Green cherry/grape tomatoes?

Started by Tobina+1, October 27, 2008, 02:20:16 PM

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Anyone know what I can do with a bunch of green cherry/grape tomatoes?  Or does anyone want them?  I'm not sure if they fared through the night last night, but sounds like today is their last day if they did.  My tomatoes are/were STILL BLOOMING and have a lot of small green tomatoes on them.  The freeze will finish them off, but if anyone has ideas on if I can utilize them, let me know before this evening!

Judy Harder


I was reading in one of my Birds and BLooms mags yesterday and I read
that if you pull the plant up.......with tomato's intact and hang them upside down in a
protected spot...........their example was a garage, that they will continue to ripen and you
can pick them when you need them.

I would assume they mean a garage that sort of had some protection. You might try that.
and there are always Fried green tomato's.............Yum Yum.
Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!


Deep fat fry them Tobino.. Take the skins off them.. roll them in batter made of flour and cream..and drop them in hot grease..

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


i just set them on the counter or window sill and they ripen.  You can also cook with them. :)
Make a sauce out of them.

Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Take any green tomatoes that you have, cherry or otherwise, and wrap each individually in newspaper.  They will slowly come ripe over a period of can enjoy fresh tomatoes for a long time to come, done this way.  :D


I didn't know that.......................  Thanks. :)
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


I'd heard about wrapping them, but wondering since these aren't full size yet if it'd still work or not? 


I've wrapped them before and had fresh sliced tomatoes on Thanksgiving.


I, too, have wrapped tomatoes and they will ripen.  We just wrapped them and put them in a dark place where they wouldn't freeze and had some at Christmas dinner one time.  You can also make green tomato relish with them.


hmm onlly problem with wrapping them is that it takes too long :P :P  i would eat them as fast as they ripen

Take em slice em up, dip em in  eggwash and dredge em in some flour/cornmeal mix 50/50 with salt pepper and garlic powder then fry them in some olive oil. Mmmmm
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.

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