What I think...............

Started by pam, November 05, 2008, 10:25:41 AM

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Quote from: flo on November 05, 2008, 02:41:35 PMOMG - one person is gonna cause all this?

Some things he wouldn't be able to do by himself of course... but with a democrat controlled congress he'll a very easy time passing just about whatever he wants. A HUGE issue is the Supreme Court... he will likely have the opportunity to put in a few judges and he will most definitely select very liberal judges. What does this mean? Just like the fear the left had that McCain would choose conservative judges that would repeal Roe v. Wade, the exact same thing could very well happen with the gun legislation.

I am very confident they will likely try to increase taxes on guns and/or ammo and they will likely start bans on certain guns again, like what Clinton did. That is simply what they believe and if anyone thinks otherwise, they are fools. Look at their records, look at what they stood for... it should be quite clear what they'll likely try doing with their new power.

I bet gun and ammo sales will likely increase heavily with Obama becoming president. Heck, even things like the VT shooting cause an increase in those types of sales due to the threat of more gun regulation. A democrat controlled U.S., for most gun owners, will be a threat to their gun ownership and many will go out and stock up. I know I will... and I know I will fight for my rights if worse comes to worse. Granted I don't believe something like that would be the first thing on their agenda but after a couple years I would definitely be keeping my eyes open for potential legislation like that.

Lastly... I also will not "come together". Obama does not stand for what I believe in. That is why I did not vote for him. I will not support nor stand with someone I do not believe in regardless if he has been voted in as President. Now... if by some miracle he has actually lied to the whole left and the majority and actually does thing like lower taxes and leave the socialism and such out of it... then maybe I could come together but uh... like that will ever happen.

momof 2boys

My statement is not intended to argue with anyone, I simply want to say a few more statements and be done with the whole anger thing.  Yes, I am one of the people that you have called blind and stupid.  I did vote for Obama.   Does this mean you must attack my character, and call me names?  I am a very moral person, as moral as you can get.  I am honest, hardworking, active in my community, and faithful and loving to God, my country, my family and friends.   Just as your beliefs were those that followed McCain's agenda, mine were closer to those that followed Obama's agenda.  This whole socialist/communist crap is not what I am looking for, nor do I believe our society will ever allow such a thing to happen.  I don't want any money from the rich, but I am tired of the "rich" screwing the poor and middle class.  Do I believe that government should give handouts to those who could help themselves, NO! As an educator, I have been to poverty seminars and have learned many things that never occurred to me about living on the welfare system.  This system is completely faulty.  One of the activities we had to do at a workshop showed us how the sytem works, rather than how it SHOULD work.  The system, as it is now, is designed to hold those that are on it down.  Now I am talking about the people that truly belong on this system, not the users and abusers of it.  Sorry, I got of my topic.  Back to my original thought: 

I have spent the last few years, struggling to support my family under a President that I do not trust.  I do believe that man has lied to our country many times.  However, I did not refuse to unite with my nation to support the troops that are serving in the war President Bush put us in.   There are a lot of roads this President has taken us down that has scared the heck out of me.  So how is that any different than you being scared of where we might be going now under our next President.  Is just because it is you now?

No matter who is in office there is an uncertainty that we as the people of the nation feel.  We can not let that divide us as a people.  So if you must call me names and insult my character to express your anger for things that didn't go your way, go right ahead.  Just know that I love this country as much as you, and there is no way I would endanger mine or my family and friends' freedoms.

God Bless the USA!


QuoteI sure am sorry that stockpiling ammo and defending the 2nd amendment is something that is looked down on.
Not something to be looked down on.....it's common sense to have a way to protect yourself and your family if you need to

Quoteas far as some thinking the conservatives have axes and grudges and can't see beyond that
Wasn't talkin about conservatives per se...was talking about every group that has an ax to grind from conservatives to liberals, from white people to black people to rich people to poor people.

Quotebut to blindly swallow and follow .. and put all of my 'gut feelings' and 'common sense knowing' aside and start following the yellow brick road to "believing this is the start of something great in our history"..
I said I'm choosing to HOPE it is....I never blindly followed anybody in my life and I ain't about to start now.

Y'all need to step back take a deep breath and quit attackin whoever is handy.....He ain't even in office yet and y'all are diggin the hole to bury our country in......WTF! Seriously...where do you think you live? This is America right? Nobody makes us do anything right? We are free right? That means if we don't like what the people who WORK FOR US are doin WE CAN RAISE HELL AND PUT A CHUNK UNDER IT, if they can impeach one president for gettin some strange they can impeach one for tryin to turn us into commies or whatever. I realize y'all are upset but geez....and I didn't VOTE for the dude..I told you all I was votin 3rd party and I did so if I choose to make lemonade out of the lemons you all gave me....guess you can live with it.
Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him through temporary periods of joy.
William Butler Yeats


Not trying to attack you... but I just need to clear up a few points here:

Quote from: gina on November 05, 2008, 04:34:14 PMThis whole socialist/communist crap is not what I am looking for, nor do I believe our society will ever allow such a thing to happen.

:o  ...the majority just did. By things Obama has said and things you can see in his history, it is VERY clear that he is socialist. With a liberal congress to back him they most definitely can, and probably will, make America more socialist.

