AMERICA: A Day Of Infamy

Started by Warph, November 05, 2008, 01:01:18 AM

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The criminal idiots at ACORN must be as confused as I am.  At the same time that the FBI is busy trying to put the organization out of business, the Supreme Court decides it's okay for Ohio's democratic governor and attorney general to do nothing about enforcing election laws, ensuring Barack Hussein Obuma to steal that state's 20 electoral votes tonight.  One can only hope that there are still enough people in Ohio who are familiar with the word "impeachment."

Americans have long disagreed whether our nation should be called a democracy or a republic, but the way things are going, it will soon be more accurate to call it a left-wing tyranny.  Back in 2000, my liberal colleagues kept asking me if I thought George Bush should take office if he didn't get more votes than Al Gore in Florida.  I said he shouldn't, and I meant it.  As big a disaster as I knew President Gore would be, a fair and honest election was more important to me than who sat in the Oval Office.  I knew America could survive four years of Gore if it could survive eight years of Clinton, but it couldn't survive and shouldn't survive if we were to become a banana republic.

At the time, I suspected that my liberal colleagues didn't feel as I felt -- that they only cared that the democrat won the election by whatever means necessary.  Now I'm more convinced than ever.  Which is why nobody on the left seems even slightly concerned that the thugs in ACORN are running wild.  For those on the left, the ends always justify the means.

Liberals always insist that they love democracy and will at the drop of a hat parrot Voltaire's "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it." But that's only rhetoric.  They don't mean it for a second.  That is why, on college campuses across the country, they will boo conservative speakers into silence and why liberals are so eager to make the so-called Fairness Doctrine the law of the land.  As things stand now, the left has such complete control of the mass media that were it not for the Internet and talk radio, conservatives would have no outlet at all aside from yelling from their rooftops.  Once the Democrats get their way, conservative voices will be silenced on the airwaves.   

Those on the left will continue to pretend that they're in favor of free speech, but to them that only means that the Washington Post and the New York Times will continue to publish, and that Bill Maher as well as Keith Olberclown, Chris Matthews, Jon Stewart, Barbara Walters and Oprah Winfrey, will continue to host TV shows.  It turns out that, just as some of us always suspected, liberals never really disapproved of Stalin's Soviet Union, Castro's Cuba and Pol Pot's Cambodia; down deep they envied them.

Liberals don't simply disagree with conservatives, they despise them.  That's why they don't want judges to be objective interpreters of the law.  They only want political partisans on the bench.  In the past, after all, that's how they managed to overturn the results of elections they disliked when it came to such matters as illegal aliens, capital punishment and same-sex marriages.  The will of the majority counts for nothing.  The only thing that matters to them is the will of the Socialists. 

Lately, I've been getting the idea that if only the Soviet Union had hung in there for another 17 years, with the complicity of Pelosi, Obuma, Pinocchio Joe, Elmer Fudd and Harry Reid, the Russians could have won the Cold War without having to fire a shot.  As it stands now, THEY, Obuma's victory and the dirty tricks of the democratic party now have a chance to make this great nation into a first-rate welfare state.

There has been a little good news, though, even in the midst of the economic meltdown  and Obuma's win.  In fact part of it is a direct result of the meltdown, proving, I suppose, that even the darkest clouds can have a silver lining.  The first of these bright spots is that the price of gasoline has plummeted.  Second is that illegal aliens have apparently been going back to Mexico in record numbers.  Now if only we'd get busy building that wall before the economy recovers and the scofflaws start making u-turns, hoping to get some of that welfare money!  Thirdly, as far as Obuma's victory tonight is concerned and the part I like best, I will dog that SOB and keep this forum up-to-date on every lie and mistake he makes while in office including his cronies .  Don't get me wrong... I respect the office of the Presidency, but I sure don't respect the bastard who will be sitting in the Presidents chair.

What amazes me is that in spite of Barack Hussein Obuma's having close ties to the likes of Jeremiah Wright, Jesse Jackson and Louis Farrakhan, most of my fellow Jews happily marched out today and voted for the man.  It simply amazes me that for two thousand years, Jews insisted that there was no messiah and, suddenly, they've decided there is one.  And oddly enough, that he's a junior senator from Illinois with little or NO experience.  The Chicago Machine planted this malignant CLOWN amongst us, and inflated him like a latex condum.  The far left, the gullible uneducated populace as well as the racist minorities embraced him as the ONE.  The One What?  He may have won the game of numbers, but this is a day of INFAMY and a great loss for AMERICA!

I also lost all the respect I ever had for Colin Powell when, as Secretary of State, he betrayed his commander-in-chief.  Did anyone actually expect him to endorse his old friend, John McCain?  Only slightly less predictable than his coming out for Obuma was the timing of the announcement.  I had assumed he would wait until the weekend before the election in order to get the biggest bang for his buck.  I find it terribly sad that the folks most likely to quote Martin Luther King on the primacy of character are so often the very same people whose actions prove that for them race trumps everything.

I'm Warph and I Approve this Message!
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Well...........................sighhhhhhhhhhhhh.. I approve everything you said too and more..
but I am so sick and tired of it all and of the idiots who voted for him.. that I just need a break from even thinking about him. The liar makes me so sick to my stomach to even hear his voice..that I just can't deal with it for awhile.
I still can't believe we actually have a socialist President with communist ideologies setting in the White House.
My heart is heavy tonight................... :(
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


I have nothing constructive to say at this point.  I have some very clear observations to make about what has gone into this electoral process but they're moot at this point.  Anything more is just overkill. 


my heart is sick over this im taking this day to mourn for my country


A dark and dreary morning for a dark and dreary election.

I do congratulate the democrats though! You have successfully voted in the most inexperienced, most liberal candidate with one of the worst histories I have ever seen without really even breaking a sweat.

Now... on to hope and change. I hope he miraculously changes his stances to make American better instead of destroy it... but most of us know how that is going to go. :-\


WARPH although I do not agree with everything you say I certainly do not despise you.


Something really is being spread among the school kids that Obama wil change our National Anthem...I have assured them that no such change will be allowed...but it shows you the extent to which the ignorance of the general public has permeated the every day existence of the children. 


" Perennial Socialist Party presidential candidate Norman Thomas (the grandfather, incidentally, of Newsweek Assistant Managing Editor Evan Thomas), echoed this sentiment at a recent Obama bash:

"The American people will never knowingly adopt Socialism. But under the name of 'liberalism' they will adopt every fragment of the Socialist program, until one day America will be a Socialist nation, without knowing how it happened."

How sad..and how utterly true.  :'(
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Quote from: greatguns on November 05, 2008, 05:25:41 PM
WARPH although I do not agree with everything you say I certainly do not despise you.

Well, thank you GG.... and here I had you pegged as a flaming liberal and you turn out to be a closet conservative.  Guess I was wrong.  I apoligize.
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."

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