.  He was great.  I have a picture hanging on my wall.  My Dad took the picture in black and white, i(t is a street scene in England that my Dad took during the war).  He brought it back and Lee enlarged it and colored.  It is still in the original frame.  I do believe that his negatives are at the Kansas Historical Society.  I would love to go through a catalog of his work and see if he has pictures of other family members that I don't have.  He was so good at working with children.


Quote from: frawin on February 09, 2009, 11:30:29 AM
Waldo, interestingly, all but one of my brothers and sisters were there for the photo which was taken December 26, 1947. My brother Dwight was in the Navy and could not be there so Lee left a slot on the end of one row and the next time Dwight came home on leave, Lee took his picture and put it in the slot. He done an amazing job and if you didn't know it was done that way you couldn't tell . Lee was a really good country Photgrapher, and took a lot of pride in his work.

The picture .of the Winn family always had a prominent place on my Mom's china cabinet for as long as I remember. At some point she had a larger That picture is a major reason that I came to this forum to research my family history and reconnect to my roots. I love hearing all the little details to the stories that I grew up on. Thanks to all for adding your bits of details.



Got these from Roma... She said:
The only one I know anything about is Roy Jackson. ( The last picture)
He graduated in the Class of 1910 in Moline with my grandmother Roma Elting Turner.  He also sang at her wedding. 

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Here is the last one..

Ruth Louise Long   8 months.
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

Roma Jean Turner

  The first babies name is Velma Dawning, second is Helen Morris, the date on the back of the picture is Sept 5, third is Jack Churchill Buckly and fourth is Mahlon Evert Farschmite (not clear on the spelling of the last name).  All of these were in the collection of photos that belonged to the Turners.  I am guessing that these were children of my Grandmother Roma's friends.  She graduated from Moline in 1910 and had my father in 1914, so most of these baby pictures are probably from that era.  I would love to reunite them with a family.  I have a bunch of childrens pictures with no names at all.


I was at the KSHS Research Room not long ago and inquired about Lee's photo collection.  The lady did some checking and came back and told me there were 50+ "banker's boxes" of his photos/negatives, but that none of them were indexed or even catalogued.  She brought out one box to show me and there must have been 60-80 individual envelopes in it, each one containing a photo and/or negative.  Lee had each one dated and the name of the person placing the order written on each envelope and sometimes a mention of who the subject was, but not necessarily by name.  For example, it might list a surname and then state 'baby', 'wedding', or 'senior'.  Totally by coincidence, the box I looked through was of photos taken in 1952, so there were envelopes with the baby pictures of several of my school classmates.  Whether KSHS will ever have the staff time and availability to get the collection indexed is questionable, but it is all in storage there in Topeka.

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