Media Interested in a Palin hosted talk show.

Started by dnalexander, October 24, 2008, 11:47:39 AM

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Whether or not John McCain wins the White House, Sarah Palin will come out smelling like, well, Oprah.

The Governatrix is the hottest property in media, and the Hollywood Reporter says producers and agents all over showbiz are trying to figure out what to do with her -- and one serious possibility could be an Oprah-style talk show. "The passion she has on each side, love and hate, makes television people say, 'Wow, imagine the viewership,'" says morning-show vet Steve Friedman.

One person who might not be stoked about her increased exposure is her dad, who the Chicago Sun-Times says "hit the roof" when he saw a porn-ed up Sarah-alike.


Oh, goodie...just what we need...another talking head.  Yet another reason to find something to do outside, rather than watch TV! lol

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