ABC and the Bible

Started by frawin, October 18, 2008, 07:10:43 AM

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Thanks Mom, I should have read a little further: SEE TRUTH OR FICTION for complete story. I have to say that ABC is so far left I am not surprised it came from there. I e-mailed the person that sent the e-mail to me and they replied that "there maybe more to come on this matter".
In any case I always try to validate before I post and I made an error in being hasty when I checked it out on


The rest of the story is found here:

It says -

The Truth
This exchange did occur, but ABC quickly apologized and said the comments were those of a particular person and did not reflect the views of the network. 


Mr. Neugent had directed his complaint to the webmaster and the reply came from the webmaster staff.  In their letter, ABC said the insulting email was the act of an individual employee and "...not in any way reflect the views of ABC Television."

Urban Legends ( ) adds:
What the email does not mention is that the ABC employee who originally replied was not authorized to do so and was fired as a result of the rant. The email doesn't mention that Mr. Neugent received two polite apologies from ABC for the incident.

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