What Can I Say..... College Stinks Today!

Started by Warph, October 28, 2008, 01:25:49 AM

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I never had to take an art class or a language class, and I graduated with 2 degrees.  Yes, we had to take "electives", but there were quite a few of those to choose from.  I think that the macroecon, microecon, and other classes like that were boring, but still good information.  It also expanded a different aspect of my brain, and I have used a few of those skills along the way. 
Talk about weeding out... to even apply for Veterinary school, I had to take... Biology 1, Biology 2, Embryology, Chemistry 1, Chemistry 2, Organic chemistry, Biochemistry, Physics 1, and Physics 2.  I may have missed some.  Needless to say, getting a C or B in all of those classes did NOT get me into Vet school.  Oh, by the way, these are the same classes that Pre-Med people had to take... except they took human anatomy.  I took animal anatomy and physiology, but it was the same amount of hours.


Ok, I would not say that it is a waist of time.  It just depends if you can do better with a degree or not.  I had every type of Appreciation class, Art, Music, Theater you name it I had it.  I didn't mind them at all.  But if you don't like that sort of thing you would and it would be hard.  I didn't think they were that hard at all.  I thought that Music was challenging, but made it through.  I on the other hand thought that Economics was a challenge.  But that is just the difference in the mind set.  I would have liked it better now than I did then. 

I have a nephew that graduated in 2008 from Eldorado.  He is a bright kid, but he didn't go to college yet.  He is working at a really good paying job now.  He has talked about quiting to go back to school.  I think that he needs to think about it, because is he going to make more money with the degree or without.  I know that is the bottom line of things, the ole might dollar.  I for one have a BS in Elementary Education.  I taught for 2 years and now run a daycare.  Did I need a degree for it?  No!  Does it pay more than teaching, depends how you look at it.  I do make more money now, but don't have the benefits, such as health insurance and such.  But I got to stay home with my youngest child!!  That is worth more than money could buy, plus I made money at the same time.  I encourage my daughters to think about what they want to be.  I know it will change from month to month.  But they need to think about it and know that it might require years of college and good study habits.  They need to buckle down now for the future.  We tell them that all the time.  Our girls are not the calmest girls around, but I try hard to instill lots of values in them now for the future. 

You need to take these so called petty class to open your mind.  I wouldn't have said that while taking them, but feel that way now.  I never changed my major all through out college and all the different colleges that I attended.  If I would have been more open who knows, I might have not went to school for teaching. Then where would I be now???
Love everyday like it's your last on earth!!


Your last paragraph said it better than I could have, Ang...You always did have a way of cutting to the chase!  :laugh:


There are many people out there who have not attended a day of school past high school (and some who never finished high school) and they are productive assets to the community and society.  The point of "continuing education" in colleges, vo-tech, or ju-co's is just that... to continue your education.  If you don't want to learn anything other than what you want to do, then get on-the-job-training.  I agree with Angie that taking other classes outside of your major and interest help to expand your knowledge base and help use other parts of your brain. 
The only gripe that I have with universities these days are the so-called "teachers".  I've always said that univ. instructors should have to teach 1 semester of a K-8 grade before they can teach in a univ.  Most of them aren't even classified as "teachers"... just "lectors".  And foreign-speaking lectors should also have to go through an english class.  I'm not being racist, but it's hard to learn a subject when you can't even undestand your teacher!  (Although, I do have a better ability to understand my priest now...  ;)  :-X )


I will never forget the 1st day of Music Appreciation at ESU.  The teacher came in to the room, her hair dripping wet leaving a mark on her shirt, make up on her collar, and she looked like she was going to piss herself.  I thought to myself, what a way to make a good impression on your students.  I was not challenged at all during that class.  She was  push over, and come to find out she was a, I am not sure what they called them in college, but a student teacher.  I have to tell you, I had the most trouble and easiest classes with student teachers in college.  They were either die hard core teachers and you werent getting away with a thing, or they were so layed back that they didn't care. 

That is what makes me mad about college teachers.
Love everyday like it's your last on earth!!

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