Does this explain it?

Started by pam, November 12, 2008, 03:24:53 PM

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When people are forced to remain silent when they are being told the most obvious lies, or even worse when they are forced to repeat the lies themselves, they lose once and for all their sense of probity. To assent to obvious lies is to co-operate with evil, and in some small way to become evil oneself. One's standing to resist anything is thus eroded, and even destroyed. A society of emasculated liars is easy to control. ~Theodore Dalrymple

This is not just true of politics..........

I understand both sides of this Obama thing y'know. people who don't like him are seein the lies and anybody who's honest knows there were a few, I mean get real it's politics! You don't get elected by tellin the truth!

People who like him see the promises of a better day and they really WANT that better day,again if you're honest you know some of his ideas would be wonderful if they would work for real.

I'm on both sides......and NO side. Personally I have little use for government, I'm gonna do what I'm gonna do pretty much like my ancestors been doin since the beginning. Government is too big period, I don't care if it's democrat or republican or what. It's turned into pretty much the same thing we fought the revolution to get rid of.

I understand the frustration of people who try to get others to see the dark things that might happen and the stubborness of the people who say nuh-uh, will not because I really seriously see both points of view. So many people who were postin here have stopped...I don't know why..if they are so disheartened by the election or what or they just got lives and are too busy unlike us ones that lost our jobs and live out in bf egypt so we come on here to see whats up! Lol. Or if they got offended (shrug) all I know is that there are merits on both sides of the question and I really enjoy the differences of opinions on here cause like I say Thats how you learn things!

Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him through temporary periods of joy.
William Butler Yeats


I'm trying very hard to avoid becoming too discouraged at the events Pam describes so well, and so far am doing pretty well at it, although at the same time I'm watching the DOW and my net worth decreasing dramatically daily.  Last I heard, Hillary was on the short list for Secretary of State, which does not help my mood.  I guess Obama subscribes to the policy of "keep your friends close but your enemies closer." 

Saw where John Edwards came out of hiding.  Why do I get the feeling that if John Edwards was a Republican, the NYTimes and the rest of the mass media wouldn't be burying the story about his girl friend, Rielle Hunter, and their lust child?  I understand the kid has her eyes and his hair stylist.

Anyway, I have been hanging playing a little golf and walking the Grand Canyon and doing some volunteer work at "Bernies Soup Kitchen" in Paradise Valley.  Poor people... they can't sell their million dollar homes.  That's just some of various activities I engage in to distract me from the headlong rush this country seems to be taking to confiscatory taxation, weak stock market, energy shortages à la 1973 and various other delights of European style socialism, but like the Romans while the barbarians were at the gates, I think I'll eat, drink and be merry until those days arrive.  Can you say, 'the 19th Hole?'  I'll be back... soon, Pam, just in time to drive you a little nuts with some of my 'educated prose' about how America is going to hell in a hand basket.
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Quote from: Warph on November 16, 2008, 10:35:39 AM
I'm trying very hard to avoid becoming too discouraged at the events Pam describes so well, and so far am doing pretty well at it, although at the same time I'm watching the DOW and my net worth decreasing dramatically daily.  Last I heard, Hillary was on the short list for Secretary of State, which does not help my mood. 

What has not helped my mood is that the Super O seems to be stuffing his new administration with Clinton has-beens.  The Democrats were harping for the last 18 months about how if we got McCain, it'd just be more of the same.  Well, well, would seem that we're headed right back to what we've already had...a Clinton administration with a different headliner.  I guess this is where the 'wait and see' attitude is going to have to come in.


QuoteI'll be back... soon, Pam, just in time to drive you a little nuts with some of my 'educated prose' about how America is going to hell in a hand basket.

Lol, I'll be waitin !
Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him through temporary periods of joy.
William Butler Yeats

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