My Food Passions

Started by dnalexander, October 26, 2008, 04:33:22 PM

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I hope this is a start of a thread that we can share our passions for food. For me food is way more than providing fuel for the body. It is for satisfying things I desire. Among those desires are taste, sense of smell, fond memories of childhood. Sharing my passions with friends and family. Sitting around the table being human and indulging our desire and needs as social animals.  One of my biggest pleasures in life is cooking and sharing meals with family, friends, and people I just met. I would love to hear all your opinions on why you cook, what you eat, how it makes you feel, why you do, and anything even remotely related to what I said above. Let's sit around the family table here on the forum and talk about how it is more than just providing fuel for the body. While I can't cook for you here on the forum or have dinner with you;   if our paths ever cross in real life the honor would be mine.



The food isn't important.  What I miss is the conversations around the table after everybody is through eating and enjoying the talk so much that they don't want to leave the table.  Now, everybody eats like they have to get back to work or even take their plate to another room in front of the you know what.  Even at family gatherings when I try to keep the you know what turned off, the only conversation is among the women.  The men aren't interested in talking, even to each other.  Perhaps they would be if they got off their duffs and went out with the children to throw a ball around, but they have to have a recliner so they can stretch out and no matter how I place them, someone manages to do just that.

When I was a child and we visited Grandma, the men would go out and the women could talk woman talk.  Now the women are too busy looking after the children to be able to sit around the table and visit.  Where did I go wrong?  At my mother's house, the men would often stay at the table, too, and we all enjoyed catching up.  Of course, my mother kind of insisted that we all sit down together for meals when possible and if it wasn't possible, you had better try to make it possible.  At my house, when the girls were little, it was the only time we could all be together.  It was the only time we could catch up on what the girls (and their friends) were doing.


Wilma I understand what you are saying and I have experienced it all. As some of you know I am the grandchild of Lester and Genevieve Winn that owned Winn's Cafe in Howard. We have many male and female cooks in the family. Those family meals in all forms are the best memories I have. My mom carried on the tradition and her three sons carry on the tradition. I will say that there are times that you will find me on the recliner watching the game. I have been on both sides of this coin. It is something we need to return to and I hope this thread may encourage people to realize what they are missing and make a return to the family dinner. It can be done. ( Maybe that last bit is too serious, I don't want to be the food nazi)



Maybe we should all throw out the you-know what and maybe a little less of this you-know what! But you got to have family to gather around a big table. In my minds' eye we still gather 'round though.  :'( :laugh:


SDM you lost me, but you made me think and this may be way off your point.

My family is far away, I find connections to my family here, in part,  on the forum for many reasons, I find it in phone calls and e-mails, and I create it again with my love of cooking for family, friends, and people I don't even know. That is my passion for cooking.


Clubine Ranch

Yes we always have and will always use the table as our gathering place to share a meal, share the daily events, work on a project The kitchen/dining room seems to be the hub of our home. The smell of a great pot of chili on a cold day, steaks or bugers sizzling on the grill, bacon frying in the early morning. Different times of day and different seasons brings its own wonderful aromas when you enter the door. In our household everyone learned to cook. Everyone helped clean up when needed. The old saying "we will talk about you if you don't get in here and help" was repeated often. Eating as you said is more than just nurishment for the body. The family coming together to sit, talk, listen, agree, disagree. Your soul and spirit is also fed. We find a lot of people still hold these values, and it is great to see the next generation doing the same.


What is the one thing you have to cook for the holidays or other times. You know the family tradition. The one thing that evokes all those great family holidays past. In my family there are a few. For me it is BBQ ribs(beef and pork) for my birthday. For my oldest brother it is Yorkshire Pudding and Roast Beef and Gravy. For my little brother it is Sweet Potatoes with marshmallow topping for Thanksgiving and a Red,White and blue cake for his birthday. For my Mom it is having us all home for dinner and making green peas for us even though she has refused to eat them all her life.



Throw out the you-know what,(t.v.), and a little less of this (computer)! Sorry, didn't mean to leave you hangin'!  :laugh: :laugh:


Food has always played center stage in my family...I have so many fabulous cooks in my family!  Starting with Great Grandma, both of my grandmothers, all of my aunts and my mom.  Sure wish the chain hadn't broken when it came to me! lol  Oh well...I am told that miracles still happen...and my kiddos are waiting to see if that old saying still holds water! lol ::) ::)


Another great food story in my family is gravy. My dad died when my brothers and I were in our 20's. At some point soon after my mom created what came to be known as "Sunday Dinner". You were expected to be home and invite friends. During a very unhappy time in my family's life those Sunday Dinners were the happiest times I ever saw my family have. In my family you have to have gravy and I mean something closer to a gallon than a cup no matter how many people. Many of our guest were not into gravy as much as we were. They soon were indoctrinated in to the fold. We even had a few vegetarians that would eat beef and put some gravy on everything. My mom delighted in feeding her kids and our friends that she "adopted" as her own. An invite to my mom's Sunday dinner soon came to be the most coveted ticket in town. Often there were very large numbers of friends and starving college students. Whenever my mom saw these "kids" pouring gravy over everything she would proudly proclaim "You are a good Kansas boy\girl now."  Among our friends that was among the highest titles that could be bestowed upon you. To this day their are dozens of people that mention to me that those are among the best or first family dinners they ever had. It also made my mom know she could be happy again.


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