No Security Clearance for Obuma

Started by Warph, October 25, 2008, 09:51:59 AM

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When in the Military I carried a top secret security clearance with SCI, then one for civilian work, and over the years, I also applied for other jobs requiring even higher levels of clearance.  I well remember all the very detailed answers to all sorts of questions I was expected to provide--where was I born and when, was I an American citizen, my parents names, and where they were born, their citizenship status, and--I believe--my grandparents, too, the addresses of all the places I had ever lived, all of the educational institutions-kindergarten through graduate school--that I had ever attended, along with names of my teachers, copies of my high school and college transcripts, my credit and financial background, a list of all the things I had published, a list of all of the organizations I had ever joined or were involved on, was I a 'Communist or a member of any other radical organization that advocated the overthrow of the United States government?,'  all the jobs I had had, a list of all my friends and associates during the course of my entire life, my religion, information on my wife, children and any marriages or divorces, any medical, psychiatric or drug problems I might have had, a list of character witnesses, ...etc..... etc.

I remember a friend of mine, who had worked at one of intelligence agencies in Washington, that didn't like the kinds of friends he "palled around with" and he was told to cut his ties with them or he would lose his clearance and, thus, his job: he left the agency.

Here's my point.... Obuma has denied, obscured, lied about, or stalled answering about the most basic aspects of his life, starting with his birthplace and whether he is a "natural born citizen" of the U.S., his religious upbringing, his membership in various radical organizations, his friends, associates and associations; the list is almost infinite and any thorough or even half-assed security investigation would turn up numerous lies, gaps, discrepancies and red flags. 

A Newsmax survey Oct. 23, of key Obama aspects of Obama's public and private life continued to be shielded from the public.

Among the examples: (

** Obama has released just one brief document detailing his personal health. McCain, on the other hands, released what he said was his complete medical file totaling more than 1500 pages. After criticism on the matter, last week the Obama campaign also released some routine lab-test results and electrocardiograms for Obama. All test results appeared normal, but many details about his health remain a mystery.

** Obama has refused to offer his official papers as a state legislator in Illinois, and has been unable to produce correspondence, such as letters from lobbyists and other correspondence from his days in the Illinois state senate. There are also no appointment calendars available of his official activities. "It could have been thrown out," Obama said while on the campaign trail during the Democratic primary. "I haven't been in the state Senate now for quite some time."

** Obama has not released his client list as an attorney or his billing records. Obama has maintained that he only performed a few hours of legal work for a nonprofit organization with ties to Tony Rezko, the Chicago businessman convicted of fraud in June. But he has not released billing records that would prove this assertion.

** Obama won't release his college records from Occidental College where he studied for two years before transferring to Columbia.

** Obama's campaign refuses to give Columbia University, where he earned an undergraduate degree in political science, permission to release his transcripts. Such transcripts would list the courses Obama took, and his grades. President George W. Bush, and presidential contenders Al Gore and John Kerry, all released their college transcripts. (McCain has refused to release his Naval Academy transcript.)

** Obama's college dissertation has simply disappeared from Columbia Universities archives. In July, in response to a flurry of requests to review Obama's senior thesis at the Ivy League school, reportedly titled "Soviet Nuclear Disarmament," Obama spokesman Ben LaBolt told NBC News "We do not have a copy of the course paper you requested and neither does Columbia University."

** The senator has not agreed to the release of his application to the Illinois state bar, which would clear up intermittent allegations that his application to the bar may have been inaccurate.

** Jim Geraghty of the National Review has written extensively about Obama's unwillingness to release records related to clients he represented while he was an attorney with the Chicago law firm of Davis, Miner, Barnhill, and Gallard. Obama was required to list his clients during his years in the Illinois senate. "Obama listed every client of the firm," Geraghty reported, making it impossible to discern which clients he represented.

** Obama has never released records from his time at Harvard Law School. Is Obama Hiding Harvard Law School Records?  Who supported him?

** Obama also has not disclosed the names of small donors giving $200 or less to his campaign. An exception to the finance-reporting laws exempts the campaign from reporting those who donate less than $200, but that law never envisioned the more than $300 million that has been raised by Obama in small amounts. (Now we know why Obuma didn't take any federal funds for his campaign.... fraudulent donations in fake names and addresses..... no telling how much of these small funds came from the middle east.  Obama Hiding Source of $300 Million Donations..... Al Qaeda?  Saudi's?  Hamas?  Hezballah?..... Warph)     The Republican National Committee has released its small donors, as well as McCain's, on a public database..

Again, the point of all this being, Obuma has not convincingly, completely or honestly answered even the most basic questions about himself, his background, life history, his activities,his actions and his votes as first, a State Senator and then, as the Junior U.S.Senator from Illinois, about his friends, associates or associations, nor been candid about his fundamental view of the world and his ideology.

