Daily Living for Seniors

Started by Judy Harder, January 21, 2009, 09:56:29 AM

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Judy Harder

Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. --Matthew 28:19

The great Christian evangelist, D.L. Moody, was once asked to speak at a convention in Indianapolis.

One afternoon, he asked the convention's song leader to meet him on a street corner downtown at about 6 pm. When Ira Sankey got there, Moody had him stand on a overturned box and sing. This unusual spectacle attracted quite a crowd.

After speaking briefly, Moody persuaded most of the crowd to follow him to a nearby meeting place. They followed in droves and listened intently as Moody shared the good news of Jesus.

Too soon, the convention delegates started arriving, and Moody had to stop preaching. He said simply, "Now we must close, as the brethren of the convention wish to come and discuss the topic 'How to reach the masses'!"

So often, we think we have to have special training or special knowledge to tell others about Christ.

But like Moody, maybe all you need to do is be creative...and think of simple ways you can share Christ with others.

Maybe it's fixing dinner for your next-door neighbor. Maybe it's making a hospital or nursing home visit with a nice card or some flowers.

Whatever it is, God wants you to share His love with those around you. Don't think or talk about sharing your faith any longer...just go out and do it!

PRAYER CHALLENGE: Ask God to show you someone with whom you can share His love and plan of salvation today.

Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!

Judy Harder

Avoiding what hampers your heavenly focus

Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. - Colossians 3:2

On May 6, 1954, Roger Bannister became the very first man in recorded history to run a mile in less than 4 minutes. But within 2 months, John Landy eclipsed his record by 1.4 seconds. So on August 7, 1954, the two met together for a historic race.

As they moved into the final lap, Landy held the lead and it looked as if he would win. But as he neared the finish he was haunted by the question, "Where is Bannister?" As he turned to look, Bannister, just behind him, took the lead and won the race. Landy later told a reporter, "If I hadn't looked back, I would have won!"

As Christians, one of the most important things we can do is to focus on what really matters—God. But the problem is that very often, we become so consumed with the minutia of daily life that we allow it to take our eyes off of the ultimate prize. This causes us to become distracted, often losing ground in our walk with Christ.

But if we keep our eyes on Jesus and don't allow sin and distractions of the world to pull us aside (Hebrews 12:1), we'll maintain our heaven-focused perspective on the challenges when they arise. So don't let the small stuff take your attention away from what really matters. Keep your head forward and your eyes on the cross, and you're guaranteed victory at the finish line!

Prayer Challenge

Pray that God would help you stay focused on Him when you're tempted to let life's challenges distract you.

Questions for Thought

Can you think of some times when you've allowed earthly distractions to come between you and God?

What are some potential distractions you have in your life today you should be careful not to let hamper your heavenly focus?

Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!

Judy Harder

Who can you really trust?

Do not put your trust in princes, in human beings, who cannot save. When their spirit departs, they return to the ground; on that very day their plans come to nothing. Blessed are those whose help is the God of Jacob, whose hope is in the LORD their God. - Psalm 146:3-5

In the early 15th century, the kings of both Italy and Bohemia promised safe transport and safe custody to the great pre-Reformation reformer, John Hus. Both, however, broke their promises, leading to Hus being burned at the stake in 1415.

The great British statesman Thomas Wentworth had once even carried a document signed by King Charles I which read, "Upon the word of a king you shall not suffer in life, honour, or fortune." It was not long, however, before Wentworth's death warrant was signed by the very same monarch!

If anything is sure in life, it's that there's very little that's sure in life! This is especially true when it comes to putting your faith in the rulers of the world. Yet so often, Christians are as guilty as anyone of saying, "If we can only get so-and-so elected, things will be great." History goes to show this just isn't the case.

In whom do you place your faith? Is it in the princes of the world who talk a big game and promise you anything that will get them more votes? Or, are you firmly committed in your faith to Jesus who is eminently greater than any earthly ruler? Princes will let you down, but Jesus never will!

Prayer Challenge

Pray for wisdom and discernment when it comes to politics—that you'd stay committed to Jesus, who is greater than any earthly ruler!

Questions for Thought

What are some instances when you've been guilty of trusting in man more than you trust in God?

What attitude should you have when you support a political candidate or cause that will help you stick to your convictions but avoid creating an idol?

Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!

Judy Harder

The best payback you'll ever have

But love your enemies, do good to them, and lend to them without expecting to get anything back. Then your reward will be great, and you will be children of the Most High, because he is kind to the ungrateful and wicked. - Luke 6:35

Georges Clemenceau was twice the prime minister of France, and played a major role in the treaties that concluded WWI. At the Paris Peace Conference, Clemenceau was on his way to a meeting with President Woodrow Wilson's adviser when he was shot at by a young anarchist named Emile Cottin.

