Holy COW Colin!!

Started by pam, October 19, 2008, 08:42:28 AM

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Okay, have it your way.  YOU! ::) ::)


Quote from: dnalexander on October 19, 2008, 08:47:34 PM
I hope the passion that we all have here on the forum translates into people voting. I can deal with the difference of opinions. It is much harder to accept those that don't vote. It is one of the most sacred duties ascribed to us in a democracy. I am satisfied that no matter what the outcome of the election there are several hundred people that actually care to do their duty.


Yeah I vote every time, may vote for third party if I don't like either major candidate but I vote!

QuoteIf he does run for dog-catcher, it had better be on the democratic ticket because I suspect he just shot his wad big time with the Republican Party.

I really like the way y'all allow a fella to have an independant opinion without throwin his ass out of the party........can't be lettin THAT happen... if one guy thinks for himself pretty soon EVERYbody will want to do it  :P And that goes for BOTH parties........ >:(
Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him through temporary periods of joy.
William Butler Yeats

momof 2boys

Pam, I also find it amazing how quickly certain people have turned on Colin Powell.  It wasn't that long ago that these certain members were saying Colin Powell was a "knowledgeable and sensible man"; and now that he doesn't share the same point of view as they do he is banished. 

All the more reason I would never call myself a republican.


  :laugh: I love my sister she always knows exactly what to say!!!!!! :laugh:  But then again Black Birds of a Feather Flock Together  right...:laugh:

momof 2boys

This comment is directed to those that take offense to Warph's racial comments.  He is one of those people that gets off on ruffling the feathers of others (whether they be white feathers or black feathers).  I personally pay little attention to what the man thinks, to me it is a complete waste of time to get upset at the narrow-mindedness.  

Yes, I do read his posts when I need a little comic relief.  There are some posts I sit back and say "Uhm?" and some that make me say "What the *@#&?!?!"


Let me tell  you ..in this little bitty county .. a little something.

Warph ( as you all know him) is the LEAST prejudiced person ( as you all term the word "prejudiced" ) I know. If you want to start spouting black and white.... He has more friends that are black than most of you will meet in a lifetime. He also has more political inside  experience than most of you have in your little fingers. So before you start sitting on your inexperienced high and might thrones and judging those around you (without knowing that person) you might JUST MAYBE really read what he writes and know that it comes from something most of us lack in this field...... and that is "experience".
The rest of us have opinions............. but there are a few who can walk the walk and not just talk the talk.
If you have any common sense...you can tell Frank knows his oil.. and Warph knows his Politics.  ;)
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

momof 2boys

I just wanted to point out that no where in my statement did I say that Warph was a prejudice person.  I simply referred to a statement being racial, meaning pertaining to race.  "Black birds of a feather," is a racial statement; pertaining to race.  No where in my statement did I say that he was prejudiced, or judging  anyone based on their race. 

The statement I was making was not to let those types of statements get under your skin.  From what I have read of his posts many of them are thought provoking and make me say "Uhm?!" as in isn't that interesting. While some of the posts make me say "Whoa, he really enjoys ruffling people's feathers.  What the *$@#!?!"  I threw in the black and white feathers in my statement to show that he doesn't care what color of feathers he ruffles.  I was not attacking the man.  I am sure that he is very experienced in politics, how else could he spout the info he does.    I do believe that many of his views are narrow-minded, just as I am sure that he would believe that mine are way too liberal. 

Now I am afraid that I must get back to my high and mighty throne and leave you to criticize this post.   :laugh:LOL! :P

P.S.  I have lived outside of this itty bitty county for about 10 years.  And in those ten years made many friends and had many experiences that many of you have no knowledge about.   :-X :angel:   


Hmmm...someone else who likes to keep to her own litterbox...which is purrrrrrfectly fine.  :angel:


QuoteWhile some of the posts make me say "Whoa, he really enjoys ruffling people's feathers.  What the *$@#!?!"  I threw in the black and white feathers in my statement to show that he doesn't care what color of feathers he ruffles.  I was not attacking the man.  I am sure that he is very experienced in politics, how else could he spout the info he does.    I do believe that many of his views are narrow-minded, just as I am sure that he would believe that mine are way too liberal. 

Warph has made me shoot coffee out my nose more than once! Lol, think I even called him a turd stirrer once when he cracked me up on one.

This whole thing about Colin Powell has been a study in human nature for me....just another example of what happens when somebody cuts out from the herd and tries to do it their own way. I still don't like Obama much but I totally respect Mr. Powell for havin the guts to go against the establishment of his own party and follow his OWN conscience. May more people find them guts and use em in EVERY part of life....
Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him through temporary periods of joy.
William Butler Yeats


I think that be me she was referring to.  I didn't say anyone was anything.  I said "sounds like".  Now I'll shut up on the matter.

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