I'm no Obama fan but........................

Started by pam, December 08, 2008, 09:28:56 AM

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this is worthy of bein called important news? What the hell? Who gives a mmmmm if obama smokes? Yeah yeah yeah blah blah blah it's bad for you...costs money for medical...why don't they just do like everything else and make it illegal..Is this what this country is reduced to? " This dude is UNFIT TO SERVE...he SMOKES!" "He can't kick his addiction...impeach him!"  Boy ol Tom nailed him to the wall. Probly the biggest story of his whole career, he'll go down in history as the guy who busted the president for smokin :P ::)
Just for the record...don't smoke....never did....but don't think it's one of the seven deadly sins either :P Wasted time I'll never get back first watchin it and then writin this about it..........

Obama says he won't be smoking in White House
      Obama Pledges Not To Smoke In White House CBS 11 Dallas WASHINGTON (Reuters) – U.S. President-elect Barack Obama failed to give a straight answer when asked on a U.S. talkshow on Sunday whether he had managed to quit smoking.

In a country where cigarettes are responsible for one in five deaths and smoking costs tens of billions of dollars in health care, Obama has been under pressure to set an example by giving up his reported two-decade-old habit.

Appearing on NBC's "Meet the Press" program, interviewer Tom Brokaw told Obama he had ducked answering the question during an interview last month with ABC's Barbara Walters.

Noting that the White House was a no-smoking zone, Brokaw asked Obama, "Have you stopped smoking?"

"I have," Obama replied, smiling broadly. "What I said was that there are times where I have fallen off the wagon."

"Wait a minute," Brokaw interjected, "that means you haven't stopped."

"Fair enough," Obama said. "What I would say is that I have done a terrific job under the circumstances of making myself much healthier. You will not see any violations of these rules in the White House."

Obama was often observed on the presidential campaign trail chewing Nicorette gum, which helps ease the craving for nicotine. He has tried several times to quit.

The 47-year-old president-elect, who takes office on January 20, works out daily at the gym and sometimes plays basketball. His doctor said in May he was in excellent health, often jogged 3 miles a day and was fit to serve as U.S. president.

Website www.cigaraficionado.com says Gerald Ford, who served from 1974-77, was the last U.S. president to use tobacco on a regular basis. The White House no-smoking rule was imposed by former First Lady Hillary Clinton, now Obama's nominee for secretary of state.

(Editing by Alan Elsner)

Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him through temporary periods of joy.
William Butler Yeats


ROTFL!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Gods...No, I don't agree with smoking...but as of today, it's still legal to do so...and until the day comes where it's banned, then even the occupant of the Office of the President-Elect is allowed to light up if he so desires.  When Mr. Obama has been in office for four years, he may find it one of the few pleasures that he has remaining! lol



Whoops...... COUGH..... COUGH..... COUGH..... you forgot about Laura Bush.  Laura's a huge chain-smoker.
Check it out:  http://www.redtractor-usa.com/Laura_Bush_Smoking.htm

The White House, Washington DC.  Wondering what Laura Bush has been up to lately? Intrigued by her complete absence of any public appearances standing by her man, President George W.Bush, Red Tractor USA recently set out to find out what the First Lady has been doing. Turns out, not too much more than smoking her favorite cigarettes and drinking beer.

That's right, whether she is down home on the ranch in Crawford or at home in the White House, apparently Laura Bush has been spending much of her free time smoking cigarettes and drinking beer. While Mrs. Bush has gone to great measures to hide these habits in public and protect her squeaky clean "Lil-ol-me-the-librarian" image, word has been spreading around Washington, DC and Crawford that the First Lady has been increasingly smoking up a storm while relaxing over a cold beer.

Reports of Mrs. Bush's smoking habit first started circulating last summer when a tourist in Washington, DC spotted the First Lady smoking a butt in the Rose Garden at the White House. According to reports on the internet, Mrs. Bush has also been frequently spotted smoking along with other White House staffers at the service entrance.

In Crawford, Texas, where President Bush and his wife Laura vacation at their sprawling ranch, Mrs. Bush was recently spotted in December on several occasions hanging out at Fred's Country and Western Bar outside of town with her twin daughters Jenna and Barbara.  With a cigarette in one hand and a Miller Genuine Draft in the other, the Fist Lady reportedly played shuffle puck with her daughters into the wee hours of the morning on several occasions according to bar patrons.

While the White House would not comment on this story, Red Tractor USA recently visited Fred's bar. Fred Steer, the owner of the bar told Red Tractor USA that Mrs. Bush has been a regular customer for many years now. 

Mr. Steer stated that "While I do not want to go into any details about Mrs. Bush, since she is a regular around here, I can tell you that she usually seems to be having a great time and usually plays Patsy Kline on the jukebox. I can also tell you that she does drink and smoke, but this is a bar, that's what people do here."

Back in Washington, Red Tractor USA also investigated Mrs. Bush's smoking and drinking habits. Across the street from the White House on Pennsylvania Avenue, the owner of a 7-11 convenience store, a Mr. Kamal Patel, told Red Tractor USA the he has long suspected that cigarettes and beer purchased by secret service agents were really for one of the Bushes, but that he always figured that they were for the Bush daughters.

When told that Mrs. Bush herself prefers Camel cigarettes and drinks Miller Genuine Draft bottles, Mr. Patel confirmed that those are the items the secret service agents stop in to buy on a regular basis. Mr. Patel also stated, "These same agents also buy a condom or two once a month or so, so who knows what's up with that?"

Other reports circulating in Washington indicate that Mrs. Bush also spends a lot of time smoking in the private bowling lane located in the basement of the White House.   

According to sources associated with the White House bowling alley, Mrs. Bush regularly visits the White House Bowling lanes with friends at around 9pm on Monday and Wednesday nights, after the President has gone to bed.
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"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

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Lol, I've always liked the Bush women better than their husbands  :laugh: :laugh: If I was married to ol George W. I'd probly take up drinkin and smokin too!

QuoteYa better see thru all that smoke.........

So what's behind the smoke?
Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him through temporary periods of joy.
William Butler Yeats

Judy Harder

Good for Laura.................SHE IS HUMAN!!!!

I am sure if I were in the eye of the world like she is I would have done worse than this.

God is watching and HE IS HER ONLY JUDGE!!!......or should be.

Be careful how you judge, lest you be judged. God bless
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Here I am Lord, use me!

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