“We have a new president now and some things are going to change.”

Started by Warph, January 24, 2009, 02:54:52 AM

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By Paul Proctor
January 21, 2009


One of my wife's friends told her on Tuesday that someone she knew had been renting a house to a single African-American woman for several years. The lady had apparently never missed a payment or even been late with one.

But, for some strange reason, immediately after Barack Obama was elected to office last November, the woman reportedly stopped paying rent. When politely questioned about it, she told her landlord: "We have a new president now and some things are going to change." He replied: "Well, that's fine, but you still have to pay your rent," to which she reiterated: "No, we have a new president now – and some things are going to change."

From what I understand, the rent has yet to be paid.

Later that same day, while watching ABC News coverage of the inauguration with my wife over lunch, hosts Charles Gibson and Diane Sawyer were joined by Donna Brazile, a Democratic African-American author, educator and political activist, who gave a humorous account of her snatching the complementary fleece blanket she found abandoned in Barack Obama's chair after the swearing-in ceremony. Apparently she wanted a souvenir of the momentous occasion and when the opportunity arose, she took it.

As they all laughed about it, Gibson responded playfully to her candid admission by saying: "We're going to check with the legal staff and find out if that's a felony or a misdemeanor."

Brazile then gave a stern look into the camera and said: "We have a black president – it's neither."

My wife and I quickly turned and looked at each other with our mouths open, remembering our friend's story from earlier that day.

After a couple more light-hearted comments, Brazile realized she needed to revisit her offensive remark for the benefit of stunned viewers and backpedaled with a smile saying: "We have an American president and I believe this [blanket] was given to all of the platform guests..." to which Gibson wrapped up the segment by chuckling nervously: "Donna is backing off a little bit on that one."

I'm curious though; is there an underlying belief among some African-Americans that since we now have a black president, Obama will be providing them special privileges that somehow supersede the laws of the land rendering them no longer accountable for illegal, immoral or unruly behavior because of their skin color or ethnicity?

Did Obama not call for "a new era of responsibility" in his address to the nation or did he mean a new era of entitlements for people of color?

Is Barack Obama America's new president or just the new African-American president?

I guess only time will tell.

A man with one watch knows the time. A man with two watches is never sure what time it is.
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Yep.. the stories are countless.. I hear more everyday from people writing to me asking.. since Obama got into office if the "borderline harassment and arrogance" coming from some of the blacks is getting worse or if it is an isolated thing.
I don't think it is isolated. It makes me sick.

There have always been people of all races that seem to have a sense that someone ..somewhere owes them something. Because of slavery and stupid 18 century white cro magnum beliefs  ..the blacks in many ways have had to fight harder for what they have. But you know? It isn't the 18th century anymore.  Get over it!!  I never was a slave owner, my ancestors were never slave owners, and frankly I have never seen a slave in this country. Its time for them to start getting on with being an American and stop playing off of something that happened 40 - 140+ years ago.

You know..for the first 90 - 100 years after the Civil war Blacks did not have this sense of entitlement. The attitude was "Get educated and SHOW those folks what you can do". And many of them did. ..the world is full of them in all races.
Then came the liberal dems with their "entitlement" programs, and affirmative action which screamed to them and everyone  basically saying( "We know the black community's  are to lazy and not intelligent to compete so we will lower the standards for them") And they did. And they just keep doing it. The more they hand out. the more is taken and expected.
That makes me so sick too. 
After 40 years of this type of brain washing is it any wonder that we are seeing this attitude toward a Black President ?

Some things never change, and classless is as classless does... in all areas and all races.
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


"Sense of entitlement" - what do you expect from blacks and whites who have been educated by the Fed's since the War For Southern Independence?  Many think Lincoln is an American hero who freed the slaves.

Well, there's who was in on the ground floor of the Republican party and it's not getting any better. 


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