
Started by Teresa, November 05, 2008, 08:18:54 PM

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Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

Judy Harder

Boy, Lady did you bring back the memories.

Growing up with the dad I did, if I got to watch tv.............we all watched what
Dad wanted to watch (Unless he was at work, then Mom ran the tv) and I grew up
on the westerns and the war story's and those WERE THE GOOD OLD DAYS!!!

Any of you who haven't watched this do......if you are my generation it is very good.
Even if you are not my generation, the music is just super. Go for it.!

I saved it to my favorites and will play them again and again.
Blessings  Teresa.....thanks.
Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!

Bonnie M.

Teresa, this is great!  Watching it brought a lump to my throat!  Just look at the "heros" we used to have!  And, now????
Thanks for this, what great memories!


Since Bonnie recommended it, I went back and watched it.  Now those were the Good Old Days and weren't they all handsome?  And the music had a melody and rhythm, something you don't find in today's music.  Thanks, Teresa.

Dee Gee

I didn't think I watched much TV or movies but this sure brought back a lot of memories. I was suprised that I knew most of them very interesting.  Thanks a bunch, Teresa.
Learn from the mistakes of others You can't live long enough to make them all yourself


We didn't watch it every day for sure. Didn't get tv till I was 12, until then it was movie once a week if we were lucky. But loved it indeed! My dad was a great fan of westerns, so guess what movie we saw? HaHa!

Ms Bear

It does bring back memories.


Judy Harder

If I remember right,  when we first got a tv in 1953 I don't think that we had a
broadcast all day.

Seems like it was mainly in the evenings and maybe part of the afternoon.
I know when I came home from school in the late 50's we would watch
American Bandstand and we all (well most of us) learned how to do the
Stroll watching that show and when we all went outside to play
which was as much as the weather would allow.......we
all pretended to be cowboy and indians or which ever hero was popular then.

I kind of would like to go relive those days.....and maybe take time to really enjoy them,
instead of wanting life to go by faster.

Time is sure getting away from me.........and I just want to say,
Thank the Lord, I do know how to stop and smell the roses now............LOL.
Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!


That was cool :) Lol, Friday night....the High Chapparal and a huge crush on Uncle Buck :) and Blue.

Thank God for American Movie Classics and Turner Classic Movies....can still see most of these guys.....
Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him through temporary periods of joy.
William Butler Yeats


Quote from: Judy Harder on November 07, 2008, 08:47:58 AM
If I remember right,  when we first got a tv in 1953 I don't think that we had a
broadcast all day.

I kind of would like to go relive those days.....and maybe take time to really enjoy them,
instead of wanting life to go by faster.

Time is sure getting away from me.........and I just want to say,

1953 - That was a little later than when us farm boys would gather on Saturday nights in 1950-51 and watch Rassling with Russ on the local GE dealer's show room floor.  I can't remember who owned the store but it was just north of the Allen's Drugstore in the "new" section of main drag. At that time the closest TV station was WDAF or KCMO in Kansas City.  Then KVOO in Tulsa came on the air.  I believe it was in 1953 when one of the Wichita stations finally came on the air. 

I do remember that the dealer made his money selling the antennas to bring in the signal from over 150 Miles away.  100 - 200 foot towers with remote steerable arrays that could be tunned both vertically and horizontally.   Those of use who were privileged would watch NFL football on Sunday but the only games we could get were the Chicago Bears or Chicago Cardinals.  I've been a Cardinals fan ever since.  Even if they haven't been very good.

-=carl Leonard=-
San Antonio Tx.

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