QuoteI don't want any money from the rich, but I am tired of the "rich" screwing the poor and middle class.

I agree some do tend to screw the people under them... but most don't. Most are the ones that provide jobs to the poor and middle class. Many give their own money to charity without asking for others to give theirs. I agree that those that do screw the people under them need a good screwin' themselves but not ALL rich are out to get the less fortunate.

QuoteDo I believe that government should give handouts to those who could help themselves, NO!

Then why vote for someone that is going to do that very thing?

QuoteThe system, as it is now, is designed to hold those that are on it down.

And with all of the new handouts that Obama will want to give out, it will be even worse.

I know... I know... the election is over, the voting is done with... but I still feel like this needs to get out so that maybe next time it would be different.

QuoteSeriously...where do you think you live? This is America right? Nobody makes us do anything right? We are free right? That means if we don't like what the people who WORK FOR US are doin WE CAN RAISE HELL AND PUT A CHUNK UNDER IT, if they can impeach one president for gettin some strange they can impeach one for tryin to turn us into commies or whatever.

That's the problem... people will make us do what they want, we will slowly but surely lose our freedoms, and no one will stand for it. Clinton may have been impeached... but he still retained office. Many of us have already seen Obama's colors but the majority chose not to pay attention or even care. Those people on top of a democrat controlled congress would make the chances of him actually being impeached very, very slim.

It would take something extreme like banning guns for something like that to happen... but even then, I'm not sure enough people would do anything about it. People are becoming too lazy anymore. :-\

Kjell H.

Very well said Mark.
Coming from Europe, and living under many different government rules, I see things and hear things from this man that make me very very uncomfortable.
Marshal Halloway


Quote from: gina on November 05, 2008, 04:34:14 PM
  I don't want any money from the rich, but I am tired of the "rich" screwing the poor and middle class. 

I don't know who you are referring to...none of the rich people I know spend any time actively planning to screw the common man out of anything...quite to the contrary...the rich of this country are the ones who are helping to create the jobs that lift the poor people out of poverty.  Reverse discrimination toward those better off does nothing to help those who need jobs...it only aggravates those who are paying all of the costs associated with hiring large amounts of people. 

Quote from: gina on November 05, 2008, 04:34:14 PM
As an educator, I have been to poverty seminars and have learned many things that never occurred to me about living on the welfare system.  This system is completely faulty.  One of the activities we had to do at a workshop showed us how the sytem works, rather than how it SHOULD work.  The system, as it is now, is designed to hold those that are on it down. 

Yes, the system is faulty.  But, designed to hold those that are on it down?  As an educator who's been out in the field for over 25 years and holds multiple degrees, I can completely assure you that whomever presented that course presented you with faulty information.  Yes, there are generationally-entrenched welfare cases...but it is not the fault of the system...it is the fault of the person who chooses to continue to feed at the public trough rather than exert themselves and get on bettering themselves.  Yes, the system makes it easy to stay on it, for the most part...but it's an individual decision as to whether or not to stay on it indefinitely. 

momof 2boys

I assure you the workshop was provided by a reputable entity, Southeast Education Service Center at Greenbush and Pittsburg State University.  My role I had to play was a single mother of 4, recieving little to no child support, and government aid.  You were given scenarios such as broken water pipe in the rundown house you rent.  You recieved your check from the government, had to take a bus to get there to get it, dragging along 2 of your 4 children that were not school age.  Once you received your aid, you had to board the bus again and travel to the various places(waiting each time at the bus stop to board it to go the next place) to pay your bills, purchase your groceries and argue with the water dept. about the huge bill you received.  There were many other scenarios, such as your children being ill and trying to find a doctor that would see them, no one around to watch your child while you went to a job interview.  Trying to find help on how to go back to school and better yourself only to receive road blocks such as childcare, illness, eviction, etc.  As I said, it was a real eye opener for me.  I do agree there are many people that are able to pick themselves up and better themselves; but sad to say there are also those cases that no matter which way you turn it seems hopeless and you give up.  Perserverance is difficult for people in those situations.


Working in Daycare I can tell you for a Fact, the system will not help you pay for childcare while you go to school.  Which, I personally think is a bunch of crap.  I person is trying to better themselves and the government won't help them pay for their child to be cared for.  I thought I would throw in my 2 cents!!
Love everyday like it's your last on earth!!


Gina: Ive lived the mother with 4 children growing up with no help from my father. My mother worked 3 jobs to support us and had to use the system for some piddly assistance never once did i hear a woe is me. i honestly believe that people choose not to help themselves and im not talking about the ones who really need the assistance if their is no physical or mental reason why you cant work get off your butt get a job and work that's what i was taught .


Well said, littlelamb.  Just because the circumstances might be hard...even daunting...that is no excuse for not doing what is necessary to overcome those circumstances.  I should know...I've actually been there...and done that...and barely survived it...but I'm living proof that, even under the most incredible circumstances, you can not only survive but also thrive, in the long run.  Perseverance is indeed the key.  The type of people Gina refers to, those unable to overcome their circumstances, are unable to do so because of not only poverty of circumstances but also poverty of spirit and poverty of intellect.  Interestingly enough, there are some 'educated' people that I've run into who have poverty of spirit...so that's nothing that is limited to those with low socio-economic status.

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