As Clemenceau's car sped away, Cottin fired at least six more shots, one of which struck Clemenceau near his heart. Clemenceau very narrowly avoided death. But after Cottin was captured and the death penalty was demanded, Clemenceau asked for leniency, recommending eight years in prison "with intensive training in a shooting gallery."

It was a little good humor at a time which could've been filled with bitterness and hatred that showed Clemenceau wasn't holding a grudge against his attacker. And while most people won't ever face someone who wants to kill them, they find it so difficult to have that same kind of attitude of forgiveness.

In life, people are going to let you down and disappoint you. They are going to say bad things about you and insult you to your face. Yet how you respond to those who treat you that way says much about your relationship with your heavenly Father. So instead of harboring bitterness, forgive and show mercy to those who wrong you. It's the best payback you can have!

Prayer Challenge

Ask God to give you strength when others insult you. Pray He'll help you show them mercy instead of harboring bitterness.

Questions for Thought

Why do you think it's so difficult to show forgiveness and mercy to those who wrong us?

Think back to a time when you received unmerited forgiveness for something you did wrong. How did that make you feel?

Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!

Judy Harder

The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in him, and I am helped. My heart leaps for joy, and I will give thanks to him in song. --Psalm 28:7

In American history, Abraham Lincoln is lauded for his dynamic leadership during the Civil War. He's praised for the eloquent words of his Gettysburg address. And he's immortalized as the man who freed the slaves.

Abraham Lincoln, though, is not so well known for his own private battle with severe depression or for his wonderful remedy to his personal problem: laughter.

For example, Lincoln often told the story of two women who spread rumors in Washington about Confederate President Jefferson Davis and himself.

These women had a conversation comparing the virtues and potential of the two leaders. One said to the other, "I think Davis will succeed because he's a praying man." The other relied, "But so is Lincoln."

"Yes, but when Abraham prays, the Lord will think he's joking!"

Abraham Lincoln had a terrific sense of humor...and he was able to find joy during times when there wasn't a whole lot to laugh about.

What about you? Are you able to find joy and laughter even when your circumstances seem bleak?

Nehemiah 8:10 says, "The joy of the Lord is your strength." Take comfort and find joy in the knowledge that Almighty God, the Creator of the universe, loves you.

PRAYER CHALLENGE: Praise God by singing a hymn or a chorus and ask the Lord to allow His joy to radiate in you in all circumstances.

Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!

Judy Harder

How to experience spiritual renewal

Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe, for our "God is a consuming fire." - Hebrews 12:28-29

There's a story an American Lutheran bishop tells of visiting a parish church in California and seeing a stirring red and orange banner on the wall. "Come Holy Spirit. Hallelujah!" it declared in words printed under a picture of a fire burning. But what really attracted his attention during his Sunday sermon was a sign directly underneath the banner which said: "Fire extinguisher."

Looking down at his sermon notes, the bishop laughed as he thought to himself, "So much for this parish's commitment to spiritual renewal!"

When it comes to spiritual renewal in our lives, many Christians carry around a spiritual fire extinguisher because they're afraid of looking too "extreme" in what they believe or are afraid people will think they're crazy. But if you look at those who've followed Christ most closely in the pages of the Bible and throughout history, you'll find that while many of them were looked down upon for their faith, they were also well respected among believers and non-believers alike for sticking to their convictions.

So instead of trying to control the fire of the Holy Spirit in your life, let it burn free, moving to every area and consuming all you are as you're transformed by the renewing of your mind!

Prayer Challenge

Offer your entire self to God and allow Him to consume everything you are!

Questions for Thought

If someone were to ask those whom you interact with every day about how committed you are to God, what do you think they would say?

What are some areas of your life today in which you need to let God's fire burn away the impurities and give wholly to Him?

Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!

Judy Harder

Your most priceless possession

"The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field." - Matthew 13:44

Vincent van Gogh first began to experiment with impressionist techniques during his Parisian period, the time from 1886 until 1888. The Dutch artist wrote to his sister in 1887: "Last year, I painted almost nothing but flowers to accustom myself to colors other than grey, namely pink, soft or vivid green, light blue, violet, yellow, orange, beautiful red."

In 1993, the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam announced that it had authenticated a previously unknown work of the painter from the Parisian period. Purchased at a French flea market after World War II by a Swiss family and kept in their attic, Still Life (Vase With Flowers) fetched millions of dollars at auction.

