What Does It Cost To Put Lipstick On A Pig?

Started by sixdogsmom, October 23, 2008, 07:46:26 PM

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Thank you, David.  And I agree with everyone that says they are sick to death of it all.  I am ready for it to all be over with and I will have nightmares along with the rest of you, no matter who is elected.  Besides, my ballot has been marked and mailed back. 


Quote from: Wilma on October 26, 2008, 10:35:22 AM
Let's just clear up a couple of points here.  Gov. Palin did NOT SPEND the money on her clothes.  The National Republican Committee did it.  I doubt if she even was in on the choices.  Furthermore, after the election, the clothes are to be donated to charity, so we are told.

ANOTHER POINT:  Gov. Palin is not a millionaire like the rest of the candidates are.

Still, it is reprehensible that such petty points are being brought up instead of the important issues we are facing.

Right you are Wilma. ( Not towards you Pam) but the overall jealousy and threat that this woman brings to other women in the Democratic world is absolutely hilarious on one hand and it makes me totally sick to my stomach on the other hand... Women against women... so typical of the insecure female gender. Hate anyone prettier or smarter.. And so sad that she has to explain every little detail of every little thing ( and DOES with a smile) when NO ONE ELSE has to say squat about what they do. Such a crock of Horse S***.

Here she is..............once again.. being TRUTHFUL and explaining.................

John McCain also defended the purchases on "Meet The Press" Sunday morning. He said that a third of the clothing has been returned, and that the rest will be donated to charity.

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


I may be wrong on this;  it is just my observation. From what I have seen in the workplace a successful, pretty, smart woman has as much need to defend herself against attacks from her fellow "sisters" as she does from the good ole boys network. 



It's Worse.. I would rather walk into a meeting room of 300 men who are complete strangers ..than have to deal with 20 women who are like vultures ..praying that you screw up..or talking smack behind your back about everything from your hair to your clothes to god only knows what.
I DO NOT talk about women . I appreciate all women for some type of quality that they have. I can have my opinion about them in areas..( and at times I have been around some that I would like to smack hard)  ;D
but I don't get into the vicious back stabbing that goes on. If I like them and admire them  I usually tell them. If I don't care for them or what they represent.. I am nice and respectful.. but I just keep my distance...and my mouth shut.. Not do all I can to trash them. You just show what an ass you are, if you do.
Guess I am secure in myself ( even with all my faults) to not have to trash another female to make myself feel better.

Women should stick together........ :)

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


I eat lobster too on occasion Great Guns..................but I pay for it myself..........
And it darn sure isn't a "snack" with Room Service....at a charge of 60 bucks. 

( Great Guns took her post off.................but I will still leave mine up)
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Quote( Not towards you Pam) but the overall jealousy and threat that this woman brings to other women in the Democratic world is absolutely hilarious on one hand and it makes me totally sick to my stomach on the other hand... Women against women... so typical of the insecure female gender. Hate anyone prettier or smarter..

Lol, I'm got indoctrinated to that female trait on the receivin end when I was a kid, decided to skip THAT whole party and started hangin with the guys or by myself! Don't think it was cause I was smarter or prettier tho just different. Don't think it's just democrats either LOL
Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him through temporary periods of joy.
William Butler Yeats


Ohh I realize that.. bitchy women are of ALL parties and nationalities.
Even Republican women are picking her to death like a buzzard on some road kill.
Disgusting. >:(
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


I didn't take my post off.  And I only pay for it myself if I am forced into it.  That's what that Man of mine works for, is so I can indulge once in awhile. ;) ;) ;) ;D ;D ;D ;D


Well ..where in the world did it go? Maybe to the Lobster fest..  :D

I love the stuff.. and crablegs are just my very favorite.
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

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