Billboard Howard

Started by pepelect, July 24, 2008, 09:01:04 PM

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They don't care... Nobody really likes me.   My talents are waisted on those who don't understand my keen wit and sarcasm.  It is hard to dumb down everything you say.


If you had a community sign on Highway 99 you could inform the local traffic of anything from amber alerts to the price of gas at Lannings.....

If you had a community sign on Highway 400 you could inform half the state of Kansas of anything that you want......

What if we talked to the cities of Severy and Sedan, Longton and Grenola, and Moline and Elk Falls to see if we could get a network or community signs that could be accessed for either emergency or advertising.....Community calendars, school events, directions to events, and a shared sense of community.

We should work together instead of against our neighbors......

Stay with us as we grow........


Yes!!!  A big sign on 400 pointing south, informing motorists of the fabulous things that can be found south on 99.


Quote from: frawin on August 02, 2008, 03:39:49 PM
Patrick, you never seize to amaze me. You have more energy than the ENERGIZER RABBIT. Howard and the area are most fortunate to have so many aggressive and energetic  young people.
Frank Winn

Young people??  I thought I saw a posting not long ago wishing Patrick a Happy 40th birthday.  Agressive like a rabid dog and as energetic as a Jack Russell terrier.  Interesting.

Careful Patrick you're burning brain cells and at your advanced age the mind will be the first thing to go.

A sign with "current" events would be a lovely idea.  Someone might actually look at and read it.  I only remember the 200 year old sign north of town that always advertised the Howard Fair from the year before.


I don't even think the old fair sign exists anymore.  :-\


Well, if we don't think the sign even exists, then it's obviously not a good enough sign to draw any attention to it!

(BTW, it is still there, right next to the fence at Dr. Black's clinic... I think some of the letters have fallen off or are crooked.)


i think the having a sign like that is a grate idea maybe we could do a county wide fund raiser to raise the money for at least one


Quote from: pepelect on October 29, 2008, 07:25:37 PM

What if we talked to the cities of Severy and Sedan, Longton and Grenola, and Moline and Elk Falls to see if we could get a network or community signs that could be accessed for either emergency or advertising.....Community calendars, school events, directions to events, and a shared sense of community.

We should work together instead of against our neighbors......

Stay with us as we grow........

Excellent idea Patrick, the only way the area will survive is if everyone works together for the good of the "whole".

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