Message to My Congressmen

Started by Wilma, January 22, 2009, 08:36:32 AM

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I think that now is the time to let our congresspeople know how we feel about the job they have done and what we want done now.

I want to tell them that the elections are over.  Now it is time to do the job they were elected to do.

I want to tell them that it is time to forget party affiliations and remember that they are there to do what is best for their country and the people that hired them to do it.

I want to tell them to forget special interests and remember the best interests of the people that pay their salaries.

I want to tell them that it doesn't matter whether it was the Democrats or the Republicans that got us into this mess, that now it is their jobs to get us out of it.

I want to tell them that they are running the greatest country in the world.  It is their job to keep it the greatest.

I want to tell them that they are where they are because they are supposed to know more about doing that job than I or my neighbors do.  Now, show us what you can do.

I am going to tell my congresspeople these things by e-mail.  Their e-mail addresses and mailing addresses are quite easily found on the internet.  Do you think it is time for you to let your congresspeople know how you feel about what they are doing?


Great Post Wilma, everyone should communicate more with their Elected  person in both houses. I still get a weekly e-mail letter from my Congressman in Texas and I quite often e-mail him with suggestions and my feelings on subjects. He generally always responds to e-mails that are specific.


I write them all the time.  I just got three letters back this week from my emails to them lately.  I have always wrote the reps and senators about various issues and if i get a generic letter from them, i write them again asking for specific things and not take no or a blow off. 

So far Tiahrt has given answers to my questions, Brownback is so so.  He'll blow you off if he gets the chance. 
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.

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