Are Our freedoms In Toruble?

Started by Diane Amberg, November 06, 2008, 10:05:54 AM

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Diane Amberg

I think it will be a little while before we see too many changes. Obama won't be sworn in until January. In the meantime, I hope he will be picking good advisers and cabinet people to start chipping away at our huge national debt and working on getting the failing economy on an upward turn. Hopefully there will be incentives to stop shipping jobs overseas and encouraging manufacturing jobs here. I hope he will really get going on energy, especially natural gas and wind.  He'll probably put Joe to work on foreign affairs right away and try to do something to stabilize our situation in the middle east. Pakistan is a big worry. I don't think we'll see tax increases, but we may see program cuts. There are many roads to the same place, we'll have to see which ones he uses. I know the big cities are frantic to do something about gun violence, but I don't think the average gun owner has much to worry about. I'm sure genuine collectors and re-enactment groups will be fine. I know all my neighbors and I don't think they are out to get me. We have reverse 911 and if something out of the ordinary is going on we get a call. Our police know who are the local creeps and characters are and do a good job of keeping them out of our hair...that's all local, and should stay that way. I did ask some young friends why they didn't vote for John McCain and they said he is too old for a second term so why bother, they didn't want to risk Sarah, don't want another Bush, in spite of what McCain says about being a maverick...whatever that meant. They're afraid his hot head reputation would get us all into more international trouble and they really despised the way his campaign managers went for  all the personal dirt instead of solid political differences. They really hated the bigotry, racial and ethnic slurs. Now remember, Newark is a college town, so the students tend to be more liberal in their thinking.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on November 06, 2008, 10:05:54 AM
I know the big cities are frantic to do something about gun violence, but I don't think the average gun owner has much to worry about. I'm sure genuine collectors and re-enactment groups will be fine.

Diane ..with all due respect.. you are #1 top when it comes to information on fires and medical stuff.....but in this area..
well don't have all your facts...and you are not alone. A huge amount of people do not really and truly understand or care to go too far into it, because "they have their gun" and they think that all the other stuff that goes along with it. will never happen or doesn't apply to them.  I could go on and on.. but I won't. I don't think anyone in this forum ( aside for a couple people ) really care and don't understand  the whole of it.. so I am going to not go into it. I'm pretty much to the point now that .. no one really wants or cares about the actual laws or the finding out the whole truth of much of anything.. so this old blond woman isn't going to argue much anymore.
Like I say.. there is no disrespect to any of you for your views because of your lack of knowledge on this subject..
but.... collectors and re-enactment groups ..are the farthest thing from 2nd amendment issues.
The very very farthest.
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

Kjell H.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on November 06, 2008, 10:05:54 AM
I know the big cities are frantic to do something about gun violence, but I don't think the average gun owner has much to worry about. I'm sure genuine collectors and re-enactment groups will be fine.

Hi Diane,
The 200,000 collectors and reenactors in this country are probably not the main target for the next four years, but over 80 million gun owners are.

Listen to this 10 minute sound bite explaining why:


Now if you or anyone else can guarantee me and the rest of the 80 million gun owners that when Obama enters the White House in January, the warrior of change will automatically change his mind about his definition of the Second Amendment, I will rest my case.
Marshal Halloway


Hey, it is a real possibility that that COULD happen y'know...not just because of Obama but just because of the attitudes of people in general ! It is one of the most important personal freedoms we have is the right to have the ability to protect OURSELVES instead of waitin for somebody who's "qualified" to have a gun to come take our bodies away.
Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him through temporary periods of joy.
William Butler Yeats


 ??? the thing I was replyin to disappeared! ???
Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him through temporary periods of joy.
William Butler Yeats


No it didnt Pam sorry hit wrong button honey.....BLahblahblahblah they are going to take our guns away blah blah blah what about our guns  its the same thing over and over  give it a rest the man just got elected President of the United States people.... Your pride or your stupiditiy wont even give the man a chance at all.....  Its old find something new to bitch about people something we havent heard over and over and over.. ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::)


Quote from: Howell4ever on November 06, 2008, 01:46:02 PM
No it didnt Pam sorry hit wrong button honey.....BLahblahblahblah they are going to take our guns away blah blah blah what about our guns  its the same thing over and over  give it a rest the man just got elected President of the United States people.... Your pride or your stupiditiy wont even give the man a chance at all.....  Its old find something new to bitch about people something we havent heard over and over and over.. ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::)

Just out of this directed at me? or just repeatin what you deleted?
Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him through temporary periods of joy.
William Butler Yeats


Oh and I do believe in protecting myself and my children.....And I grew up with guns and having them in my home so Im not Anti-guns wwhatsoever I just believe we havent given him a chance to even see what actually he is going to do we just heard alot of crap that happens during a election some true some not true so we will have to see....Its just so negative all the time on here anymore people have lost their minds thought after the election it might calm down abit but it hasnt. Its the same ol same ol like I said before.                                                                No pam it wasnt directed at you I was repeating myself sorry didnt want it to come off like that.....THe whole Blah Blah was the start of the new one people....


I actually like you alot Pam I find you very interesting in a good way. :laugh: :P ;D

Kjell H.

Quote from: Howell4ever on November 06, 2008, 01:46:02 PM
.... Your pride or your stupiditiy wont even give the man a chance at all.....  Its old find something new to bitch about people something we havent heard over and over and over.. ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::)


I am one of those who will fight by your side you so you can exercise your first amendment rights even when you question my concerns about the second amendment and call it stupidity. Concerns is what it is. If you also want to brand it negativity, that's your decision.

Obama is elected and by that given the chance to prove himself along with his administration. That doesn't mean that both sides of the political aisle lose the right to put him to test on both promises and records. It's part of the democracy. Giving him a chance does not mean we should give him a blind loyalty, the same principle applies when you have a republican in the white house. We can decide to trust a candidate during a political campaign based on rhetoric, but when it's time to deliver, we should all a be watchdogs no matter who we voted for.

Part of my profession is related to the second amendment and I am obligated to share my experience and knowledge. It is based on over 20 years of studies and experience on two different continents and where I have learned the following: Do not take what you consider privileges or rights for granted no matter who governs. And one more thing.... blind loyalty is a democracy's worst enemy and it applies to us all.... liberals, conservatives and independents.

Marshal Halloway

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