Obama Vows To Create 'Civilian National Security Force'...

Started by Teresa, November 03, 2008, 10:56:36 PM

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"just as powerful" as the military!!

That folks, is TERRIFYING!!!!! That's crazy! That goes beyond "big brother"
And the lefties compared Bush to Hitler!?

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

Kjell H.

I have watched this several times today.. and it could be that he is referring to an extension of the National Guard, or a militia as mentioned in the 2nd amendment. I'm grasping I know, because it's doubtful ....but maybe  :-\

On the other hand, when you do think back on WW2:

In the latter stages of the war the Germans needed additional men to control the Dutch populace. They dressed up a group of "loyal" men in black and named them "Landwacht", meaning LandGuard. These men were armed with the hunting shotguns which the Germans confiscated from the Dutch farmers.
As a result of that they were nicknamed "Jan Hagel", meaning John Buckshot by the Dutch people.

Not good if he is talking a LandGuard. But by doing some research on him and some other things he has said, I honestly think he may well be talking about just that type of thing.  Everything this man says can and has been said by dictators down through history.

Look at how he has tried (and pretty well accomplished) shutting down any negative (truth) about him getting out.  One of the first things his campaign did was form a "truth squad" to silence anyone they didn't like!

Our problem is that he has already said he doesn't like us, the gun owners of America. So who, exactly, would he be arming, and who, exactly, would he be arming them against!
Its really pretty simple.
If there is a "Civilian" National Security Force there is no longer a need for us to keep and bear arms because the "Force" will protect us. Then we can get rid of silly things like "the essential constraints that were placed by the founding fathers in the Constitution" i.e. the Second Amendment.

It's how the SS started!  "Civilian" (party) police force.
Things to think about before you vote. ???
Marshal Halloway


The reason why he wants one is to circumvent the constitution.  He knows that the constitution prevents him
from using the military against civilians, and that our wonderful sons and daughters in the military would tell him to kiss their ass if he gave a illegal order to turn on civilians.  So being the "harvard law grad" he knows that if he can turn this into a civilian milita he bypasses posse comatatus and the military and don't need the permission of the states to enter with a military force.

It is nothing but repeating of history.  SS rising again. 

I am off to go cast my vote.  One against Zeig Heil  herr obama.   
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Sounds like our version of the KGB. 

Thanks for posting the video and your comments too. 

Here's an article by Joseph Farah on this subject.

Kjell H.

Good article and I agree Steve.

He's talking about a Federally controlled para-military police force. This is unacceptable. Do you think the state police, local sheriffs or police forces would actually collect weapons and arrest people who are currently law-abiding but may become felons with a stroke of Obama's pen? I doubt it. Most cops I know said they would never do this, and would consider it an unlawful order, violating our rights.

The group he would have, is the group that would be doing the gun-grabbing, political intimidation, silencing of the critics. Yes, Brown Shirts. Actually, Black Shirts, as they would be 'just as powerful, just as well funded' as the military. And gee, The Fairness Doctrine is about to be re-imposed on private enterprises again. (Doesn't ANYONE voting for Obama ever put 2 and 2 together?) Again, most have taken leave of their senses and have no idea what Obama and a full Democratic house will do to the foundation and structure of the freedoms of the United States people.

I actually heard from my LEO friends that there were rumors of 'private police' being considered to do jobs the current police would refuse to do. I somewhat dismissed it as ridiculous , at first, until I started seeing the current atmosphere surrounding Obama. Now there is no doubt it is starting to happen and will only continue to get worse if he is put into office.

Some would like to see more State Militias. But current governor (d) won't approve the legislation to create a "State Guard" at NO COST to the state.
State militia's are fine if they are run by "We the people" but tend to descend into fascist thugs and "death squads" when run by the Gov.
Do anyone REALLY want to see" Kristalnacht" in America ?  I don't think anyone who is supporting Obama knows or cares WHO the man really is, and when they find out..if they ever do, it will be too late.
Marshal Halloway


Take your pick of Dictator enforcers...,Russian Spetnaz MVD .... KGB, Nazi Brownshirts, East German Stasi, etc.
But don't worry, we have our guns and he has already said he won't take them.  ::) ::)

So we will be all snug as a warm bug in a rug......... let Papa Obama and his government take care of you.  :P (yuck)
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

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