I didn't know where to put this......it's bizzare....

Started by pam, October 15, 2008, 01:53:16 PM

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Cracks me up! The guy likes SPAM...........so PETA is scoldin him........I'm sorry, PETA started out with a good idea, I'm all for ethical treatment of animals, they should be respected for the sacrifice for our nourishment. Factory farms are a scourge on the earth, but they have slipped over the edge..........kinda like people takin our guns lol only these guys want to take my steak! I could go into a long drawn out thing about what I tell vegetarians when they rag me about eating meat and say their way is the only way that doesn't use violence and murder to furnish themselves food but I figure y'all can probly figure out where I would go with that lol, somthin along the lines of rippin that poor lettuce out of the ground and choppin it's head off...... ::)...etc.etc. LOL I go vegetarian ever so often just to rest my system and make that steak taste just that much better when next I eat one!

PETA goes after Shane Victorino

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, having learned that his favorite dish is called Spam musubi, has sent him a letter alerting him to the findings of its latest investigation at a pig farm that supplies Hormel (the manufacturer of Spam).

"We suspect that the cruelty in every can of Spam will infuriate Shane more than a high Hiroki Kuroda fastball," says Dan Shannon, PETA's assistant director, in a note. "If Shane likes Spam a lot, he should buy tickets to the Broadway play but leave it off his dinner plate."

"PETA" also has been interpreted as "People Eager To Annoy." A Phillies rep said he'd ask #8 for comment after the World Series...

Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him through temporary periods of joy.
William Butler Yeats


Pam, some years ago some scientists did a study and found that plants 'feel', and also 'scream'. If I remember rightly they did it with measurements similar to lie detector tests. I guess it proves that we have to accept responsibility for the sacrifice of many things just for our existence. Everthing that we consume is either a 'body' or the prospective child of that body. Not very appetizing when you think of it in that way is it?  :P :P


Shoot SDM I could've told em that! Everything is food for somthin.......everything sacrifices for somthin else....it's just the circle of existence.
Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him through temporary periods of joy.
William Butler Yeats

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