Open Letter to John McCain

Started by Teresa, October 16, 2008, 11:17:05 PM

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Open Letter to John McCain was written and published on another forum by this member.
I'm  posting this here because (1) there  is  NOT a  snowballs  chance  in hell That  Senator McCain  or  anyone  else  would see it  if  sent to  the  RNC &
(2) a head clearing  rant  is  good  for  the  soul.

Senator  McCain,
Sir  I  would  like  to  thank  you for  years of  service  &  sacrifice. The  emotional & physical  scars  that  you bear would have  destroyed most. The  price  you  have paid  for  our  freedoms can never be  repaid &  should  never be ignored or undervalued.  Thank you  again.

Sir  you  have  never met me  &  know  nothing of  my  values or  ideals.  I'm  everything  Senator  Obama fears.
I'm a health  care professional,a  lifetime  NRA member,a  daily  worker that  hates  taxes & mistrusts government. I'm a registered  Libertarian that is totally secure  in  his  beliefs  & accepting in the  fact,that while  much  of the  United  States thinks  the  same way,few  vote  that  way.  Both the  GOP  &  Democrats  know  that  while  voters such as myself  win few  elections  we decide most elections.

Sir, both mine  & my  wife's  vehicles wear  your  bumper  sticker, the  front  lawn  of  our  house  has 2 of  your  signs &  I  have  contributed  money  to  your  campaign.  I  did  these  things  in spite  of your  record not  because of  it. I  think that  too many of  your bipartisan efforts  have  led  to  sellouts rather  than compromise.  You  have  been , at  least  in my opinion, constitutionally wrong  on  campaign reform &  totally  wrong  on immigration.  What  you  are ,or rather  were, is a livable alternative to  a disaster.

Sir,the enemy  of  this  country  is  not  the "fringe" elements  at  your rallies.  Your  "friends" are  not  the  mainstream media  or the Democratic  left  in  Congress.  If  the media  says  that  being "negative" is  not  working you can  guarantee that  it is.  If  the  Congressional left says  the "tenor  of  the campaign" is  un-American  you  can bet it isn't.

Sir, if  you  truly  believe  Senator  Barack Hussein Obama is  a good ,decent  man  who  is  no  danger to  America  I will  waste  no  more  of  my  time  or  money  supporting you.  Senator  Obama is  a manipulating liar that  has run  a  campaign of deception ,supported  by an adoring entourage of paid prostitutes masquerading  as  journalists, where every  criticism & question is  branded as racism.
This  man  will lead  our  country  to  ruin  & destruction in  the  name of fairness & social  good.  If  you  consider socialism acceptable, if  the  Constitution guarantees health care  but  bans  handguns, if  success should  be  punished & failure rewarded then  this  man  is  no  danger.  I  do not  agree.

Sir, you  have  18  days  to  do  the  right  thing.  You  must quit  being a political  coward.You  must lead  the  charge to  get  the  truth out . You must show  & tell America  what  Obama's America  will  really  be.  Sarah Palin  can not do  it,you  must. Do not  let  the  country  that  you  have  done  so  much  for &  given  so  much  to  go  down  in a  whimper  of political correctness.

Senator McCain, I  was  fortunate  enough to  be  taught  in  the  time that  the public  school  system taught history, both  world  &  US, & political science  not the revisionist social studies  of today.  A wise  teacher told  us  that Communism  came  to  power by  the  bullet, stayed in power by  the fear of  the police, rotted  the  soul  of  the  people & eventually  destroyed all.
Socialism came  to power  by  the  ballot, stayed in power  with entitlements, rotted  the  soul of  the  people &  eventually destroyed all.  It  is  your  nature  to  lead  &  fight  the  good fight.  Do  it  &  do it  now.  Do  not  let  your  legacy be  that  of  the  man who  fought, suffered  &  defeated  Communism only  to surrender to  Socialism.

William R  Hall
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

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