If I was president.......

Started by pam, October 20, 2008, 07:00:37 AM

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If I was president.........I'd fire every stupid SOB on the hill. Anybody who is a career politician would get his walkin papers, which would leave me and whoever I take for vice-president.

Who would I take for vice-president............a guy or girl who has spent their life workin 10 or 12 hr. days at a physical job who KNOWS what it is to be broke and hungry and what it takes for that to not happen, but still has compassion for the people who can't do it.

I'd have a farmers wife for secretary of the treasury because there is NOBODY in this world who can juggle and balance a budget like a woman with a family to take care of and a shortage of cash at various times in the year.

For secretary of state I'd hire Colin Powell.

Instead of welfare, EXCEPT for old people and children, we'd have a new version of the CCC. Roads would get fixed, bridges would get built, families would still get fed.

Congressmen would get whatever they decide is a living wage for everybody else, if that's 5 dollars an hour that's what they'd get, ME and MY CABINET included! No more big fancy houses, cars, meals or trips. Visitin heads of state would be treated to an old-fashioned cook-out, which is what we do when we party! Kinda like what I'd do for the drug problem, take the money out of the equasion and it'll keep people honest.

I'd change the medical profession back to a CALLING instead of a BUSINESS. Tell the bean-counters to go get a REAL job, tell the drug companies to make medicine.

I'd make making it American a priority, if it comes from overseas it'll cost MORE.

Since there would'nt be any fancy government for the people to support with their hard-earned money EVERYBODY would get a tax cut. What tax money there is would get spent on schools and hospitals, disasters, and the military.

We'd quit tryin to legislate people's lives and let the Constitution be our guide, from now on your personal life would be just that, between you and whatever version of God you have.

This whole business of politics is obscene......it has gotten warped out of perspective and recognition of the people who wanted a new country of their own.....which brings me to the one thing I would do that NOBODY would agree with....I would sincerely apologize for the genocide my white ancestors perpetrated on my Native ancestors and honor the treaties that were made with them as much as humanly possible.

So how's that for a little satire of the political process?
Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him through temporary periods of joy.
William Butler Yeats

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