What do you think.....

Started by Teresa, November 03, 2008, 03:00:16 PM

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I got this from a friend today asking me ........................ ???

(((He is singing to the choir when he tells me these things and asks me these questions. )))

I'm Just wondering what you think of this...
I heard today that the college and youth voters were really going for Obama.  Guess this is probably correct, but wonder if they realize that he has said he would bring back the draft for l8-to-43 year olds!  If they didn't go into the military they could and should go into other public services like the Peace Corps, social aid organizations, etc.  Everyone should serve.

Now, I really believe that military service greatly helps the young who are in need of direction in their lives.  I greatly value my military experience and have used much that I learned there.  My doctor friends who never served seem to me to lack something in their skills.

Skills, stamina, leadership, steadfastness, love of country, and much more are developed in the recruit, more than almost any other activity available.  But, I have always thought the draft was wrong.  Sort of like slave labor.  I saw it in Vietnam.  I don't want someone protecting me who was there against his or her will.  Oh yes, women will be drafted as will be the men.

If you think about it, his plan sounds more like the Peoples Republic of China or Russia.  Wonder if the youth have thought about all this.  Hope they all enjoy it.  Just wondering.

my answer..
Obama has never put on a military uniform..and for obvious reasons ..
And as far as serving his community..
He was ( and still is..just a community organizer in my opinion)
I don't know if whoever serves the community as he did will get all the under the table and illegal funding and $$$$ that he got from all the crooks he took to his supper table..but I really doubt it.
He is one giant mass of hypocrite.
He is just sickening.

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

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