Quite often, we don't see the immediate value of what we have. This is especially true when it comes to our riches in heaven. You see, what you have in Christ is much more valuable than any riches the world could throw your way. Yet many people treat their relationship with Jesus as an inconvenience or a burden they're just hanging onto in hopes of eternal life.

The most priceless possession you have is your salvation in Jesus Christ. God's great gift to you will never be surpassed in its value. So treasure it... and consider it more valuable than anything else you own!

Prayer Challenge

Thank God for the salvation He's offered to you in Jesus Christ. Pray that you'd continue to hold Him higher than anything else!

Questions for Thought

Have there been times in your life when you've treated the world's riches as more valuable than your relationship with God?

How can you avoid thinking of Jesus as just insurance against hell and move to a point where you're building a real relationship with Him?

Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!

Judy Harder

The importance of physical and mental rest

Then he said to them, "The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath." - Mark 2:27

In ancient Athens, Greece, a man one day noticed the great storyteller Aesop playing games with some small children. He laughed and jeered at Aesop, asking him why he wasted his time in a useless activity. Aesop responded by picking up a bow, loosening its string, and placing it on the ground. Then he said to the Athenian, "If you can, tell me what the unstrung bows implies."

Puzzled, the man looked at it for several minutes but had no idea what point Aesop was trying to make. So Aesop explained, "If you keep a bow always bent, it will eventually break. But if you let it go slack once in awhile, it will be more fit for use when you need it."

Much like that bow, people need to take time now and again to rest. God rested on the Sabbath day after creating the world. He also prescribed a Sabbath day of rest for Israel in the Old Testament. Jesus also lays out a pattern of rest for Christians now in verses like today's.

Set aside a special time every week to relax physically and renew yourself emotionally and spiritually. Even if you don't work every day, you still need time to separate yourself from the worries and anxieties of the world. When you take time to "loosen the bow" now and then, you'll be at your very best to be used for the Lord!

Prayer Challenge

Ask God to help you be disciplined to separate yourself from the world regularly so you can be at your best!

Questions for Thought

What are some of the stresses you encounter that "bend your bow"?

What's the best time and place for you to get away at least once a week to refresh and renew your body and spirit?

Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!

Judy Harder

But you, O Lord, are a compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness. --Psalm 86:15

In 1859, a prominent French banker named Jean-Henri Dunant set off to see Napoleon about a financial transaction.

Running late, however, he found himself on a hilltop watching in horror as Napoleon's troops engaged in a brutal battle with the Austrians below. The images Dunant saw of the young dying soldiers and the wounded crying out in pain seared into his mind.

Then the next day, he saw a similar scene in a small, neighboring town. After a battle, terrified refugees were huddled together...and the wounded and dead lay everywhere. And as a result, Dunant decided to postpone his trip to visit Napoleon to stay and comfort the wounded solders and care for the frightened citizens.

This experience ignited a passion in the heart of Jean-Henri Dunant, and he started a crusade to help those in need. His efforts eventually won him the Nobel Peace Prize in 1901, and the organization he founded, the American Red Cross, continues to help millions around the world today.

Like Jean-Henri Dunant, you've probably seen something that touched your heart and made you think differently. You've probably seen someone in need and wanted to help.

Unlike Dunant, however, you may not know what you can do to help those in need. In Matthew 25:40, Jesus said, "Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me."

Anything you do for others in the name of Jesus, whether it's as simple as donating canned goods to your local food bank, supporting a local charity with a financial gift, or going on a short-term mission trip, is blessed in the eyes of God.

This should challenge each of us to go out of our way to help those in need! I hope you'll take time today and every day to show the love and compassion of Christ to someone who needs it.

PRAYER CHALLENGE: Ask God for opportunities where you can show compassion to others, and thank Him for the kindness He has shown you.

Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!

Judy Harder

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. --John 3:16

It all began with a single red paper clip.

Kyle McDonald of Montreal, Quebec wanted to see if he could eventually barter for a house in less than a year starting with only a red paper clip.

So first, he went online and traded the red paper clip for a pen that looked like a fish. That fish pen soon became a homemade doorknob...that became a camping stove...then a generator...and so on.

Near the end of his year-long trading spree, McDonald bartered a rare snow globe for a movie role. Then the small town of Kipling, Saskatchewan, offered to trade McDonald a three-bedroom house for the movie role, which they planned to auction off.

McDonald agreed and achieved his goal. From a mere red paper clip, he gained a house!

Have you ever thought about how valuable you are? You're so valuable, so priceless, that God made the ultimate trade for you! John 3:16 says He gave his only Son so that you could spend eternity with Him! You mean that much to Him.

PRAYER CHALLENGE: Thank God for the worth He sees in you and praise Him for His gift of eternal life.

Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!

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