In His Own Words

Started by Jo McDonald, October 11, 2008, 09:08:15 PM

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Jo McDonald


I received this from a good friend of mine, today.  I asked him for his permission to post this and he very willingly gave it to me.  So ---- here it is.

Why is all this being ignored?  The media sends hundreds of reporters to Alaska to dig up dirt on Palin and they have this right before their eyes...printed and published.   I am convinced; however, that the truth no longer matters.  There are those that are going to vote for Obama and/or a Democrat, regardless.  There are just too many so called Americans that cannot think for themselves and rather than have the Republicans give them an opportunity to work and make an honest living, they would rather have Obama and the Democrats in power so they can lay back and share in what you and I work for.  One more thing...if you have maxed out your credit card(s); you've taken out too many loans which you cannot pay back and you have been sucked in by all the Democratic rhetoric and falsehoods; then you also have been a great contributor to the problems we face in this country.  The Democrats always refer to the "Failed Policies" of President Bush.  I am very proud of the leadership that our President has provided in spite of extremely difficult times.  He has never faltered amid unforeseen adversity.  I have asked the habitual complainer to single out and explain just one of our President's failed policies.  So far, all I have received is blank stares.  I like the fact that we're safe in this great country of America because our President took the fight to them...out of this country.  And, for those of you that think the initial plan for the war was wrong, I'll share with you:  Having spent 27 years in the Army, we never planned a mission with one single plan; we always had contingency plans since when engaging the enemy, one never knows for fact if the initial plan works.  So when we made adjustments during the conflict, we used one of the contingencies.  At least, I have never heard one of our Republican leaders say, "We can't win."  I enjoy the tax breaks, allowing me to spend my money instead of the government.  Who has been in charge of the government for the last two years?  Oh!  Could it have been the Democrats?  What have they actually done for you and your family?...unless you fall into that category I mentioned above.  As for me and my family, we're doing just fine even though it seems our government and monetary system have tanked.  We didn't over-commit; we spent within our means and if we couldn't afford it, we didn't use credit to get it.  In part, a huge part of our dilemma is because of bad decisions made by too many people; both the big guys and the little guys.  How you vote on election day is your choice!  That's the American way and many, many brave men and women have made the ultimate sacrifice to insure you have that right.  Don't blow it; you only get one vote...except in certain States.  Do the right thing:  Put this great Country first and political party second.  You won't regret it.  Be safe, take care and God bless.   
GOD BLESS AMERICA!  Signing without reservations, Dean
PS:  I am sure I'll hear from many of my disgruntled friends...and guess what, you're entitled to your opinion and I'll respect that...also, I'll still consider you a friend in spite of your lack of good judgment.

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