The Right Will Rise Again

Started by Warph, November 04, 2008, 12:56:35 AM

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On the eve of the presidential election, I have a few last thoughts I'd like to share.  I will try and not make this too long-winded for fear of someone shouting at me.... again.

First off, I keep hearing people say they don't know Barack Hussein Obuma, America's number #1 con man.  Oddly enough, I don't think I've ever known a presidential candidate nearly so well.  I may not have seen his birth certificate or his medical records, but I've certainly heard his words, his wife's words and his pastor's words, and I feel they've told me all I need to know about this demagogue.

I know that he believes in the Marxist principle of sharing the wealth, and I know that doesn't refer to his own wealth, but to everybody else's.  I know that he shares Mrs. Obama's lack of pride in America, and that, in his gut, he believes America is a racist nation.

I know he shares Rev. Wright's hatred of white people.  Because he depends on their votes, he keeps that belief under wraps, but it certainly comes through loud and clear in his books.

I know that the people he surrounds himself with, people like Wright, Father Pfleger, Louis Farrakhan, Tony Rezko and Bill Ayres, are vile.  And the ones whom he is forced by circumstance to be allied with, people like Ted Kennedy, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, John Murtha and Elmer Fudd, are not much better.

Because even his disciples realized that Sen. Obuma can barely identify such places as Iraq, Syria, Israel and Afghanistan, on the map, he selected an old political hack like Pinocchio Joe Biden as his running mate.  Pinocchio Joe  was supposed to supply the foreign affairs expertise Obama lacked.  The man has plenty of experience, but the problem is that he has always been wrong.  Just one major example was his vote against Desert Storm.  He would have gladly stood by while Saddam Hussein took over the oil fields of Kuwait.  He never has bothered to explain his reasoning, but when it only takes about 200,000 votes to be a senator from Delaware, I guess all it takes to be elected are hair plugs and painted teeth.

It occurs to me that politicians continue, as a matter of P.R., to refer themselves as public servants.  They are the only servants in the history of mankind to not only make more money than their masters, but are the ones who insist on giving all the orders.

Because we saw this election as the most important in our lifetime, I cast my ballot several weeks ago.  I wanted to be certain that my vote would count even if I died in the meantime.  It's nothing new.  Hell, dead Democrats have been casting votes for years and, thanks to ACORN and complicit state governments, they still are.  ACORN even registers cartoon characters.  In one case,( Elmer Fudd from Massachusetts) there's even an example of a cartoon character who managed to get elected to Congress.

It astounds me that Democrats continue to paint Republicans as plutocrats when kazillionaires like Kennedy, Boxer, Feinstein, Schumer, Kerry, Clinton and even a guy named Rockefeller, sit in the Senate, and people like George Soros, Barbra Streisand, George Clooney, Warren Buffet and Bill Gates, fill their coffers.  I used to wonder why Soros, a bottom-feeder who made his fortune in the sleazy business of currency trading, would align himself with the far left wing of the Democratic party.  Then, one day, it occurred to me that John Howard Lawson, who used to run the Communist Party in Hollywood, as a man who was born to run a gulag.  I now believe that Soros sees himself as a honcho in a new Soviet United States, a man in charge of the men who would run the gulags.

I just read that former Secretary of State Lawrence Eagleburger said that Sarah Palin is not only unqualified to become president on short notice, but that even after some time in office would make, at best, an adequate commander in chief.  What a shame he wasn't half as prescient when he was secretary of state.  I wonder what evaluation he would give to President George H.W. Bush, the man under whom he served, the man who, by the way, was the only president since 1980 not to be re-elected to a second term.

Finally, it occurs to me that former Weatherman terrorist Bill Ayers didn't really stop planting bombs in the 1960s, after all.  As a matter of fact, the biggest bomb he set off was the O-bomb in the mid-90s, when he hosted the kick-off to Barack Hussein Obuma's political campaign.

I'm Warph and I Approve this Message
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Once a man who knows his stuff..
You rate a standing ovation on that one.
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

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