What I think...............

Started by pam, November 05, 2008, 10:25:41 AM

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I sit here this mornin in a weird state......depending on who you talk to we are on the verge of either great times for America or horrible things are fixin to happen. To my thinkin this election shows just how little things have actually changed and how MUCH things have changed. Even 30..hell even 20 years ago a "black" man wouldn't have had a snowballs chance in hell of becomin president.....and "white" people all over the country are hidin under the bed cause now one is and they are as scared of it as the slave-owners were scared of uprisings 150 years ago. Some "black" people are rejoicing because MLKs dream has finally come to pass and some are rejoicing because 150 years ago they would've been the ones havin an uprising.
Yesterday when they thought they were gonna win the republicans were talkin about how the democrats were figurin ways to say the election was rigged....now that they've lost THEY are sayin the election was rigged......

Now we will see just how "enlightened" this country really is no matter WHAT color you are, even with all the "oh my god the "socialists" are takin over" crap this country has a real opportunity to show what we are really made of...will we come together or will we grind our axes and satisfy our grudges...........Personally I'm choosin optimism, I'm choosin to believe this is the start of somthin great in our history instead of somthin horrible, I'm choosin to believe that people have finally got the message that we are all one, we are all part of the Web,and what we do to the Web we do to each other......The Sun came up this mornin, the breeze is still blowin and it's still gonna rain later.......
Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him through temporary periods of joy.
William Butler Yeats


You expectations of "coming together" are not anything I want to be included.  Which side you on anyway?

Here's something I received by email today:

Looking forward, we can expect the following in short order:

1. Severe Limitations on the purchase of ammunition.
2. The banning of "assault weapons"
3. The end of Consealed Carry laws
4. Severe limitations on the purchase of pistols.
5. Expansion of homosexual "freedoms" nationwide as national policy
6. Further limitation of what few state's rights we now have.
7. Advancement of abortion rights outside the womb.
8. Speech or "Thought Crimes" legislation as in Canada and Europe
9. Expansion of "Muslim Rights" which they will increasingly demand as public policy


These same scare tactics are what defeated John McCain. Had all the folks worked for that campaign in a positive manner rather than use all this idiotic 'Are you scared now?' stuff, the outcome may have been quite different. But working in a positive manner just does not appeal to some, and they just do not know when 'over' is over. I have not seen a single campaign sign in Elk county for John McCain/Sarah Palin, no literature, no canvassers no nothing. Just this negative stuff that folks are beginning to see through. And, Red I think Pam is probably one of the most fair minded folks on this forum even though we do not always agree. This country is full of people who want what is best for America, and will work for the next administration as much as they did for the last one. God Bless America! Yes We Can!


And today we need to remember this ...


It is about what the Flag, the Declaration of Independence, and the Constitution stand for.

We will survive if we remain vigilant for what is important ... and I'm not afraid to flaunt it in the face of those that might try and dismantle it ... both foreign and domestic ... Isn't someone else supposed to say that soon?
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Quote from: redcliffsw on November 05, 2008, 01:00:20 PM
You expectations of "coming together" are not anything I want to be included.  Which side you on anyway?

Here's something I received by email today:

Looking forward, we can expect the following in short order:

1. Severe Limitations on the purchase of ammunition.
2. The banning of "assault weapons"
3. The end of Consealed Carry laws
4. Severe limitations on the purchase of pistols.
5. Expansion of homosexual "freedoms" nationwide as national policy
6. Further limitation of what few state's rights we now have.
7. Advancement of abortion rights outside the womb.
8. Speech or "Thought Crimes" legislation as in Canada and Europe
9. Expansion of "Muslim Rights" which they will increasingly demand as public policy

OMG - one person is gonna cause all this? I didn't think the president had that much authority.  I was always led to believe that the House and Senate passed new laws and, according to my TV most of those were re-elected.  Come on, America, including redcliff, unite and help get this country back on it's feet.  Contrary to popular belief and rumors, I find it hard to believe that now the "blacks" are gonna rise up and take over the country.  The democrats won the election for President, it is quite incidental that the democratic candidate happened to be black.  Good Grief, people.  The election is over, pull up your boot-straps and move on to the next step, (  >:(  and the next step is not bitch, bitch, bitch and stock-pile ammo and guns. )


Quote from: sixdogsmom on November 05, 2008, 01:41:19 PM
These same scare tactics are what defeated John McCain. Had all the folks worked for that campaign in a positive manner rather than use all this idiotic 'Are you scared now?' stuff, the outcome may have been quite different. But working in a positive manner just does not appeal to some, and they just do not know when 'over' is over. I have not seen a single campaign sign in Elk county for John McCain/Sarah Palin, no literature, no canvassers no nothing. Just this negative stuff that folks are beginning to see through. And, Red I think Pam is probably one of the most fair minded folks on this forum even though we do not always agree. This country is full of people who want what is best for America, and will work for the next administration as much as they did for the last one. God Bless America! Yes We Can!
McCain-Palin in Elk County 1035 votes, 75%+
Obama-Biden 359 votes, 25%
Maybe we should have gotten the Forum Posts out to the entire country. What defeated John Mccain was all of the Obama lies and all of the people that think they are going to get a free ride. How you can support a President with Barack Obama's past religious background, which there is no doubt about, is beyond comprehension. That alone should have been enough to have defeated him.


