Average Joe' Biden Rents $4 Million Home

Started by Teresa, November 28, 2008, 02:34:30 PM

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Quote from: sixdogsmom on November 29, 2008, 12:27:55 PM
I think the article says that the family has rented this house for several years now. It doesn't take much of a house in that part of the world to be worth 4 million and the vacation was not a 'gift' from a lobbyist ala Keyton Five.

The school that the Obamas have enrolled their children in also had as students Chelsea Clinton and the George W. Bush twins. Hmmmm.

First..... 4 million for a holiday rental ?? Come on... I don't care where you live.. 4 million dollars to shit, shower and shave for a few days is WAY over anything that is standard...
There isn't a weekend house anywhere that warrants that kind of wasteful cash. But that is the point. He can afford it.. and that's fine.. but don't set back with that fake used car salesmen phony grin on and tell the people that he understands their financial problems. Bull Butter. !!!
Amazing that "it is just normal for his family.. as this is what they have had for several years. "  Soooo..... dear good ole' boy Joe.. don't you dare stand up in front of me  and tell that is normal  and try to make the people beileve that you are "just like us".. You are not!

Second... Yes.. that is where the other girls went to school... BUT.. and I say this LOUD.. BUT.... George Bush and Billy Clinton did not try to take that "personal choice matter out of the parent hands like dear ole' Obama is trying to do.
So what he is showing by HUGE example is .. it is okay for me and the income class that I am in to have the freedom of making the choices  of public or private schooling for my girls.. but people and family's of lower income class and everyone else can not have that freedom. He has said time and time again. " I" am going to fix the public school system..  You as parents will not have to worry .. The government will make those decisions for you ..

So while he is pushing to take it out of the parents hands and while he is spouting his empty promises of ending the Bush administrations policy that ''parents know what is best for their kids'.. his girls will be in a safe and private environment. Because HE was able to make that choice.  But he wants to take that same choice away from you.

I do not begrudge the Obama's  for their choices of school for their girls. .. but DON'T tell me  that I can't have those same choices. Do as I say and not as I do??!   To hell with that!
THAT is my big problem. 
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


He didn't pay 4 million for the rental; that is the value of the home. (sigh)

And anybody can educate their children in a private school that can afford the tuition or can get a scholarship to one. I don't think I understand your point here. Nobody has said you cannot send your children to a private school. Where did that come from?


Hang in sixdogsmom!  I think I'll head back to Mars where we deal in facts.


Quote from: sixdogsmom on November 29, 2008, 07:02:46 PM
He didn't pay 4 million for the rental; that is the value of the home. (sigh)

And anybody can educate their children in a private school that can afford the tuition or can get a scholarship to one. I don't think I understand your point here. Nobody has said you cannot send your children to a private school. Where did that come from?

What about the homeschoolers?  He refused to answer questions asked of him about homeschoolers by the homeschooling foundation. 
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.




Quote from: sixdogsmom on November 29, 2008, 09:02:46 PM
So what about the home schoolers?

Their always a target of the democrat party.  Its always some liberal that thinks they have to interfere with parents decisions on their children.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


I am certainly scratching my head here. I simply do not understand what you are talking about. Exactly what is it about home schooling that you think the dems are after? And what parental decisions are you referring to? I would be interested to know what you are talking about?  ??? ???


Quote from: sixdogsmom on November 29, 2008, 10:35:58 PM
I am certainly scratching my head here. I simply do not understand what you are talking about. Exactly what is it about home schooling that you think the dems are after? And what parental decisions are you referring to? I would be interested to know what you are talking about?  ??? ???

Look at California just recently, they tried to outlaw homeschooling.  It failed thank God due to the efforts of all homeschoolers nationwide.  It almost was outlawed though. The government tried to say they couldn't monitor the children properly if they were in a homeschool situation which means, they cna't indoctrinate them to the government standards. 
Parents have the right to make all decisions in their childrens lives, including how they are educated.  IF you send them to government schools, you lose that right since the government teaches them what you don't want them to learn. 
What is the progressive party after?  Good little comrads that will vote their party line.  Democrats are folks like zell miller, joe lieberman. 
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


{quote}Parents have the right to make all decisions in their childrens lives, including how they are educated.  IF you send them to government schools, you lose that right since the government teaches them what you don't want them to learn.[/quote]

Know how I handle this? I teach my children what the GOVERNMENT or any other special interest, doesn't want them to know....I have proof when I teach them the difference between the accepted "acreditized" sanitized, spun to their liking, version.
Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him through temporary periods of joy.
William Butler Yeats


Well for one thing.....He  backs the teacher's unions, which fight education reform...which fights the vouchers for which he is ( or used to be in favor of) for lower class income parents to better help their children in getting a better education.

But let me go into detail ( . if anyone really gives a rats ass what I believe..which I doubt..but I'll say it anyway. )  but for those of you who are wanting to go back to Mars, don't let me make you late for your trip.. LOL

You know.. I realize that because of security etc.. Obama feels that the Washington public schools are inadequate to instruct or indoctrinate his two precious daughters. That is commendable on his part. .
And some say that as he stated in his campaign.... 'vouchers' ( something now he has kind of backtracked on..)   was what we needed to have so every child could have the opportunity to go to a private school ...if they wanted to.
So now..he has changed his tune a bit and last stated...he does not support school vouchers.
And for those less fortunate than the Obamas...this will not allow them to obtain a quality education. Seems to me that this is very hypocritical on the part of Obama. But of course with the teachers union breathing fire down his neck...............

Why is it that parents cannot exercise choice in the matter of obtaining quality education better as opposed to the education offered by the teacher union controlled public school system?
Probably because Barack Obama is in the back pocket and  beholden to the National Education Association (NEA) and the American Federation (AFT) of teachers.
Both of these corrupt organizations work to destroy the moral and spiritual fabric of this nation and have propped up political puppets and pawns like Obama.

My personal opinion?...........Return the schools to the churches and to private enterprise. Dismantle the Federal Education Department bureaucracy, eliminate the state departments of education, and break up the worthless teachers' unions, the National Education Association (NEA) and the American Federation of Teachers (AFT).

Return control of the schools to parents. Get the government out of the education business. It sure seems that whatever government touches its screws up. A reverse Midas touch, perhaps? The Founders of this nation had reason to try to keep government limited. What has happened to our schools is illustrative of government intervention or interference at its worst.

The Alliance for the Separation of School and State........ Here is what they said about the video, ". . .
This six-minute clip exposes brilliantly - and hilariously - the arrogant presumptions of those who regard parents as being unqualified to make educational choices for their children (and who regard politicians and bureaucrats as being worthy to be trusted with such choices.)"School choice is really the only thing that will save our miserably failed educational system. The socialist and secular humanistic approached to education has proved totally unacceptable. I advocate the total elimination of the useless bureaucratic nightmarish maze of federal and state departments of education and the breaking of the monopoly of the teachers unions.

"Only the Brits could create such a cutting -- and accurate -- argument for school choice:"


Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

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