Obama just like Hitler???

Started by frawin, October 29, 2008, 04:24:34 PM

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QuoteAll of you socialist loving people  are going to find out " There ain't no such thing as a free lunch", and you ain't going to like the real cost.

Bite me ELK@KC.....just because I have the presence of mind to call bull bull no matter where I see it does NOT make me an Obama supporter or a socialist! I have never had a "free lunch" in my life...I am not sittin here waitin on my friggin welfare check or whatever the hell else the stereotypes you are seein would be doin. I am independant.....independant enough to look at all sides and not go around spoutin a bunch of bull just because I heard it somewhere much LESS lumpin people in one group just because they happen to be one party or the other. The fact I'm not scared doesn't make me "un-American" for christ sake....it makes me a levelheaded AMERICAN who refuses to be stampeded by a bunch of PROPAGANDA WHEREVER it comes from! Anybody who thinks the AMerican people would set still for some crap like Hitler to take effect is underestimatin the resolve and love of their freedom! Just so you all can rest easy tonight.... I am voting for a THIRD party candidate because THEY BOTH SUCK!!!!! Maybe if everybody did that instead of votin for one of two parties just because they have always been in power one or the other things WOULD change...y'all ever think of that?
Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him through temporary periods of joy.
William Butler Yeats


This from someone that is old enough to remember how the U.S. tried to stay out of Europe's problems with Hitler.  This older couple doesn't have to be any more than 10 years older than me to have been right in the middle of it and if they were, what they say is true.  If they say that Hitler's rise to power was insidious, then it was.  That is the way I remember it from our world news sources.  Creeping into one country after another before anyone realized what was happening, until it was too late to do anything about it.  Maybe it is happening here.  I don't know, but I am willing to take the word of someone who lived through it that they are seeing similarities now.  What Germany was before WW2 was so different from what it is now and if you don't believe me, then go study your history books a little better.  Or better yet, study my history books.  I am glad that I am old enough that I am not going to have to be in this world long enough to see the things that could happen to this country.  I agree with Pam,  we all have to take a stand now and stand up for what we believe in and in my case, it is not trailing along behind the other sheep.


Pam, I was not trying to single you out, I was only answering your post. Why are you so angry all the time. Is everyone supposed to send you what they want to post so you can OK it. You have every right to say and do as you please, do you think others don't. You answer lots of posts and sometimes you berate the poster but everyone doesn't cuss and rant at your responses. I won't apologize as I don't think I have anything to apologize for, and I stand by what I said.


Lol, I don't think I'm angry all the time, ....I really dislike stereotypes ...the only thing I do on here is try to pry peoples minds open a little.....I'm not gonna apolgize either. Don't think disagreein with somebody is tellin em what they can or can't say (shrug) if all y'all want is a yes woman I'm not it, I also don't cuss ( much) :P as much as I'd like to sometimes. Don't think disagreein with somebody is berating them either! Am I supposed to agree with everything everybody says just to keep em happy? I don't expect anybody to agree with me when I say somethin! If you want to argue the point knock yourself out! Arguing discussing whatever you want to call it is how people learn things including me as I have said a few thousand times on here. If all y'all really want to do is have everybody agree with ya just let me know, no prob.
Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him through temporary periods of joy.
William Butler Yeats


Frawin, yes I must be WAY OFF BASE as she is only 80 years old.  I'm sure she knows nothing only what she read is the history books.  Right!  No part of your point is missed by me.  Thank you for correcting me and my lack of knowledge.


The fact that so many of you have actual fear that things are going to be like Hitler, the coming of the antichrist, and so on is very distressing. I don't know how you all live in such a state of fear all the time. There are many more things that are of a greater threat to your well being. If what you are actually saying is that you are very concerned, then join the club 90% of America is with you in the fact that we are headed in the wrong direction. Maybe it is just a choice of words and we all actually agree. Here is what I do know. While I don't see today approaching anything near Hitler's Germany of which my Great Grandfather was an army soldier. I know that if it does go that way I will be calling on all of you here on the forum. We have more imminent threats than Obama or McCain no matter who they are. If I am wrong and the Fourth Reich comes to power. I know where the resistance will come from.



I totaly agree with you on this one.  As they say "What will be, will be and what won't be just might happen."



"Hail Hitler, Hail Obama"

The Honorable James David Manning compares Obuma to Hitler.
This message was preached on 7 June 2008.
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."

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