Living in Howard

Started by genealogynut, August 15, 2006, 12:43:03 PM

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Do you folks realize how blessed you are to live in a rural atmosphere, where people care and lend a helping hand?  People that live in the cities are lucky if they even know the names of their neighbors!

Life in larger cities is nothing but hassle, hustle and bustle, with no time to stop and smell the roses along the way.  Living in small towns helps to instill a sense of community pride, moral values and an appreciation of the finer things in life.

Each time we visit Howard, we enjoy stopping by the soda fountain at Batson's Drug.  You folks are so blessed to have one of those.  A soda fountain  is a rarity to find in this day and age.


That is the truth!
And what about our hand laid original brick street.  Main street was hand laid and if you really look at it.. brick for brick.. you have to appreciate the work that it took.
The neat thing is .. it is still there.. while all the other roads in town have pot holes and pieces missing and have been repaired time and time again.

Cooksons Hardware has the original floor in it..  and I think it has dirt in the grooves that have been there about 100 years. I have swept it at least a thousand times and never could get it to look clean.
The ceiling and metel inlaid tiles are still above the drop down ceiling that Mark and his folks put in there back in 1972. ( I think it was then)
There are many original things left in this town... and yes I consider myself lucky and give thanks for living here and having my family live here and raise their kids.
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