A rant.... then a nutshell

Started by pam, October 14, 2008, 07:51:37 AM

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Ok.................few thoughts.............I have friends I talk to who are what y'all call left wing liberals...I have friends I talk to who are hard core conservatives. Gives me a friggin headache just to listen to em sometimes, either one of em.

I have friends who predict the end of the free world as we know it.....and friends who say we can achieve heaven on earth.

My thoughts on the subject are people are gettin stupider every day. We have damn near "civilized" ourselves back to the jungle if you ask me. People have no sense of perspective anymore......just take PETA and outfits like that as an example. People who have never been outside a city neighborhood watch their propaganda and believe every bit of it. They believe EVERY farmer in America is jammim 10,000,000 animals in one barn and torturin em. We have commercials on tv playin tear jerkin music wantin you to sponsor a shelter animal and the bad thing about it is the same people that'll cough up their 25 or 30 bucks a month for a dog that's PROBABLY already been put down won't send .10 to feed a hungry kid or throw a bum a buck on the off chance he MIGHT use it for food instead of beer.

The fact of the matter is if people did like we are supposed to the liberals would be out of a job because we would already be makin sure our old ones and children were taken care of and had what they needed. People USED to do that y'know. If conservatives had their way there would be NO "welfare" of any kind. Well, I'm sorry but we NEED some way to take care of the old people and kids that nobody else will. We USED to respect our old people for what they had learned and could teach us, now this superficial society we've created just wants them to go away so they won't be reminded that one day THEY will be old too. We USED to take care of our children because they were the promise of the future and the one thing we could leave behind that would matter. Now too many people see them as just another one of them THINGS they have to get.

If we stopped all the medical fraud there would not be so many able-bodied people on disability. I saw a woman the other day talkin about a lawyer who got her disability because she was DEPRESSED for cripes sake. She couldn't work or drive she said, where do I sign up for THAT one? I've been depressed AND workin most of my adult life  :P

By the same token the conservatives have to grip a grip too. They have to realize that there are things you just CAN'T legislate; like morality and conscience. Laws against gay people aren't gonna make em go away, just like laws against abortions don't make THEM go away.

People are so out of touch with themselves and the world that they want laws about EVERYTHING, they are so out of touch with takin responsibility for what they do that NOBODY DOES take responsibility for themselves anymore. They want laws and rules they can blame it on.

I still have faith in the human race myself....there are enough people left that feel the same way I do that I really think we could turn it around if people would just OPEN their eyes and their minds and let a little light into the world.

The whole point of this rant in a nutshell...........this election AIN'T gonna be the end of the free world or just another nail in the coffin either one. It's just gonna be another election........in the REAL world of everyday it may change a few things but the next time will change em back and the people like me and my family and you all will just keep on keepin on doin what we do cause people like us are the ones who count y'all, WE are the ones who make the world what it is and what it CAN be. Not some politician.
Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him through temporary periods of joy.
William Butler Yeats


Quote from: pam on October 14, 2008, 07:51:37 AM
If we stopped all the medical fraud there would not be so many able-bodied people on disability. I saw a woman the other day talkin about a lawyer who got her disability because she was DEPRESSED for cripes sake. She couldn't work or drive she said, where do I sign up for THAT one? I've been depressed AND workin most of my adult life  :P

Pam I think everyone would like to see an end to fraud, especially those that are legitimately disabled. I suspect like many others you use the term depressed incorrectly. I have been involved and working on the Mental Health issues in America for over 20 years. It is a very misunderstood real disease. I assure you that there are very many people that are truly disabled by their depression and\or mental illness. I urge everyone to learn something new and do some reading on the following links. Mocking mental illness is just like mocking someone with cancer. Both are real. Please do some reading on people with mental illness. They could really use, and  appreciate, the passion and compassion that I have seen you demonstrate.

National Alliance on Mental Illness

National Institute on Mental Health



David I wasn't makin fun of anybody and I DO know what depression is, I have been diagnosed with it, they put me on medicine, I decided to get my *&^* together without the medication and quit takin it. Every so often I still teeter on the edge of what I call the black pit, some times I fall in that pit, but I grab my ass in both hands just like Dad always told me and pull myself out of it.

Yes I know some forms are a chemical imbalance in the brain, I know some people don't have the strength I do and that very strength makes me a little sceptical of people who say they can't do it, that's one of MY shortcomings as a person. I have taken psychology classes just to try to figure out why people are the way they are because sometimes I really DON'T understand.
Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him through temporary periods of joy.
William Butler Yeats

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