We Only Have 29 More To Go

Started by sixdogsmom, November 30, 2008, 04:13:03 PM

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If the old wives tale holds true, we have only 29 more snows to go this winter. The tale being that it will snow the same number of times as the calendar date of the first snow. It has been snowing off and on for the past couple of hours. Most is melting as it hits, but there is a small skift in the rug on the back porch and caught in the grasses. There was a spell when the flakes were large and beautiful, doesn't mean I want to shovel any though!  ;) ;)


zip your lip  woman.....
29 more snows??!??
Wash your mouth out with.....................

     ;D ....
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Twasn't said with my mouth Teresa! NANNER! NANNER! NANNER!  :laugh: :laugh:

Dee Gee

Good, maybe we will have a very white christmas.  :laugh:
Learn from the mistakes of others You can't live long enough to make them all yourself

Diane Amberg

Since we had our first measurable snow on Nov.21, that would make 21 more for here, way more than we would ever have.....I hope!


LET IT SNOW LET IT SNOW LET IT SNOW :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :o 8) 8) 8)
Sword with a double edged blade...it'll cut you either way.

Diane Amberg




SEND SOME DOWN HERE!!!!!!   I miss the snow.


One of my preschoolers today said, "When it snows it is Christmas."   I just thought that was so cute.  The way little ones think.   Send the snow I love it.

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