Obuma: A Man Who Manages to make Hillary Clinton Look Good

Started by Warph, November 01, 2008, 02:42:42 AM

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I get a big kick out of democrats insisting that the Republicans should concentrate on the issues instead of focusing on barack Hussein obuma's own words and affiliations.  They call it negative campaigning.  It reminds me of the book "Truman," when in 1948, the crowds would exhort Harry Truman to give the Republicans hell: "I don't give them hell," he replied, "I just tell the truth and the Republicans think it's hell."

According to the democrats, nobody is supposed to mention barack Hussein obama's hostility to his own white relatives; his black hate-mongering religious mentor; his political alliance with unrepentant terrorist Bill Ayers; his work with Saul Alinsky's cadre; his financial aid to 'ACORN'; his ties to Chicago fixer Tony Rezko; and his affiliation with the Annenberg Challenge, which, under the cover of promoting education in Chicago, promoted left-wing activism.

When you get down to obuma's actual record, his obvious dedication to black separatism and to Karl Marx's dream of redistributing wealth, you begin to understand why some of us regard him as the worst sort of demagogue, and why our collective skin crawled when John McCain called him a gentleman, a good family man, and assured us that we'd have nothing to fear from an obuma presidency.  Ol' John almost lost me on that one.  It had me wondering whom McCain was planning to vote for on November 4th.  If a cynical racist like barack Hussein obuma could receive such high marks, virtually an endorsement, from his opponent, I figured David Duke must be kicking himself that he never thought to run as a democrat.

Although the economy is front and center at this moment, what happens next January if Iran drops the bomb on Tel Aviv or if the Islamics bring down the Empire State Building or the Sears Tower or Golden Gate Bridge?  Believe me, nobody's going to be talking about Ben Bernanke, and nobody in his right mind is going to want the man who is eager to sit down and chat with Mahmud Ahmadinejad or who sees a moral equivalency between Israel and her Islamic enemies seated in the Oval Office.

obuma is a man who sees taxes as a neat way to rob Peter to pay Paul, who wants us to contribute 50 billion dollars-a-year to the U.N. to fight world poverty on top of the many billions we already give it, and who, instead of favoring English as our official language, insists we should all learn to speak Spanish, a language that neither he nor mrs. obuma can speak.

The problem is that the only thing standing between obuma, the worst possible presidential candidate, a man who manages to make Hillary Clinton look good, and the White House is John McCain, the worlds worst campaigner.  There are high school kids all over America who are running better races for sophomore class president.  I'm beginning to wonder if he's going to carry Arizona, his home state.

I mean, when obuma keeps parroting the line about McCain's having voted 90% of the time with George Bush, how hard should it be for McCain to point out that obuma voted even more often than that, 96% with the likes of nancy pelosi, harry reid, christopher dodo, john kerry and barney 'Elmer the Fudd' frank -- and, what's more, got huge kickbacks from his grateful cronies at Fannie Mae?   In 1948, Harry Truman ran against Congress even harder than he ran against Tom Dewey, and Congress 60 years ago was a lot more popular than the current version.

It was one thing for barack Hussein obuma, a man born to sell swampland to suckers, to pretend that ACORN was just a charitable organization doing good works when his campaign gave them $800,000.... $800,00 big ones, people... but now that we know that ACORN is nothing but a gang of punks and thugs whose sole purpose is to steal the election on his behalf, obuma has, in the immortal words of Desi Arnaz, a lot of 'splaining to do.'  And since we know the media hacks won't ask him, it's up to John McCain to hold his feet to the fire.  Good luck on that. 

Hell, If I were McCain, I'd start out by asking obuma if he thinks ACORN or that other famous community organization, the 'Mafia,' is the more dangerous group.  I, personally, have more respect for the Mafia.  After all, they favor capitalism over socialism, they genuinely like America, they don't try to destroy the election process and, what's more, they dress a lot better, favoring camelhair coats over those corny red sweatshirts.

Heaven knows, I've done all I can.  Sarah Palin and Joe the Plumber have done all they can do.  Now it's up to John McCain to prove that he hasn't placed a big bet on the other guy.  Unlike Marlon Brando's Terry Malloy in "On the Waterfront," he can't go through life moaning about his fate, claiming he could have been a contender.  He is a contender.  The question is whether he has what it takes to knock out this lightweight in the final round and take home the title.

In Keeping with the Times, I'm Warph and I Approve this Message!
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."




I'm a slow reader and I skipped reading most of this posting by Warph.  It didn't take long and besides there's not much good that Warph or anybody else could say about Hillary or Obama no matter how long-winded it is.


I liked it Warph... It speaks the truth.. I passedit on and and posted it on 3 gun forums.. and they give you... as usual.. a HUGE big thumbs up!

Keep hammering!

I posting this clip...
An  American version of the Gistapo is EXACTLY what he is referring to in this video. .

Unbelievable in reality, but very believable coming from his mouth.
What exactly would an Emperor Obama propose using such an American Gestapo Force (funded to the same extent as the military) to accomplish?    Wake up America... before it's too late and your freedoms have been stripped away and America has become the Marxist country envisioned by Obama and his many pals (Ayers, Wright, Pfleger, Khalidi, Jarrett, Davis, al-Mansour etc)!

He doesn't see the forest through the trees.
We don't NEED a government sanctioned "civilian force" because we already HAVE one by default through the 2nd Amendment. To deny us that in favor of government hired thugs is to invite tyranny. This is PRECISELY how the Nazis started!

It is impossible to speak truth to Obama supporters, and have them listen with open minds. I mean... look at those morons in the back clapping like a bunch of retards at a 5th grade reading rainbow assembly.  It is like the Democratic party and most of the media have caused mass hypnosis.

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

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