Down the Rabbit Hole: What Political Label Are You?

Started by Warph, October 21, 2008, 01:38:09 AM

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These days, if you're going to argue politics, it's probably best to begin by defining terms.  For instance, sitting around the 19 hole, I often hear from conservatives who prefer to call themselves true liberals, while at the same time we have leftists calling themselves moderates, centrist or independents.  We also have people on the right calling other people on the right neo-cons and Rino's (Republicans in name only).  Instead of clearing anything up, all this constant labeling only serves to muddy the waters.  For all normal purposes, I think it suffices to say that if you're going to vote for McCain and Palin, you're a Republican, and if you're going to vote for Obuma and Biden, you're an idiot. 

I simply can't comprehend why half of America is going to troop out like zombies on Nov. 4th and cast their votes for the most left-wing radical who has ever run for president without running..... like Norman Thomas, Eugene Debs, Eric Hass, Clifton DeBerry and Henning A. Blomen, as a Socialist; or, like Henry Wallace and Vincent Hallinan, as Progressives; or, like William Z. Foster, as a Communist.  The only one of them to ever collect even as many as a million votes was Wallace, in 1948, when Truman and Dewey split 46 million votes between the two of them.

So, what on earth has happened here in Wonderland that over 55 million Americans are prepared to cast their votes for a guy like Obuma?  How can anyone ignore what it says about the man's character that he has maintained close relationships with people like Tony Rezko and William Ayers; attended a place of worship that was so hate-filled it was more like an Iranian mosque than an American church; and carried on the agenda of radical leftist Saul Alinsky as a community organizer and as counsel for ACORN.

Even if Obuma didn't cart around so much baggage -- and, no, of course I'm not referring to Michelle ("I've never been proud of America") Obuma -- why would any sane person want to entrust America's well being to an unrepentant leftist?  These are the same people who want us to lose in Iraq just as they wanted us to lose in Vietnam and, before that, in Korea.  Obuma's disciples are the children and grandchildren of the folks who didn't want us fighting Nazism 70 years ago, once Stalin and Hitler signed their mutual non-aggression pact, but insisted we go to war just as soon as Germany invaded the Soviet Union.  They're never for America, always siding with those opposed to us, be it the Communists in Cuba, China and Venezuela, or Islamic terrorists anywhere on earth, including all of Wonderland.

Although I'm aware of all the rumors floating around on the Internet, I've seen no compelling evidence that Obuma is a Muslim, although its probably there somewhere.   Frankly, though, I think he is something far worse -- a Jeremiah Wright version of a Christian, a racist who attended a church for 20 plus years, where he sat quietly and listened to a crazy bastard viciously attack white people, specifically white Christians, for a thousand Sundays.  And all the while, he was seated next to his wife, a woman who took advantage of affirmative action to attend a classy university paid for by your taxes and mine and then devoted her thesis to the proposition that the campus was a microcosm of racist America.  Talk about the pot calling the kettle black!

In conclusion, let me just say that even something as catastrophic as the nation's current financial crisis has its funny side, thanks to liberals.  Consider Barack Hussein Obuma, a man who apparently regards gall, hypocrisy and arrogance, as the most important attributes in a leader, blaming everything on the GOP, even though it was John McCain who was calling for stronger regulations on Fannie Mae all along, while it's Obuma who is joined at the hip with former Fannie Mae executives James Johnson and Franklin Delano Raines and Tim Howard; it's Obuma who received thousands upon thousands of dollars in kickbacks from his chums at Fannie Mae; and it's Obuma who, like FDR during the 1930s, is convinced that the way to resuscitate a failing economy is by increasing taxes.

But, in an attempt to be fair and balanced in placing the responsibility for the financial mess, I must admit it's not entirely the fault of Sen. Obuma.  A lot of the blame goes to his good friend and political ally, Rep. Barney Frank (D).  He's the fellow who not only turned a blind eye to the goings-on at Fannie Mae, but was in bed, both figuratively and literally, with the man he called his spouse, Herbert Moses, the one-time director of housing initiatives for Fannie Mae.

As Rep. Frank's obvious role model, Porky Pig, was famous for saying, "Th-Th-That's all, folks!"

In Keeping with the Times, I'm Warph and I approve this Message!
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


QuoteSo, what on earth has happened here in Wonderland that over 55 million Americans are prepared to cast their votes for a guy like Obuma?

Uh....well let's see.......about a hundred years of increasing political corruption and elitism.......about 60 years of increasing "political correctness"...........about 50 years of teaching our kids to be selfish and consumerists.....the 60's LOL....I could go on but I think y'all can see what I'm sayin............We got what we asked for....a country where ANYBODY can be ANYTHING if they are willin to go for it.........
Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him through temporary periods of joy.
William Butler Yeats


Quote from: Warph on October 21, 2008, 01:38:09 AM
And all the while, he was seated next to his wife, a woman who took advantage of affirmative action to attend a classy university paid for by your taxes and mine.

She went to Harvard and Princeton both private schools paid for by various scholarships, Princeton's Family Legacy policy and a National Honor Society scholarship. Also, being from the South Side of Chicago people assume that she was poor. Not so. (My brother was also born on the South Side of Chicago and while my parents were not wealthy they were far from poor.) Here dad worked for the water department and her mom was a secretary at Spiegel's. While she may have well benefited by affirmative action in other areas of her life it had nothing to do with her education. Our taxes had nothing to do with her college education any more than it does for other people that go to private colleges.


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