Unconstitutional Gun Control coming our way

Started by srkruzich, January 14, 2009, 09:39:51 AM

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Probably the most radical Gun COntrol Advocate about to be confirmed as Attorney General. Tell your Reps NO.

Gun Owners of America Opposes Attorney General Nominee
-- Urge Your Senators to Vote "NO" on Eric Holder

Gun Owners of America E-Mail Alert
8001 Forbes Place, Suite 102, Springfield, VA 22151
Phone: 703-321-8585 / FAX: 703-321-8408

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Barack Obama is wasting no time poking a sharp stick in the eyes of
gun owners.

The incoming President's choice for U.S. Attorney General, Eric
Holder, is an anti-gun extremist who has assailed gun owners since
his days in the Bill Clinton administration.

Holder, who served as Deputy Attorney General from 1997-2001,
supports a 3-day waiting period for handgun purchases,
one-gun-a-month rationing, licensing and registration of all gun
owners, mandatory so-called smart gun technology, a lifetime gun ban
for certain juvenile offenses and regulating gun shows out of

As Janet Reno's top deputy, Eric Holder was the go to guy on gun
control issues. In a 1999 statement, Holder told members of Congress
not to cave in to "the special interest that value the cold hard
steel of guns more than the lives of children, neighbors and police
officers," and urged them to pass legislation that would have
destroyed the gun show industry.

Gun Owners of America members flooded the Congress with postcards and
e-mails and stopped Holder's gun control plan.

In 2000, Holder was instrumental in the Clinton Administration's
effort to strong arm firearms manufacturers into voluntarily
accepting regulations that had stalled in the Congress.

In a brazen legislation-by-extortion plot, the federal government
filed suit against gun makers but offered to drop the suit if the
companies would bow to the administration's demands.

Again, GOA and its members took the lead in opposing Holder and the
Clinton Administration and slowed down implementation of the
agreement until it completely went away when Clinton left office.

One company went along with the deal but after intense pressure from
gun owners, no others joined the unholy alliance.

After the 9/11 terrorist attacks, in an op-ed in the Washington Post,
Holder pushed for more gun control and greater restrictions on gun
shows, even though the terrorists were armed with box cutters that
could be purchased at any hardware store.

Just last year, Holder joined Janet Reno and 11 other former Justice
Department officials in an amicus brief before the Supreme Court
arguing in favor of the gun ban in Washington D.C.

The Holder/Reno brief also took the position that the Second
Amendment protects a collective government right, not an individual

GOA and its members have defeated Eric Holder and his agenda in the
past, and we need to do it again. The Holder nomination is subject
to Senate confirmation in a vote which is set to occur at any time.

Gun Owners of America has asked all members of the U.S. Senate to
reject this anti-Second Amendment activist.

Now we're urging gun owners across the country to contact their own
Senators and insist that they vote "NO" on Eric Holder.

ACTION: Please use the Gun Owners Legislative Action Center at
http://www.gunowners.org/activism.htm to send your Senators the
pre-written e-mail message below.

----- Prewritten Letter -----

Dear Senator:

Barack Obama's selection of Eric Holder for U.S. Attorney General is
unacceptable to gun owners.

Eric Holder supports a three day waiting period for gun purchases,
licensing and registration of all gun owners, driving gun shows into
extinction, and much more.

I urge you to vote "NO" on the Holder nomination.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Looks like it's a never-ending issue to keep our rights.  Thanks for the info. 


Just to keep the fires burning.............................

The latest Brady Bunch campaign is "NRA MOVING OUT DAY", referring to inauguration day.   Here's an excerpt from their latest email:

The Brady Campaign is dancing in the streets..  >:(

FINALLY! Celebrate NRA-Moving-Out Day with a Donation:
This is truly the time for your Brady Campaign and for common sense gun laws.  Thanks to you, we're making a new start in Washington.
Click here to help launch our aggressive legislative initiatives at the outset of this critical year:
This is the moment: President Obama and Vice President Biden are long-time champions of common sense gun laws -- and more than 91 percent of Brady-endorsed candidates won a seat in the 111th Congress!
Jim and I have high hopes for our renewed and reinvigorated efforts to keep dangerous weapons out of the hands of dangerous people.


So for those who are just joining the game,  here's the quick link to the Brady Bunch agenda in easy to read format,


Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Teresa, this is an issue that could really split this Nation down the middle. In fact it could well be the number one battleground issue between the left and the right.


I got this from a friend of mine after he sent me this link.. The men who I associate with in the gun world.. never set on their haunches and do nothing. Most all of them are military or ex military..and have or do work somewhere within Washington's inside.  They write letters.. Go to the get togethers.. and talk to their reps about it all the time. Never giving up.. they just keep fighting for what they believe in. So when I am privileged to read something that they have personally sent to a cause, I like to pass it on.  
He sent this to me, saying ...

