A Major Gathering of the Lefties, Morons and Clowns

Started by Warph, February 02, 2009, 06:59:29 PM

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The only real difference between liberals and teenagers is that the people the teens idolize can sometimes sing, dance and/or play a musical instrument.  Lefties would say the very same thing about conservatives, but, as usual, they'd be wrong.

Consider our icons for a moment.  They tend to be people like Washington, Jefferson and Adams. In modern times, we have Ronald Reagan.  When he was president, liberals demeaned him as an ignoramus and called for his impeachment.  They claimed he was just another dumb actor, whereas the real dumb actor, Jimmy Carter, they insisted, had the IQ of a genius..... or was that ignoramus, I forget.  Somehow, they managed to overlook the fact that Carter had allowed the Islamics to take control of Iran and hold American hostages for 444 days.  Yeah, must have been ignoramus.  On the home front, Carter gave us 21% interest rates, 13.5% inflation and 7% unemployment.  On the misery index, which is how economists measure such things, that's a miserable 20.5%.  In human terms, that would probably be the equivalent of losing your dog and your left arm.  Not only did Reagan get the economy off life-support, but he managed to hammer the final nail into the Soviet Union's coffin.  Go Ronnie!

Liberals, on the other hand, will put people such as "Slick Willy" Clinton, Al "Sky is Falling" Gore, Charles "Chuckie" Schumer and Barney "Elmer Fudd" Frank, on pedestals.   Compared to the likes of them, teen idols Britney Spears, Miley Cyrus and Lindsay Lohan, don't look so bad.

But if grown-ups think it's absurd and unseemly for the MSM to pant over Barack Obama, whose major achievement consists of having won a popularity contest against unpopular John McCain, that's nothing compared to their longstanding love affair with left-wing despots and traitors.  Back in the 30's and 40's, the American left went gaga over Joseph Stalin, your know, the scumbag who killed a gazillion of his people.   In the 50's, they demonstrated on behalf of the Rosenbergs and Alger Hiss.  In the 60's, they wore little hats adorned with a red star and carried around Mao's Little Red Book in homage to mass murderer Mao Tse-Tung and, for good measure, sang the praises of the Black Panthers and Abbie Hoffman and Bill Ayers.

Then along came Fidel Castro and Ernesto Guevara, better known to his adoring fans as Che.  By the way, people began calling him "Che" because it's the Spanish equivalent of "Hey," something he apparently said with even greater and more annoying frequency than John McCain said "My friends" or Caroline Kennedy says, "You know."

Castro, lest it be glossed over by Sean Penn's infatuation with the bearded one, dealt with Cuba's homosexual population by either killing them or sticking them in concentration camps.  Odd, isn't it, how much more noise the gay community makes about Reverend Rick Warren's giving an invocation than they ever have about the bloody tyrant who's spent the past half century presiding over a reign of terror a scant 90 miles from Florida?

In an article he wrote for the American Thinker, Humberto Fontava reminded us what some of the leading lights on the left have said about Castro, the man on whose behalf Che Guevara happily executed hundreds, perhaps thousands, of Cubans for no bigger sin than their not wishing to replace a dictator named Batista, with another named Castro.  .

It was extortionist extraordinaire Jesse Jackson who said, "Viva Fidel!  Viva Che!  Long live our cry of freedom!"

Historical revisionist and sometime movie director Oliver Stone claimed, "Castro is very selfless and moral.  One of the world's wisest men."  Right -- as if druggie Stone would know the first thing about morality or wisdom.

Ted Turner, who drinks a lot, informed us that Castro is "One helluva guy!"

Harry Belafonte, Hugo Chavez's favorite calypso singer, sounding like Howard Dean at his goofiest, insisted, "If you believe in justice, if you believe in democracy, you have no choice but to support Fidel Castro."  Well, inasmuch as Castro has ruled over Cuba for 50 years without holding an election, you'd hardly regard him as the poster boy for democracy, but facts rarely get in the way once a leftist goes into his cheerleading routine.

Jack Nicholson informs us that "Castro is a genius," but that's understandable because in Hollywood, any jackass who directs a movie is hailed as a genius.

Speaking of jackasses, another Hollywood ninny who doesn't worry about embarrassing family and friends by opening his yap, proclaimed, "Fidel, I love you.  We both have beards.  We both have power and want to use it for good purposes."  The speaker was not, as you might have guessed, Barbara Streisand or Arianna Huffington, but Francis Ford Coppola.

Never one to leave his lack of intelligence in doubt, Chevy Chase claimed, "Socialism works.  I think Cuba might prove it."

But it's not just those on the left coast who have made goo-goo eyes at Castro.  Colin Powell, who should have faded away, as was the lot of old soldiers, according to a British war ballad, instead took the time to tell us, "Castro has done some good things for Cuba."   Powell never got around to telling us what those things were.  Instead, he wound up sounding like the apologists for fascism during the 1930s who never got tired of reminding the world that, thanks to Mussolini, the Italian trains ran on time.

The late Norman Mailer, the moral conscience of New York's upper Westside, who stabbed his wife and also led the campaign to get killer Jack Henry Abbott out of jail, so that, quite predictably, he could murder again, unequivocally stated: "Fidel Castro is the greatest hero to appear in the Americas."

Not one to be left out of any major gathering of morons, George McGovern proclaimed, "Castro is shy and sensitive, a man I regard as a friend."

The fact that Castro has probably defiled more women than Saddam Hussein and his sons, Qusay and Uday, put together doesn't mean a thing to his legion of fans, male and female alike, any more than the fact that Stalin and Mao had more blood on their hands than Hitler.  For that matter, I'm sure that the millions of innocent Vietnamese and Cambodians who died at the hands of the Viet Cong and Pol Pot's Khmer Rouge never caused Jane Fonda to lose a single night's sleep.

The final irony is that a great many of the same fools who have spent the last eight years carrying signs in the streets condemning George Bush as a warmonger, a man who trashed the Constitution, traded American blood for Arab oil and who, worst of all, mispronounced "nuclear," go home to walls that are covered with pin-up pictures of Castro and Guevara.

For that matter, would any of us be terribly surprised to learn that just looking at his Che poster sends a furrowing up Chris Matthews' leg? 

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Warph. the reason I don't comment on what you post is ..
I agree with you...........
simple as that.

as for the u-tube video?

Mathews makes me want to puke. along with about 99% of the other liberal b-shit that is going on in the United States.

There! I commented.
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

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