Veterans Day

Started by Teresa, November 10, 2008, 09:14:41 AM

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Just so I don't forget to say this here, I want to take this time to say a big THANK YOU!!!! To the men & women who defended this STILL great country and made it possible for people like me to live a good life. Whether it was the Marines, Army, Navy, Coast Guard and the others who protects us all, I sincerely appreciate what was done for me, my family and for all of us. I haven't forgotten, I will not allow my children to forget and I will do what I can to always support our veterans.  With the election going the way it did it's important to remember, our Veterans serve "We the people" not an administration. They serve to defend America, not a particular regime.

God Bless the USA!  God Bless our Veterans! God protect the men and women who protect us!


"I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God!"
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


There is a company that supports Veterans each year on Veterans Day and each year I get misty eyed over it.
That company is Golden Corral Restaurants.  Each Veteran's Day, Veterans eat free there, no questions asked.


From our Patriot Guard Ride Captain:

On Monday 17 NOV 08 from 5 to 9 pm, all 485 Golden Corral restaurants across America will offer any person who has served in the United States Military (including National Guard and Reserves) a "thank you" dinner buffet and beverage on the house - no identification required.  This will be the eighth annual "thank you" dinner for our nation's heroes from Golden Corral restaurants, who have provided over 1,835,000 complimentary meals to military personnel over the history of the event and contributed over $2.53 million to the Disabled American Veterans organization. For the second year, Golden Corral's guests and restaurant teams may send personal greetings to America's military personnel on active duty overseas.   From 1 SEP through 17 NOV 08, special postcards will be available at all Golden Corral restaurants for sending messages of thanks and encouragement to the troops overseas.   They will be delivered to our troops prior to the Holidays.  In 2007, over 55,000 Military Appreciation post cards were delivered to military troops stationed overseas. To locate a restaurant near you refer to and enter your zip code.

Another Restaurant honoring Veterans:

McCormick & Schmick's Seafood Restaurants Recognizes Veterans on November 9

In their annual salute to all veterans McCormick & Schmick's Seafood Restaurants will again provide free meals in honor of Veterans Day. All veterans can receive a free lunch or dinner entrée at McCormick & Schmick's Seafood Restaurants nationwide on Sunday, November 9. Vets should show proper identification (VA card, VFW card, veterans ID, discharge papers, etc.) Reservations Are Strongly Encouraged! Last year the company served nearly 15,000 vets nationwide. A complete list of participating restaurants may be found at
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Remembered this as I was sitting here and did not want anyone to forget ...

There were a lot of good men in the jungle that day. Some came home........others didn't. And those that did come back, are not without scars. 

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

Bonnie M.

Very good, Teresa.  It's always good to remember that "Freedom isn't free!"

Judy Harder

That is a hard one to watch Teresa, but one that we need to watch over and over
again and thank each and every person who stands between me and you,  and the enemy...........

God bless the Veteran!
Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!


One of my favorite songs.  Big&Rich do an awesome job about "telling it how it is" in all their songs.


Now just to let everyone know that the 10th is the Marine Corps birthday!!! I wished my dad a happy birthday today since once a Marine always a Marine.....and if you grew up in our house you know that it is dad's second birthday Fi

Bonnie M.

And, growing up in your dad's family, there were a lot of Marines to honor!  How many of the boys in his family were in the Marines?  What a wonderful legacy!

To them all, I say "thanks!"


Kenny, Steve and dad were all Marines.....then there was Dude who was just like their brother.

Diane Amberg

July 15, 1968. A day we'll always remember. We lost a very good friend in Viet Nam. He was on patrol when the man next to him stepped on a mine. The shrapnel killed Dave too. We have our poppies on today.

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