Here's an interesting article from Helmke which I read & just had to reply to - if they bother to post it!


I wrote them this........:

"Reducing the toll of 100,000 Americans killed or wounded every year by gunfire – including 20,000 children and teens...." --- Only if you include twisted statistics such as the grouping of 18-21 year old 'druggies' & 'gang-bangers' in your statistics! The real number is about 6 child deaths! Not that any are good, but the decrease has been brought about by education & safety training by gun owners, not by bigots who twist facts to scare the uninformed.

"President-elect Obama's statements were consistent ....." --- Only if you did not listen in various parts of the country. He said one thing to one group & another diametrically opposed thing to another group as a typical politician. He never stated his real agenda of total gun control. During his limited political career, he constantly took a stance on squashing gun rights in any form and has never recanted!

".....the NICS Improvement Act." --- This bill only made NICS uniform across all boundaries. It does nothing to stop criminals from purchasing or stealing guns. It does nothing to help law enforcement be in all places at once to protect citizens (nothing can – they do a great job under impossible conditions & then are taken to task by the media for doing their job!!!!). The truth is if guns were allowed on campuses by trained students & faculty, there would be no more 'Virginia Techs' & that massacre would never have occurred. Gun Free Zones are an open invitation to killers. Do you ever see that happening to a police station or a gun range or on military bases? No!

"...Heller...gun violence prevention advocates praised..." --- The Brady Campaign & other gun control advocates had no choice but to claim victory since their briefs to the court were called BS by the Supreme Court & were all but thrown out as ludicrous. The reason for the reference to the existing gun control laws being called 'presumptively awful' is the Heller case had nothing to do with those laws. The Supreme Court must limit the scope of their rulings to the case at hand and extraneous subjects handled separately.

"...sensible gun legislation..." ---  Does not mean gun bans of any type. This is hype put forth by the Brady Campaign & others to slowly ban all guns. Full automatic weapons have been restricted for years (ever since Hollywood immortalized Capone, et al). The Clinton AWB restricted most modern guns & the proposed 'improved' AWB will restrict essentially any modern gun no matter what. The Constitution clearly prevents that.

"...2008 election...we won and the NRA bosses lost..." –- The Brady Campaign & other gun groups did not win & the NRA did not loose – where did this come from; more twisting of the facts. I don't remember either candidate at any time say "I favor guns" or "I oppose guns" In fact the issue was purposely danced around so as not to inflame either side .of the issue. The manipulated economy was the only issue. That over-shadowed any other topic. The better politician won because he was charismatic (good speech writer!), not because he was & always will be the anti-gun candidate.

"...only a handful of national gun control laws..." --- There are over 200000 gun control laws on the books today across the country & with others requested by the Brady Campaign et al, it is obvious they do not work. All gun control laws should be repealed en mass at all levels of government & all the monies spent on poor legislation like this should be funneled into local law enforcement. This would  provide operating capital to prevent crime & enforce existing criminal law as well as prosecution of the guilty instead of plea-bargaining criminals to a token offense & releasing them so they can become repeat offenders.

The misguided Brady Campaign et al should be renamed and  become the Campaign for Criminal Reform And Punishment & be abbreviated more appropriately.

I left off the following:  Brady Campaign for CRAP - didn't want to hurt any feelings!  ;)
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


The constitution clearly prohibits Federal determination of what types of weapons, how many guns a person may own or  types or quantities of ammunition. Such restrictions are reserved for the States. 

Are we going to let this Eric Holder determine by what means and with what tools are descendents can protect themselves from the worst threat to individual freedom...Government?  I hope not! 

Starting now, the States need to get out of their welfare mentality and stop nuzzling up to the Federal mammary. Governors and state legislators have to stand against every Federal incursion.  We can do our part but our States have to also become active and support their citizens.

Gun rights?  The President and Congress, the Federal Government, does not determine the extent of our rights and grant them to us.  Our rights are ours because we exist.  The Federal Government may govern us because we allow them to govern us.  They can legislate because we agree to be legislated.  We can withdraw our permission at any time.  If the Federal Government uses force (in violation of the Constitution) that will surely let us know where we citizens stand--in their eyes. 

Think back to the days of patient-doctor privilege.  When did you or I decide that the Federal Government could decide to put our most private information, our health records, on a national database.  What makes these people think they can just decide what level of privacy you and I need or want?  The Government has overstepped its bounds with this National Health Care initiative and most people do not even seem to realize it.

Within 2 years, your choices will simply be these: accept that the government has your best interest in mind and will ethically monitor your health care, or insist on your right to privacy and lose your right to get medical care even at your own expense (since the plan empowers health czars to met out use of medical resources as they see best).

Take your privacy and then take your guns so you cannot take back your privacy.  How long will we tolerate this?

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


QuoteHow long will we tolerate this?

Been askin myself that question for awhile now.
Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him through temporary periods of joy.
William Butler Yeats

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