Taking just the friends, (Bill Ayers; Ayer's wife Bernardine Dohrn, Tony Rezko, etc...) associations (Rev. Jeremiah Wright, etc....) and activities (ACORN, Mob Connections as clients, etc....), that--despite Obuma and the MSM's best efforts--have come to light, it is obvious that Obuma would not be able to qualify for even the lowest of security clearances: a casual security investigation would have ruled him out IMMEDIATELY.  And here Obuma sits, 10 days away from being granted access to all of the most secret information held by the entire U.S. government and all it's military and intelligence agencies.

Is Obuma a person who has proved himself to be honest and candid enough, who we know enough about or should trust enough, to give him that total and complete access?

I say, HELL NO!  Only a fool would vote for him to be President of the United States!
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Scenario ..........
Someone ( not someone running for President.. but just a man and his wife and 2 little girls) named Barry ..moved in next door to you ..bought their house..seemed like wonderful people. dressed nicely.. kept their place nice and neat.. You liked them'. find out that a person was great friends with a man who was listed as an American terrorist... and you even find out that this close friend (whose name was William)  of your neighbor had actually bombed the Pentagon and wasn't sorry he did it.. and he would liked to have done more??!!??....  And was holding meetings with your neighbor and coming and going form his house. . and they were setting on several boards with together..working. .

This makes you very very uncomfortable..and scared about what and who this person is that is in your neighborhood living next door to you. You start to ask around about him . Can't find out anything much. He says he was born in Hawaii.. but you find out that the birth certificate could be a fraud because you have a friend that works for the government who lives in Hawaii and  he said that the certificate that has Barry's name on it.. ISN"T the kind of certificate that was used when Barry was born. They only started to use the newer forms later after that. ( He should know.. he works in that department)

You watch constantley ..wondering if you are safe and just WHO IS THIS MAN..who has a dazzling smile and seems to charm all that cross his path. ..And He DOES seem to be a likable guy. And  you see that this person goes to church ( heard he has gone religiously to the same church for over 20 years.)  so you decide he can't be all bad.. And you decide go to his church  for a Sunday. There you find a church so filled with hate for the people of your race..for the country you love and for which your family has fought for...  The screaming of rage coming from the pulpit.. is not of God at all. You leave very frightened and confused.
Is THIS what makes up this man?

  You also watch and dig further and find out it is publicly stated that your neighbor is good friends and runs with the mafia type person  named Tony who actually owns the other house on the other side of this new neighbor.. LOTS of money and lots of unsavory and shady characters coming and going. And that your neighbor hasn't done much with his law carreer life ..but work in the slums of Chicago and be the legal lawyer for a couple of shady nonprofit organizations.
Then all of a sudden you look out your window and this Tony guy is going to jail. The news and papers said it is for fraud. ( And you once again remember that this is one of the neighbors good friends and business associates.

When  you ask Barry about his friends ( in a round about way) he smiles and tells you not to worry.. That what you are seeing and hearing and what has been documented.. is all lies. And HE NEVER heard his paster say anything bad about anyone.. That you must have been mistaken.. Not to worry he tells you..That you can trust him ..and to prove it to yourself.. why don't you just give him the keys to your house and access to all that is yours.... better yet you sign a piece of paper so that you can  have him and some of his helpers make all the the decisions about where your kids will go to school.. and what kind of health care you should have.. and don't forget... he says to you with a is for the betterment of everyone. **flashing that perfect white smile**
You ask if you do this.. will we be safe and protected.. What about war etc..
He said that the people that hate us and want to destroy our existence  are not to be feared. He will "talk to them' . He is sure that they will agree to play nice and not be a threat any longer.
What about maybe we could help ourselves and have a gun for protection you ask him..
He said , " no need to have guns around . we will beef up our police and you will be safe". I will make sure that no one has those nasty guns to hurt anyone anymore"

And then he really sweetens the pot and says..
" I will give you money and leave it in your mailbox for you."  You perk up at this.... but then he adds.......
Unless.. of course.. you make more than what I think is appropriate.. and if you work too hard and have too much money and success.. I am still your good friend and neighbor.. BUT.. I am afraid that I am going to have to take a large portion of that and give it to the people who didn't take the time to work hard or to go get an education.. or to try to better themselves and start a business. Everyone likes pie...They need and want some of that pie too.. so I'm sure you will come around to seeing that you can trust me with everything. All you have to do is go out work hard so we can spread some of that wealth around..and take some of your time and do some free work in your community.. That will make you feel better about yourself and make the world a better place. IF you do that.. Everything will be all straightened out in a few years. . Trust me.. I only have the best of interest for you.

