Mercys' Story

Started by sixdogsmom, October 17, 2008, 05:44:48 PM

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Today marks the end of a relationship begun about ten years ago. As a part time Molineite I was fortunate enough to live and work my four day work week in Wichita, and spend that rest of the week here, in Moline. We always brought with us our small family of two dogs and two cats. They accepted the transition as easily as we did, and even looked forward to that final turn into the drive. We had a part time cat here in Moline, although he had a home, he spent most of each weekend with us as many Tom cats do. One week end he brought up the sorriest looking little old kitty that did not appear to have eaten in some time. It was obvious that she had suffered some kind of injury to her face as it did not sit straight. Of course I fed her, and paid a little friend to feed her during the week when we were gone. She was lonely and used to beg at the door not to be let in, but for you to come out and spend some time with her. I decided to take her in, but wanted to have her examined by a vet first. Doctor Julie Fechter had just graduated from school, and was working for Dr. Black. She was on duty the day I took her in for a feline leukemia test and immunizations should that test be negative. Julie and I were on pins and needles waiting for those results. In the meantime, she examined her face and found that she had a broken jaw; one side was completely detatched at the hinge. We gave her the immunizations she needed, and made arrangements for spay, and that began Mercys' life with me.

It was obvious from the first that she was comfortable in a house, as she knew the function of refrigerator, etc. We had to conclude that she had been abandoned after her owner had died. She fit right in with all the other animals, took my young tom cat in hand and taught him the polite way to treat a lady. Hubby used to buy her sour cream trying to fatten her up. She has spent these many years being part of the family. Recently she began to slip, and it was obvious that she would probably not survive the winter. She was losing her toilet habits. Doctor Fechter, Kenda and myself put Mercy to sleep this morning. I am going to miss her.  :'( :'(

Dale Smith

Edie, I'm sorry to hear of your loss.  May your loving memories of Mercy surround you and keep you during this time of grief.


May Mercy rest in peace.  She was lucky to be welcomed into your home and your heart. 



Edie my deepest sympathies are with you. Thanks for telling Mercys' story.

David, Kansas Boy( my Brittany), and Lucky (my cat).


I've always thought that God sends our pets into our lives when we need them the worst...and then they leave in God's time.  I am firmly convinced that my former pets will be waiting for me when I make my transition...because it just wouldn't be Heaven without my pets.


Thanks to all of you. She was a special old gal, old when I got her and ancient by todays' standards. She taught Ted all he knew about kitties; how they liked to be held first thing in the morning, and how they make pies (bread). I think she had belonged to an older man before as she really took a shine to Ted. Cats are special like dogs. And yes, heaven is gonna be a crowded happy place when we have that big reunion.  :D :D :'(


SDM, I'm sure you gave that cat as much happiness and contentment as she gave you.  Thank you for making her life happy.  Maybe another stray will come into your life as she did.  You can never replace a pet you've lost, but you can accept another pet in it's place.  I have, as of yesterday, taken another rescue pug into my home, 13 mo. old, and she's already made her way into my life.  I am so sorry for your loss.


I'm sorry for you having to be without your little friend.. but Mercy is having the time of her life on the other side. And her jaw is as perfect now and as pretty as a picture.

She will be waiting to greet you someday and you r kindness will not go unnoticed where it counts.

Flo....... I can't tell you how pleased I am that you have another little ball of fun to love..  :)
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Flo, you can never know how often I have thought of you these past weeks. I am so happy you have taken in another pet. Give us all the details when you can  :-*! And thank you all again for your kind thoughts about Mercy. The kitchen was sure lonesome this morning.  :'( :'(

Clubine Ranch

Thanks for sharing, sorry for the pain you and Ted feel.

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