What Does It Cost To Put Lipstick On A Pig?

Started by sixdogsmom, October 23, 2008, 07:46:26 PM

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What did they retract?  Her signature on the check?  Are they saying that this is made up and her signature forged?  If this copy is correct, how can they retract the story?


Any politician usin that against Mrs. Obama is kinda like the pot callin the kettle black ain't it? Those guys screw off more money on one meal than some of us spend on groceries for a month. Republicans and Democrats alike. She isn't the ONLY one. Get real...y'all.
I can't afford to buy designer clothes like Mrs. Palin, she's spent more on this election wardrobe thing than I've spent on my entire family their entire lives!
NONE of them know what it's like down here with the rest of us! Why does anybody think they do?! Why does anybody think they even give a S**&? They want a JOB that pays BOOCOO bucks, just like the rest of us. The only difference is they are willin to do WHATEVER it takes to get it.
And no I'm not "just jealous" cause they are rich and I'm not. Rich people have NO sense of perspective, bigger price means better stuff to them, caviar costs 500 bucks a can, it's still just fish eggs.......
Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him through temporary periods of joy.
William Butler Yeats


Let's just clear up a couple of points here.  Gov. Palin did NOT SPEND the money on her clothes.  The National Republican Committee did it.  I doubt if she even was in on the choices.  Furthermore, after the election, the clothes are to be donated to charity, so we are told.

ANOTHER POINT:  Gov. Palin is not a millionaire like the rest of the candidates are.

Still, it is reprehensible that such petty points are being brought up instead of the important issues we are facing.


Wilma, the article was forged; check, signature and all. And I do not remember anything said about the $150,00 for Governor Palins' clothing.


Quote from: Wilma on October 26, 2008, 10:35:22 AM
Let's just clear up a couple of points here.  Gov. Palin did NOT SPEND the money on her clothes.  The National Republican Committee did it.  I doubt if she even was in on the choices.  Furthermore, after the election, the clothes are to be donated to charity, so we are told.

ANOTHER POINT:  Gov. Palin is not a millionaire like the rest of the candidates are.

Still, it is reprehensible that such petty points are being brought up instead of the important issues we are facing.

It is NOT reprehensible, it is an example of the excess of EVERY politician in the United States government! DEMOCRAT or REPUBLICAN period. I don't care WHO coughed up the money, it could have been spent better and I'm pretty sure anybody who is impressed by the fact that she's wearin prada shoes DOESN'T have the best interests of this country at the forefront of their operatin procedure! If she was such a friggin maverick she would have said NO thanks I've been dressin myself for awhile now.....It's NOT a petty point because the people who wasted money on this crap are the same ones who want control of the United States government for 4 more years, I'm sick of it ALL of it.
I am sick of all this crap about oh this one has our true interests at heart... this one is goin to destroy us blah BLAH blah.....
Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him through temporary periods of joy.
William Butler Yeats


Pam, I am with you.  The sooner this election is over, the sooner we can try to start concentrating on the very real pressures that are being put on our American families...I've got students who are coming to school in shoes that are two sizes too small, due to their parents not being able to afford to budget in new ones for the kids.  Thank the good Lord there is the Food 4 Kids program, because I'm fairly sure that the one gallon bag of food stuffs that is sent home with some of those kids is probably the only source of food for that weekend. 


I know Catwoman..it just makes you want to sit down and bawl just thinkin about it.......
Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him through temporary periods of joy.
William Butler Yeats


When it comes to feeding people I answer to an authority even higher than our Constitution or free market economies. I may have something in common with socialists there. Proud of it too.



We should not have hunger in this country. There is just no excuse for it.  :-[ :-[


Quote from: Wilma on October 26, 2008, 10:35:22 AM
Let's just clear up a couple of points here.  Gov. Palin did NOT SPEND the money on her clothes.  The National Republican Committee did it.  I doubt if she even was in on the choices.  Furthermore, after the election, the clothes are to be donated to charity, so we are told.

ANOTHER POINT:  Gov. Palin is not a millionaire like the rest of the candidates are.

Still, it is reprehensible that such petty points are being brought up instead of the important issues we are facing.

Wilma I am right there with you on that one. I agree 100%. Every single solitary word.


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