Now ..
you going to just hand over the keys to your house?  Are you going to want to go over to his house and have dinner and try to become close to him.  If you have kids.. you going to let them go over there and spend the night and play with their kids?
Do YOU and CAN YOU HONESTLY tell me that you wouldn't be shitting all over yourself wondering if you should be moving.. or what kind of person had moved next door to you?  I would. I would be watching out my curtains every time someone pulled up to his house.

But you are willing to give him access to everything that this country has and trust him with it.??!!? ??!!
If you can say that none of this bothers you..and you wouldn't check it out if he was your next door neighbor.. .. then I personally think you need serious mental help.

Think about it.

We would screen ours kids friends and  our neighbors more than people are screening the next President of our great country.

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


AMEN!!! Wonderful points made by BOTH of you! It's too bad that some people still have their blinders on and won't listen to any of those points! You can bet your butt that if it was their next door neighbor they would be concerned. But since it's for the presidency and he's "the GREAT one" that they simply don't care. Teresa, you are right on with this one!  ;)




Great Post, Teresa.... believe me, I couldn't have said it any better.  I hope everyone reads it that hasn't voted yet.  Truth be known.... truth be known!
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Today on my way to lunch I passed a homeless guy with a sign that read "Vote Obama, I need the money."  I laughed. 

Once in the restaurant my server had on a necktie that read "Obama 08".  Again I laughed - just imagine the coincidence.

When the bill came I decided not to tip the server and explained to him that I was exploring the Obama redistribution of wealth concept.  He stood there in disbelief while I told him that I was going to redistribute his tip to someone who I deemed more in need - the homeless guy outside.  The server angrily stormed from my sight.

I went outside, gave the homeless guy $10 and told him to thank the server inside as I've decided he could use the money more.  The homeless guy was grateful.

At the end of my rather unscientific redistribution experiment I realized the homeless guy was grateful for the money he did not earn, but the waiter was pretty angry that I gave away the money he did earn even though the actual recipient deserved money more. 

I guess redistribution of wealth is an easier thing to swallow in concept than in practical application. 

Or is it . . . that THE REDISTRIBUTION OF SOMEONE ELSE'S WEALTH IS A GREAT IDEA . . . a political game played upon unsuspecting, ignorant Americans by Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, and Harry Reid. . . who learned the game from Karl Marx.

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


The political cartoon today, in The Wichita Eagle, basically showed the same thing that you did showed a reporter complimenting the Obaminable on amassing a record amount of fundraising monies, as Obama is leaning on the multiple bags of money.  Obama is thanking him, saying, why YES, it is a record amount.  Then, the reporter takes one of the bags of money and hands it to McCain, stating, "You don't mind if I just take some of this and give it McCain...He doesn't have as much"...and Obama starts yelling about the fact that it was HIS money, HE had worked hard for it, etc.  Then, the reporter walks off, saying, "Not so much fun when it's YOUR wealth getting 'spread around', is it?"  I couldn't believe what I was seeing...our Democratic press was actually printing something that was derrogatory towards the Obaminator!  Has Nostradamus' prediction of the end of the world actually come to pass????????


I'll add this parable story someone once told me about redistributing the wealth:

Your child is the best student in their class. They make all As and study very hard. They are truly an exceptional student. Most of the other students are average, with a smaller percentage below average in grades.

The teacher gets a wonderful idea:
To make things "fair" for everyone, the teacher decides to redistribute the grades in the class to ensure that everyone at least has a C average. How is this accomplished? You guessed right: your child and most of the average kids have their grades given to those in the bottom 50% to ensure they all have an equitable and fair grade point average.

Your child exclaims, "That's not fair! I work hard to get my grades and why should I have to give my grades to kids who don't know how to read?" The teacher smugly tells them, "From each according to his ability to each according to his need."

That last quote comes from Karl Marx and is very much a part of the philosophy of Progressives/Liberals today. The story above hits hard the ideas of those silly people who always seem to be so concerned about the poor and the downtrodden so that they believe YOUR money should be used to address their concern.
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


And all that believed were together, and had all things common; And sold their possessions and goods, and parted them to all men, as every man had need. (Acts 2:44-45)
Neither was there any among them that lacked: for as many as were possessors of lands or houses sold them, and brought the prices of the things that were sold, and laid them down at the apostles' feet: and distribution was made unto every man according as he had need. (Acts 4:34-35)
Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him through temporary periods of joy.
William Butler Yeats


I'm for helping the poor Pam.... but not the lazy.

Bumper sticker seen in Dallas, Texas ...

"I'll keep my freedom, my guns, and my money.  You can keep THE CHANGE."

    Vote for McCain/Palin
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Lol, I know Teresa, I just had to pull your chain a little :P I've reached the "it's all just a big not so funny joke" stage about this election and startin to get a little smart alecy I guess :P

VOTE NADER IN 2008 !!! LOL  :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him through temporary periods of joy.
William Butler Yeats

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