Howard roundabout !!!!!

Started by pepelect, October 24, 2008, 09:40:07 PM

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Has ayone seen the lovely roundaboouts they have in old Savannah? They are centered with beautiful plantings and water features, and surrounded with fantastic antebellum homes festooned with fancy cast-iron rails and decor. These decorations are very similar to the ones in Old New Orleans that were brought over as ballast in ships that then returned to England laden with cotton. Maybe Howard could make decorations of steer horns or Bodark carvings.  ;) ;)


Can't start the parade at the north end of Washington.  Washington runs east and west.  Guess I'm not a bonifide Howardite.  Didn't do U'ies in Severy either, except where they were legal.


You're right, Flo. I meant "north at Washington" instead of "on."


I can already see the kids doing donuts around it at night - until they lose control and crash into one of the banks, the grocery store, or John Black's office.


Uhm...I was thinking skinny-dipping in the fountain at 2 A.M.  Donuts would be too tame, I guess.  You can tell I'm a child of the late 60's!


How about putting a positive spin on something then beat the crap out of it....

I am not talking about a 6 lane Paris type structure that requires stupid engineers to design and build.  I am just saying build a simple fountain with a water feature that could also be utilized to fill water tank trucks or fire engines in the event of a fire. 

What is the down side of donuts until they crash? That is why the insurance industry jacks up the rates of every teenager.  Stupid is a stupid does.

What is the negative about 2am skinny-dipping?  It is half a block from a church.  We came in to this world stark "nekid"(sorry T)
what is wrong with a little exhibition?

It is sixty feet wide.  You can turn a semi around between the banks, drug store, and Blacks office.  I have done it....So why wouldn't two cars going the same direction flow better than four people stopping. Veer right and yield to the person on the left.   

As for drivers in Cali.....Duh....This is elk county. 


Oh, Patrick...and you wonder why I said that the Board need you...desperately!  :laugh:


They may have a need but they can't handle all of this.....


Careful, Perkman...I left my chestwaders at the office! lol :laugh:


Light Bulb:     Fish.....big orange fish........then once a day one killer bass.......on the humanity.   

Giant fish bowl... Glass sides 10 feet tall with native fish under glass.    Fishing tournament.......Trophy minow.......Medallion in a bottle.

Patriot guppies as the grade school mascot.  Red fish, White fish, and Blue fish.......

Giant 30' Budweiser bottle with corporate sponsorship.   Change to Coors....then Aquafina.....Then Miller.......Then Keystone.........   Then Everclear.(only since we won't be using tap water)

Change it seasonally.....

Open up the well on the south west side of the park and shoot the water between them like a ping pong match. 

Firetruck olympics....Challenge the biggest and baddest firetrucks to show their stuff. 
Water cannons for distance....Height.....Accuracy......Gallons per minute.     

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