QuoteYou expectations of "coming together" are not anything I want to be included.  Which side you on anyway?

Which is why this world is in the state it is in...."if it ain't my way it ain't gonna be any way" I'm on EVERYBODIES side, I'm on my families side, I'm on the Earths side. I'm on my countries side. It's over....he's president....don't know if I will like it yet or not....not gonna make a mountain out a molehile.....I think for myself, I don't really sweat whether or not anybody else likes my thoughts or not. I am both conservative and liberal on different things, don't really care if anybody likes that or not either. I'm not much of a panicer either....I wait and watch and then decide instead of flyin off the handle.....Things ain't gonna be as good as some people say and they ain't gonna be as bad.....in the meantime I'll just be over here livin my life.

Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him through temporary periods of joy.
William Butler Yeats


Living an American Life ;D :D :angel: :police:


their is a diffrance between a scare tactic an fact. i actualy got on obamas website read his policy and didnt like it and so now when the dust settels look at what we have. im thankfull to live where i do i would hate to live in a bigger city now. but when you say the people chose him dont inclued me  i had nothing to do with it . i shut bill clinton off and shut him off. ill not rally behind him i dont like him i have alot more to say but i just dont know how to word it i dont even know if their are words for how i fill


Quote from: sixdogsmom on November 05, 2008, 01:41:19 PM
These same scare tactics are what defeated John McCain. Had all the folks worked for that campaign in a positive manner rather than use all this idiotic 'Are you scared now?' stuff, the outcome may have been quite different.

No...........you are wrong!
If people had actually voted on the integrity and honest character that a President should have.. and if President Hussien and his pandering Media would have not lied and covered up every single thing he has done and is doing .. from all the scum bag criminals and crooks that he hangs out with... to his birth nationality ..to all the $$$money he just couldn't account for on a "community organizers" salary ....to sleeping with Acorn and all those bottom feeders....and lets not forget the fact that Obama himself made it a race ticket... to just name a small few things....then .......................
THEN .....the election might have turned out differently..and maybe it wouldn't have..
but at least it would have been a fair election. So don't even go there with those statements.

But everyone who worshiped the tinfoil Messiah didn't want to know the truth.. you preferred to keep your heads planted firmly in the places of your choice.   and not even consider that this man was NOT what he proclaimed to be.
There was no TRUTH in any of BHO's campaign..and you who voted for him are just as guilty in the fraud as if you sat up and lied yourself. But you won't recognize that fact either.. so I and anyone else who you say talked "negative" stuff... it was because ..unfortunately.. it was the TRUTH.. ( there is that nasty word that Liberals cringe at)  That's probably why it scared the media and the worshipers so. Am I concerned and a bit unnerved by this "bag of lies and secret deceit" who was just put into office as the one to lead this country?
Youuuuu betcha I am. 
I just wanted the TRUTH to be known.. about both candidates. Obviously the majority didn't.
The TRUTH was never ..nor is it now.. . something to be afraid of.. Unless it is incriminating.. then it will be squelched and not allowed to be spoken. ( ring a bell here?)

( remember that word ??)  Say it long and slow.. because it is word that will not be spoken for the next 4 years!

And redcliff.. I'm with you. I will not "come together' if it means standing  and supporting  communism and socialist agendas. ..and this man reeks and stinks with it. Right along side his congress... Reed and Pelosi .. which is and will be a near bullet proof majority.
And  Flo? not one man.. but one man and a full House of Democrats.. There.. will... be... no... vetos'...
And I sure am sorry that stockpiling ammo and defending the 2nd amendment is something that is looked down on.
( I had it coming....my fault. ( that is what I get for talking too much and sharing too much of "me " in places like this.)
After all of this.. it will not happen again. 

And as far as some thinking the conservatives have axes and grudges and can't see beyond that.. that is incorrect.
I can see beyond my anger ( and yes I am angry and sickened)  at all of this left agenda socialist crap....and I will TRY.. to be optimistic..  but to blindly swallow and follow .. and put all of my 'gut feelings' and 'common sense knowing' aside and start following the yellow brick road to "believing this is the start of something great in our history"..is something that my stomach just can't keep down.

Quote from: Howell4ever on November 05, 2008, 03:08:52 PM
Living an American Life ;D :D :angel: :police:
Yes.. that is what we have been doing. but apparently Obama is going to want to try to change all of that. .
Hope you who voted for him like the changes that the government will be making for you. In fact I hope you like all the decisions that the government will be taking and wanting to make for you.

And I say this last thing with so very much sadness and not anger...........The nation is under a strong delusion...I sure hope we haven't just witnessed it's death.
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

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