Started by Wilma, October 29, 2008, 07:38:47 AM

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I know.  They have already started criticizing everything he does and says!!!! ;D ;D


I finally heard an honest reporter this morning, on some cable network (I was flipping randomly...sorry for the lack of info), who stated that McCain has received 3 times as much nasty reporting as Obama.  They were talking about how this would influence the public.  Well, DUH......................


Everybody should just watch CNN, lol. They seem to be reporting a pretty balanced gettin down to the nitty gritty is it fact or is it bull type. I've seen every story put around about Obama, Palin, McCain, Biden all debunked, proved or discounted pretty much since this ridiculous freak show started!
Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him through temporary periods of joy.
William Butler Yeats


Sorry friend.. You are wrong on this one..
Not all of them can be debunked.
Some of them have more than been proven right.

Wish we could say that Tony Rezko...Bill Ayers....Acorn... Radical racial 20 year mentor Pastor Wright and all Obamas lies which are bold and bright and caught on tape could be  'debunked".. ( Make me feel a whole lot better)
But they can't . Plain and Simple.. They can't.
Because truth is truth and lies are lies. And we all ...from the time we were old enough to talk.. knew not to lie.
Cause you will ..every single time.. get caught in those lies that you weave and tangle together.

You know it .. and I know it.. and just because people are sick of politics..and sick of the level of frustration and anger and fear for our country that is taking can't deny it.
You still know that his horrible associations ( birds of a feather) ...His lies.. His connections ..His lack of cooperating and turning in paperwork and records.... can not be debunked. ...............
I can go on.. but won't.
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


I wasn't talkin about just Obama Teresa.....I meant about ALL of them, Obama, McCain, Palin AND Biden.
Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him through temporary periods of joy.
William Butler Yeats



(((((((( Something that horses eat.)))   ;D *hay*
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

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