Hannity's America Entitled "Obama & Friends - A History Of Radicalism

Started by Warph, October 28, 2008, 12:38:15 AM

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Part #1 

Sean Hannity of Hannity's America Special Report Entitled "Obama & Friends - A History Of Radicalism" Including Black Panthers, Bill Ayers, Muslim, and Saudi, Khalid Monsour Connections. Part 1

Part #2 
A History Of Radicalism" Including Black Panthers, Bill Ayers, Muslim, and Saudi, Khalid Monsour, Community Organizer, Louis Farrakhan, Harvard, Bill Ayers, New York, Chicago, Kenwood, Hugo Chavez, Cuba, Fidel Castro, Connections. Part 2

Part #3 
A History Of Radicalism" Including Black Panthers, Bill Ayers, Muslim, and Saudi, Khalid Monsour, Community Organizer, Louis Farrakhan, Harvard, Bill Ayers, New York, Chicago, Kenwood, Hugo Chavez, Cuba, Fidel Castro, John Murtaugh, Larry Grathwohl, Bernardine Dohrn, FBI, Weathermen Bomb, Connections. Part 3

Part #4 
A History Of Radicalism" Including Black Panthers, Bill Ayers, Muslim, and Saudi, Khalid Monsour, Community Organizer, Louis Farrakhan, Harvard, Bill Ayers, New York, Chicago, Kenwood, Hugo Chavez, Cuba, Fidel Castro, John Murtaugh, Larry Grathwohl, Bernardine Dohrn, FBI, Weathermen Bomb, Pastor, Reverend, Radical, Jeremiah Wright, James Cone, Black Liberation Theology, Marxist, Separatist, NAACP, Detroit, National Press Club, Otis Moss, Father Michael Pfeldger, Nation of Islam, Connections. Part 4

[/htmlPart #5  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GxCZzxEfUAsA History Of Radicalism" Including Black Panthers, Bill Ayers, Muslim, and Saudi, Khalid Monsour, Community Organizer, Louis Farrakhan, Harvard, Bill Ayers, New York, Chicago, Kenwood, Hugo Chavez, Cuba, Fidel Castro, John Murtaugh, Larry Grathwohl, Bernardine Dohrn, FBI, Weathermen Bomb, Pastor, Reverend, Radical, Jeremiah Wright, James Cone, Black Liberation Theology, Marxist, Separatist, NAACP, Detroit, National Press Club, Otis Moss, Father Michael Pfeldger, Nation of Islam, Rashid Khalidi, Jewish, Irsrael, Palestinian Liberations Army, PLO, Terrorist, Columbia, Mahoud Ahmadenejad, West Bank, Woods Fund, Arab American Action Network, Hamas, Ahmed Yousef, Iran, Connections. Part 5 [html]

Part #6 
A History Of Radicalism" Including: Association of Community Organizers for Reform Now or A.C.O.R.N., Acorn, Voter Fraud, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, Madeline Talbot, Annenberg Challenge, Motor Voter Law, Home Foreclosure, Economic Crisis. Part 6

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


  This information has been readily available to anyone that wanted to search for it.  Or who cared enough to try to research and find the real truth..Not the crap that the liberal media is regurgitating for the half blind and deaf to follow.

People have focused now on whether he was born in Hawaii or Kenya, who was his real father... etc., etc.
What you should really look at is who his mother was and what she was doing in Indonesia and who she associated with over there.

Obama is without a doubt a Marxist, but he firmly believes in the Religion of Sociology and the "progress of science". You can look very forward to the recreation of "The Great Society" and its priorities....if he gets into office.
Your Second Amendment rights as you know them now.. will soon be GONE FOREVER. Among many many other things that I just don't think you will  like too much.

The best comparison to Obama is Woodrow Wilson and just as Wilson did, dissent in America will soon be criminalized.

If nothing else it should be rather interesting to see Obama's cures for American society besides, just the redistribution of wealth. And believe me folks , there will be plenty of questionable stuff when he turns back the blankets on his bed.

  The "secrets to fixing the ills of America" have been widely known since the late 60's early 70's... and was a big shock to the liberals when the research finally came out.

1... The biggest determinate of how well a student will achieve in school is their PARENTAL SUPPORT....
~~ The money thrown in busing students, providing meals, lowering class size, building fancy schools that cost 10's of millions of dollars, political correctness, zero tolerance, etc. have ALL been well known LIES.
Of course any cretin could have figured this out in the last 50 years by looking at how well the South Asians and East Asians have done in the school system and in the professional ranks, but duhhh golly gee whiz...the Libtards have still hung their hats on ..... it must be racism.
Liberalism has been quite successful in hiding studies that don't support their core beliefs and Conservatives for some idiotic reason over the last forty years have failed to communicate "the facts" of the various social research to the American people.

(((Done some research)))
2.. Patrick Moynihan's research during the LBJ administration on what was actually leading to the sudden collapse of the African American community even after they had  gained their civil rights is another factoid that Liberalism has done its damnedest to hide.
It concluded that single parent families and specifically children born out of wedlock would lead the African American community to fail to achieve any prosperity if the level stayed where they are at ....(around 26% at the time.)
Of course what has happened in the intervening time frame~~ the illegitimate child rate among African Americans has risen to somewhere in the 60%'s rate and the Caucasian rate has risen from low levels to the just under 30% rate where the breakdown of the African American community took place in the 1960's.
So.... while conservatives have been continually attacked over the last 50 years as reactionaries for trying to ensure that families were important.... the liberals have been successful in painting us as  racists and people who are...."clutching to our guns and religion".
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

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