
Started by Judy Harder, December 10, 2008, 02:41:12 PM

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Judy Harder

This is a testimony from my oldest girl friend and I just had to share what she wrote........She is a blessing and I know is one of God's angels........I hope you enjoy, too. God bless, Judy

I just wanted to say hello and let you know I am thinking about you.  I hope you are feeling better.

I want to share something that happened at the home last week....

Emma is a lady who sits in the hall in a big easy chair most of the time.  Anytime anyone goes by her she calls them over and asks for help with something, give me a drink of water, when she has one in her hand.   She will request the same thing over and overin the next breath.   "Put my shoes on."  They are already on her feet.   Give me my doll.   She has it in her lap.   "Put my chair up straight."  It's already as straight as it will go.  You give  her a drink or talk to her and she still wants something, usually the same thing.   You cannot get away from her.  Everyone (staff and myself) stops and talks and tries to appease, but finally you have to walk away because she won't stop.   Other residents complain.   "Why don't they give her something to shut her up?!"   They don't do it, I'm glad to say.    This has gone on for over a month.  Finally last week, after I had stopped several times that day and been trying to help her,  I said, "You know Emma, I think you are just doing this to get attention.   Everyone cares about you, but we are all busy and can't stay with you all of the time.   Even (the custodian) cares and stops.  But everyone has things to do to help other people too.  But there is one who will stop and listen anytime you call on Him.  That's Jesus.  Why don't you tell Him exactly how you are feeling.   He will always listen and he loves you."   She bowed her head and I walked away.   I came back 5 minutes later and she was asleep.   Even an hour later she was still sleeping and peaceful looking.

I thought, "Duh!  I'm here to tell them about Jesus and show them His love.  Why didn't I do that earlier?"   I got to thinking about it and I do think I did do it a few weeks ago, but I hadn't done it in love.  This particular morning, I prayed on the way there that I would have patience and love for her.   God gave me the words and love that day.

I have been thanking God for what he did with Emma.   But I've been asking him to help me go to Him First. 

Thanks for listening.

Have a good day.

Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!

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